People Are Friends, Not Things To Kill (Chapter 25)

This entire chapter update is dedicated to DrakonW, because I was an ass and didn't update when I said I would :/

Kennedy's POV

I opened up the folder slowly, hoping I would get to kill my longer-so-called sister.

Full of hope I read:

Objective: retrieve the golden locket from Peep Cheeps Cheap Book Store
Warning: locket gives wearer the power to travel to different timelines and jump to alternate universes
Competition: Danya Mackle
Goal: Get in shop, get locket, DO NOT KILL DANYA OR BURN DOWN SHOP

laughing, I started to jog around downtown. I finally spotted the cheap book store and walked in. The smell of gasoline hit me. An employee, who I assumed was the manager, came up to me and spoke rather timid. "Um, excuse me. I-Uh, well, one of our gas pipes is leaking and we can allow our costumers to stay only 10 minutes"

I nodded my head and continued on. Where the Frick frackeroni is the locket! The bell on the door ringed and someone walked in. I turned my head and screamed in my head. Or so I thought.

"*loud pterodactyl noises*"

Everyone turned around and stared at me. My face turned red and I ducked into an empty shelf on the ground.

A voice came around to where I was and spoke, "Kennedy? Is that you? Why did you scream?"

Damnit Danya is here I thought. I squirmed out from the shelf and stood up. "I-uh, well. Haha, I ......." She put her hand on my shoulder. My face immediately turned a tomato colour and sweating continually. "I saw Justin Beiber! He's over there!" I blurted out. Danya gasped and turned around, I took the chance to run.

Dodging mothers trying to slap me for running their kids over and bookshelf's I finally made it to a safe spot.

If I were a locket, where would I be? I turned my head to see the little kids books. I quickly walked over and my face scrunched up, the little girl books.

I took a deep breath and sighed. Then my shoulder was touched again. "Hey! Why'd you run off? Turns out Justin just left! Funny right? Anyway what are you over here for? Is this your reading level? Hahaha! Burned!"
I sighed again, "No, but its yours for sure. I promised my little sister a book for winning her first tournament"

"Cool! I'm here for a birthday present for my little cousin"

"Good for you" I muttered so she couldn't hear.

That's when out of the corner of my eye I spotted it. The locket. In a barbie book. Out of my reach. I thought quickly, "Well I guess I should get going!" Danya nodded and as I reached the book Danya took it.

"Uh, I was gonna get that, so nay I please have it?"

Danya hesitated and said, "This is what I'm gonna get my cousin!"

"This is the book my sister wanted"

At this point the shop was empty and the manager, who I assumed was the only worker, was hyperventilating outside. And I felt a sneeze at the back of my head. Panicking I grabbed the book dashed to the door, stopping to sneeze, which caused the whole store to set ablaze.

I grabbed a metal pole from the ground and put it through the door. Locking Danya in.

I ripped the package open, grabbed the locket, shoved it into my pocket and ran. I sprinted as fast asy legs could take me and I was halfway into the van when I looked up and saw an angry Cameryn and a extremely pisses off Wade.

I backed out of the van slowly hearing the laughter of Jordan and Zach.

I walked to the trunk and grabbed the spare gasoline. Whoops my hand slipped.

Before I could see straight I was being chased by Cameryn.

I welcome death with open arms.
