Haruna was lying on the floor threatened by Wakamo's Crimson Calamity. The red eyes of the mask seemed to glow bright red.

''I won't let anyone separate me from Sensei.''

''Ah, another girl belonging to Sensei's fan club.''

Fearlessly, the silver-haired girl pulled the tip of the gun away from her face, stood up and adjusted her hair.

''You can't blame me for Sensei's good taste.''

After a moment of calm, a shot rang out. Sensei sneezed and wiped his nose. A new shooting had begun.

''I thought it was all over outside,'' Mika said.

''Is everything ready?'' Asked the educator.

Hina answered that it was almost over. The broadcast was about to begin when Azusa entered the club room carrying Junko on her back. The Trinity sophomore fell to her knees. Sensei ran to assist them asking what was wrong. The red hair had a high fever and the halo glow was nil.

''This is...''

''Sensei, go away... ''

''What's wrong?''

''Someone... Or Something... is coming for you... Please go...''

''Mika, please help her.''

''Me? The pink-haired girl went to her... How?''

Sensei ran to the front of the camera.

''I can't leave until everything is cleared up.''

On the bridge between Gehenna and Utnapishtim. The bridge was about to fall. Rio and Nagisa had already given up the idea of going after Sensei. The only reason they were still there was to tell the students who continued to fight to retreat, that it was too dangerous to continue; their words fell on deaf ears. Joint clubs from Millennium and Trinity such as the Engineering Department, the Game Development Department, the Remedial Knights, After-School Sweet club and some Sisterhood members were doing what they could to help with the evacuation. Many of the schools that had teamed up to go after the S.C.H.A.L.E. representative didn't want to turn back until deep into the Gehenna district. That's not to mention that the old rivalry and, in some cases, hatred that exists between Trinity and Gehenna was still very much simmering. It was chaos that neither side could stop.

The structure began to shake. Pieces began to fall into the river.

''Rio-sama it is too dangerous we must retreat.''

''If the bridge falls with all the students still on it... It will be something no one will ever be able to forgive themselves...''

''I can understand Nagisa-sama's feelings, but there's nothing to be done if you don't listen to what you say...''

A voice came from the sky. He shouted at them in a very loud tone that what were they doing. The bullets stopped for a moment. Most of them knew that voice. They looked everywhere for where it was coming from. An airship descended almost level with the bridge. On the screen of the zeppelin, the face of the one they were looking for could be seen. Many faces cheered.

''What are you doing? Did you really believe that about... 'White Day'?'' He made a quotation mark as he said the last two words, "I have a lot of things to say, but there's no time. Arona say something.'' He put the Shittim Chest in front of the camera.

''Huh?... Me?.... Eto... Ah!''

''I'm upset. I understand everything that happened and that you came to such a conclusion. However, there must have been a better way. Not to mention that... Well, I'll talk about that later. Let's get this silly fight over with and evacuate the bridge...''

Voices were heard in the background. Sensei's gaze left the camera.


The educator's eyes widened. The camera fell to the ground as Sensei ran away. There was a glare along with a thunderous sound. What was going on? It was what they all wanted to ask, but time was pressing. The bridge was collapsing. Nagisa had the girls hurry to comply with Sensei's command. As many as possible helped both sides evacuate. As many as possible fled, though unfortunately some fell into the river with the debris. They immediately set to work with the rescue.

Muchof the structure linking the two districts lay at the bottom of the river. Itwas all over, but by no means felt like a great achievement, a satisfyingvictory. Both the girls who were present on the banks of the two districts andthose who had watched it all on a screen saw the image of 'No Signal' on theblimp's screen.
