•Chapter 10•

"You'll be our good little traitor, right, (y/n)?"

"(Y/n)!~" That familiar voice sang...that damned voice.

It drove you crazy, the way she said your name.

She said it with such desire, and it was all for you.

You couldn't take it, but you had to. You had to, so she wouldn't think poorly of you.

"Yes, Himiko?" You turned around to face her, a smile forming on your mouth.

You both were in your room, you hadn't remembered Toga ever coming in nor where she came in from.

"I'm boreddd!" She whined, falling on your bed. You sat down on your floor, ruffling your hair.

"Well, I'm not sure how I could help with that." You chuckled, also not knowing what to do in order to kill time.

"I know a way you could." She grinned, standing up. You gulped as she made her way over to you. You weren't quite sure what to expect because...come on, this is Toga were talking about. Your never sure what to expect when your with her.

She slyly sat down on your lap, pushing you down. Your back was almost touching the ground, but you used your elbows as support for your body.

Toga was now hovering over you, a faint blush could be seen from her cheeks. Your face heated up, shocked by her sudden movements.

Her face kept on inching closer and closer to yours, almost to where her lips were touching your own. You could feel each breathe she took, which caused your heart to skip a beat.

Suddenly, you felt a soft pair of lips pressing against your own. A gasped into her mouth, eventually kissing back. You felt her tongue slip into your mouth, causing you to become even more flustered.

Your legs felt weak just processing what's happening, but you gave in.

She grabbed your hand, and started to guide it onto her leg. She pulled your hand up her thigh, coming closer and closer to her-

You pulled away from the kiss. "H-himiko, what are you doing?" A sly grin appeared on her mouth, a devilish glint in her eyes. "You'll see." She giggled.

You gasped, waking up sweating.

It was all just a dream?

You looked over at your clock, seeing his it was 10:46 AM.

I should have known, none of that stuff that happened could have been real. It's way too cliche. I don't even think of her in that way...right?

But a small part of you wanted it to be real. The way she looked at you, the way she said your name, the way she kissed you, you wanted it to be true.

You groaned, not wanting to wake up just yet.

Suddenly, you heard a notification pop up on your phone. You grabbed it from your nightstand, checking to see who texted you. It was a Saturday, so you figured it was either Mina or Uraraka asking to hang out.

But to your dismay, it was Toga.

Hey (y/n)! Tomura wants you to come to the hideout, he has to tell everyone his plan he came up with and he needs you. I'll see ya soon! <3

You sighed, dreading going to the lov hideout. You promised them that you'd be present for their missions and meetings, but you really didn't want to go.

But even if you refused, even if you decided to ignore the message and stay home, Shigaraki would probably find you and kill you.

You got dressed, and headed out of your house.

{Time skip to lov base}

You entered the abandoned bar, it feeling like all eyes were on you. Well, it's because they were. The whole League of Villains were staring at you.

"Yay, your here (y/n)-chan!~" Toga squealed, embracing you into a tight hug.

Images from your dream flashed into your mind, causing you to blush. You couldn't look at her the same anymore. Anytime she talks to you, your dream will always come to mind.

She finally let go of you, backing away.

"Your late." Shigaraki growled. You rolled your eyes, glaring at him. "Oh shut up, your lucky I even showed up." You responded, making him narrow his eyes at you.

"Whatever," he continued. "anyways, I obviously called you all here for a reason. I need you in particular, (l/n). Class 1-A and class 1-B are going to a training camp soon. Am I correct, (l/n)?" Shigaraki mentioned. You nodded your head. "Okay, so I'm looking for a student in your class to join us. His name is Katsuki Bakugo, familiar with him? His quirk could be of very powerful use to our cause. I'm going to organize a group to attack to training camp...the Vanguard action squad. They will kidnap Bakugo and bring him back, then we'll try to convince him to join from there." He explained.

"Where you come in, (l/n), your going to tell us when the trip is being planned and where the camp is. In order to communicate, you can either text Toga or Dabi." Shigaraki told you. You nodded your head.

"So, all you gotta do is snitch," Toga gave you a toothy grin, skipping over to you. "You'll be our good little traitor, right, (y/n)?" She whispered into your ear, you could feel her hot breath against your neck.

Your breathe hitched as you tried to play it off as if you weren't very flustered. All you could think about was your dream.

"Y-yup, I can definitely do that!" You nervously laughed. She giggled, pulling away and walking back to her previous spot. "Great!" She chirped.

"Okay (l/n), please remember that your supposed to be in disguise, so make sure you don't out yourself. Once we abduct Bakugo, you can't come with us." Shigaraki went on. You were slightly disappointed you couldn't be there when they confronted Bakugo, but you knew it was best for the league.

