In one of the corridors of the Millenium tower, the sunlight entered through the huge windows illuminating the path that the president of the student council of Gehenna, Hanuma Makoto, walked along with Iroha, Satsuki and Ibuki. The students of the school specializing in science were intimated by the unfriendly faces of the students of the most infamous academy in Kivotos. The room to which the head of the Pandemonium Society club was rushing had a guard. The poor girl tried to stop her, but Makoto effortlessly pushed her aside and pushed open the door. She noisily made her arrival in the Seminar club's meeting room. Rio's sharp gaze was fixed on the Gehenna president. She was quick to scold her for breaking down the door.

''What are you up to?'' the Millenium student council president asked her, the vein in her forehead standing out.

''The most important person should always have the most impressive entrance.''

''Is it because of such an absurd idea that you were late for the meeting?''

''No..." Iroha interrupted, letting out a sigh, "She got lost on the way and refused to ask for help.''

''Shhh, Iroha, Shhh! We must not show weakness!'' She whispered between her teeth.

''And what are they doing here? The meeting is exclusively for the presidents of the schools that were most affected by the incubus bacteria.''

''My henchmen go where I go.''

''Henchmen?'' Satsuki and Iroha gave Makoto a withering glare which she didn't even pay attention to, "I repeated it to her ad nauseam, yet she insisted on bringing us.

''Iroha, I'm sleepy..." said Ibuki rubbing one of her eyes.

Satsuki lifted the little blond hair girl telling Iroha that she would take her to the car to take a nap.

''I have nothing to do here. I'm leaving too. Makoto, you can take a cab back.''

''What?! No, wait! That's the enemy's plan! They want me to be left alone to force me to reveal our school's secrets!''

''It's a risk I'm willing to take,'' Said the redhead, turning her back on her and waving goodbye.

The guard in the room closed the door. Makoto looked back at those present in the room. She adjusted her uniform and, pretending nothing had happened, went to settle down.

''I should have called Sorasaki-san as you recommended.''

''Hina? She can't compare to my abilities.''

''Of course not...'' Said Nagisa drinking from her favorite tea cup, ''she is much more capable in any aspect.''

Mika and Seia smiled slyly so as not to burst out laughing.

''Oh, right, right..." she replied without losing her cool, "Says the woman who disguised herself as a giant chicken to apologize to a student.''

Mika and Seia turned to look at Nagisa just as she was spitting all the tea back into the cup.

''H-how do you know that?! And what does that have to do with being capable?!''

''Don't underestimate my intelligence team and it has everything to do with it, as I am the one giving them orders.''

''W-well, you being the one giving them orders, they probably made it up to satisfy their knuckleheaded leader.''

''I have pictures.''

Nagisa spit out the tea again. From one of her pockets, Makoto took out the pictures and passed them to Mika, Seia and Rio. Mika kept laughing while Seia's eyes lit up and saw Nagisa full of illusion. She blushed seeing that tender side of the former prophetess.

''Can I keep one?''

''Of course, I have more.''

''W-w-why do you have something like that with you?!''

She picked up one of the photos, rested her arm on the table and her chin on her hand, and said with a placid smile:

''When I feel silly, I like to look at this picture.''

''It must be the only thing you see all day.''

''Don't you have anything of Rio-chan?'' Mika asked.

''Let me look in the other pocket.''

The hostess of the meeting caught everyone'sattention by slamming the paper clip on the table. Rio's serious gazethreatened those present that she would show no mercy if they continued withthe hullabaloo. Before the meeting officially began, Nagisa confiscated thephotos. To the discouraged Seia, Makoto whispered that she would send them toher later via Momotalk.
