chapter 6

"How dare you!" A loud feminine voice that pierced mercilessly into the eardrums screamed.
"I had enough of you controlling my life," Emilia hollered aloud with a mixture of both anger and disgust dripping from her letters.
"You ought to thank us for making you into a successful person," her mother said with an air of arrogance clouding her.
"Made me!" the daughter exclaimed. "I am not an object you can command as you please."
"You little-" A curse was about to be bestowed upon her if it wasn't for the interruption of her father.
"It is fine, you are adopted anyway."
There is strength in words, and sometimes they become sharper than a sword.
A stinging pain suddenly ignited through Emilia's body, as she struggled to wrap her head around the declaration she just received. The blow that landed on her due to this sentence threatened to end her life. Her parents stood still, waiting for the next roll of events to play out. Silence swam in the air for a luxurious amount of time until a decision has been made.
Emilia had never run with such speed before, her lungs were burning with the lack of oxygen and her legs were crying from the little supply of energy. She raced with time and won the fastest record of exiting the place she once called home. With streams of tears, she ran and ran and ran until she had arrived at her destination.
Blooming Flowers.
The moment her legs stepped into the shop a sweet aroma welcomed her. The captivating interior drew her in and calmed her tense nerves. The shop acted as an inner garden, with flowers, trees, and other plants decorating every single space available. Coming to a halt, Emilia stopped to admire the mother tree, which took place in the middle. The branches of the gigantic tree expand like a spider web acting as a shield for the blooming flowers beneath. All kinds of plants you could imagine were present, from the diverse colors and shapes to the variety of sizes and textures.
When Jasmine noticed her presence, she immediately greeted her with open arms.
Beauty could be found in simple things if one knows where to look. And the girls achieved that. The countable meetings they had shared, though tough at the beginning, were a life-changing point for both of them. This encounter with each other has taught them to enjoy life with all the hardships and inconveniences that it entails. And together they flourished like two blooming flowers.
In the end, no matter what troubles you face look at the mountains you have climbed and you can get through anything.
Emilia settled with Jasmine in no time and together they started managing the shop. Emilia didn't have the complete knowledge to care for the plants, and so she left it to the specialist, Jasmine. While on the other hand, she specialized in her own talent. With a suggestion from her friend, Emilia started playing the violin in front of the shop to attract customers. The soft tunes that were created drew people's attention like pulling strings. With the addition of colorful flowers surrounding the area, the scene was derived from haven.
And after a few months of living in harmony with each other, arrived a moment that opened the door to a hidden path.
"Would you like to work?"
A single sentence had the power to change the life of Emilia and her friend. One proposition was all it took to morph their daily lives to something much more than just living.
David, the senator's son, would often visit Jasmine to support her shop and witness the creation of fantasy under Emilia's hands. He also recalled that she was the one who captured the perfect moment at his birthday and decided to repay the favor. By acknowledging her formidable skills at both art and music, David provided her with an opportunity to grow. With a new museum recently opened, he managed to secure a section for Emilia to display her works. A small platform for live performances was also available for her to reach a wider audience as she drew canvases and played music.  
Emilia turned her years of anguish into a power that kept her moving forward.
What was once a weakness became a source of strength.
And weakness is never a weakness unless we convince ourselves so.
