•Chapter 2•

"Can I tell you about something?"

~The next day~

You opened your eyes, looking around the room. You looked over to your clock, seeing the time. It was a minute before your alarm goes off, so you might as well turn it off now. You clicked the button off, and stood up from your bed. You walked over to your closet and grabbed your uniform, changing into it. You took your bag, and headed out of your room.

You still didn't feel safe walking alone, so you were going to ask your mother to drive you to school. You looked over to the couch, which is where she was sitting. "Hey mom? Could you drive me to school today? I still don't feel safe after what happened yesterday." You asked. Your mother looked at you and smiles. "Of course!" She said, getting up from the couch and walking to the front door. You followed right behind her. She opened the door, and made her way to the car. Your mother hopped into the driver seat, you in the passenger.

~Time skip~

"Bye mom!" You waved goodbye and got out of the car. You walked to your classroom and entered it, seeing you were early again. You sat down in your seat and sighed, getting lost in your own thoughts.

Who was chasing after me and Ochaco? Are they an actual villain, or are they just some thug? What what have happened if we didn't run? What if-

Your thoughts were interupted by a tap on your shoulder. Already knowing who it was, you turned around to face a certain pink alien.

"What is it, Ashido?" You asked. "Are you okay?" Mina asked with worry hinting in her voice. "Hm? I'm fine, why do you ask?" You questioned, very confused. "Well, typically your very stressed; but today your just seem like your even more stressed and overwhelmed." She pointed out.

Am I really that bad at hiding my emotions?

"Oh, I'm just thinking about stuff, that's all." You nervously chuckled. Mina didn't look convinced, but she still nodded her head. You turned back around to face the board.

~Time skip to lunch~

You were walking to the cafeteria, until you heard footsteps running after you. You turned around, only to find Uraraka trying to catch up to you. "(Y/n)!! Wait for me!" She called out. You stopped walking and let her catch up.

As soon as she was near you, she was out of breath. "(Y/n), I was wondering if today at lunch we could sit together and discuss what happened yesterday?" Uraraka panted. You tilted your head. "I guess, but what is there to discuss? Also, don't you want to sit with Midoriya?" You mentioned. Her cheeks heated up at the thought of Midoriya. "Y-yeah, but I'm still kind of confused on what happened." Uraraka mumbled. "Okay, fine." You finally gave in. The two of you walked to the cafeteria.

After the two of you grabbed your trays, you found a table to sit down at. You sat across from Uraraka. "So, who do you think was chasing after us?" She questioned, taking a bite of her food. You tilted your head. "How am I supposed to know? I'm just as confused as you." You mumbled. "Hmm, well, should we tell the teachers and let them figure it out?" Uraraka offered. You shook your head. "No, I highly doubt that they will figure it out if we don't have anything on who the person is." You pointed out. She nodded her head.

After about 30 minutes, the bell ring and everyone went back to class.

~Time skip to the end of class~

You picked up your bag, and turned around to face Mina. "Are you ready to leave?" You asked. She nodded her head. "Yup!" Mina beamed, popping the 'p'at the end. The both of you exited U.A and walked along the sidewalk, side by side.

Mina was rambling about something, you weren't quite sure. You were lost in your own thoughts, not really listening to what she was saying.

Can I tell her about yesterday? Can I even trust that she won't tell anyone? I would love to trust her, but she is quite a gossiper. Eh, whatever. Let's just do it.

"Hey Ashido?" You interupted her. She stopped talking, and turned to face you. "What is it, (l/n)?" She smiled. "Can I tell you about something?" You asked. "Of course! You can tell me anything!" Mina giggled. "Okay. Well, yesterday me and Ochaco were walking home, and I felt like someone was watching us. We made a run for it, but someone was chasing after us. I never got a look at what the person looked like, so I have no clue who they are." You admitted. Mina looked shocked.

"(L/n), you should probably tell the teachers or police about this!" She said, a bit more serious than she typically is. "No! Promise me you won't tell anyone about this, got it?" You said sternly. Mina nervously nodded her head. "Got it!" She mumbled.

The two of you continued to walk in silence. "Ow!" Mina randomly yelped. "What's wrong?" You asked. "I felt I really sharp prick on my leg, but it's probably nothing." She shrugged it off. You nodded your head, and continued to walk.

Mina had to turn down onto her street. "Bye (l/n), stay safe!" She waved, walking away. You waved back, and walked home.

Unknown's pov:

I happily skipped down a street, holding a small container. After about 30 minutes of walking, I entered an abandoned bar.

"Shiggy! You remember that kid I was telling you about? Well I found them again today!" I giggled, sitting down on a bar stool. "Good, they could be very useful to the league. Was anyone with them at the time?" A certain crusty man with hands all over him asked. "Mhm! There was some pink alien girl with them! I'm not sure who she is, but I got some of her blood!" I answered, holding up the container with a drop of the alien girl's blood inside. "Okay, good."

A/n: hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay hydrated!

-Jynx <3