You nodded your head. "Okay, got it." You mumbled.

{Time skip to the summer camp}

You were on the bus, on your way to the training camp. You sat next to Uraraka, having a pleasant conversation about how exciting this is. "I wonder what we'll be doing when we get there! Ooooh, I wonder what it'll look like!" Uraraka exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. You gave her a small smile, happy to see her so joyful.

"Yeah, I bet it'll be really fun." You replied. The thought of betraying your class was still in the back of your mind. You silently prayed that the league doesn't harm your classmates, you wouldn't forgive yourself if they did.

Sure, your classmates can be extremely irritating sometimes...okay, most of the time. But you still had a strong bond with some of them, mainly Uraraka and Mina.

Mina couldn't come to training camp thanks to doing poorly on an exam, but that doesn't mean she still can't get hurt.

Suddenly, you felt a vibration coming from your phone. You checked it, seeing how it was a text message from Dabi.

Hey, once you arrive at the camp, text your location. We'll attack within a couple of days

You read the message over and over, hoping when he said 'attack' he meant politely kidnap Bakugo.

"Ooooh~ are you texting your girlfriend? Boyfriend? Partner?" Uraraka teased, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.

You laughed at her comment.

Pffft, if only you knew.

"Oh shut up, Ochaco. Your constantly talking to Midoriya, so I don't wanna hear it." You smirked. You saw a faint blush form on her cheeks. "W-well that doesn't anything! I talk to you a lot, and that doesn't mean I like you! I swear I don't like Deku like that!" She squeaked.

You chuckled, patting her head. "Relax, Ochaco. I was only joking." You reassured. She nodded her head.

{Time skip to a couple of days}

You had texted Dabi the location of the training camp, to which he responded with a specific time they were going to attack.

You were walking around the woods, paired with Tokoyami.

Your heart was racing, and your palms were sweaty. You kept on stressing about the fact that they were going to attack soon, and possibly hurt your fellow peers.

You really didn't want that, but it was for the sake of the league.

"Are you alright, (l/n)? You seem very stressed." The bird questioned, placing a hand on your shoulder. You gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to convince him that you weren't panicking over how you knew the infamous league of villains would be attacking.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from the training is all." You told him. He nodded his head, not seeing through your lie. "Okay."

The sun was starting to set, which made Tokoyami worried, because it would be much more difficult to control Dark Shadow.

As you both continued to walk, the purple mist did not go unnoticed.

"Hey uhm, (l/n)? Do you remember Midnight coming with us on this trip?" He asked you, not remembering seeing the R-rated hero come along.

You tilted your head, confused on his specific question. "I don't think so, why do you ask?" You responded. Tokoyami looked around, then looked back at you.

"Well, there's purple smoke everywhere, and I've only ever seen Midnight's quirk do something like this." He exclaimed.

Then, it hit you like a truck.

They are here.

You remembered Shigaraki explaining how one of the league members, Mustard, had a poisonous gas quirk.

You coughed a little, covering your mouth. "Put your hand over your beak, Tokoyami. I think this gas is poisonous." You said, you voice being muffled from covering your mouth. He did as told, covering his beak with his hand.

"I think there's a villain attack going on, because none of the students in class 1-A or class 1-B have a quirk like this. But how? The teachers assured us this place is secure, so how did a villain find us?" Tokoyami rambled.

Because I told them.

"I'm not sure." You mumbled.

Suddenly, you noticed Dark Shadow starting to become out of control.

"What the hell is that?" You yelped, backing away. Tokoyami looked like he was struggling to keep the the shadowy manifestation under control.

"(L-L/n), I need you to run. Dark Shadow's power becomes much more powerful in the dark, but it a-also makes it harder to control. If you stay, you'll end up getting hurt." He explained.

You didn't even have to think twice before running in the other direction.

Shit, now I feel bad. Should I really be running? Or should I be helping Tokoyami?

You contemplated it, but decided that the best choice was to leave.

You wanted heavily, running through the woods. It was extremely hard to breathe with trying not to pass out thanks to the gas, and now your running. (It would be horrible if (y/n) has asthma-)

Not only was there poisonous gas surrounding the area, but you also started to smell smoke.

You noticed the blue flames rising within the trees, realizing it was Dabi who was burning the forest.

What happened to 'not hurting anyone?' Great, now my classmates with either inhale a shit ton of smoke in their lungs, or they'll burn to death. What a lovely way to die.

You started to hear distant voices, and they sounded familiar.

"Tsu? Heh." A high pitched voice spoke.

It was Toga's voice.

"Only my friends can call me that!" Tsuyu exclaimed. You looked around the corner to see that Tsuyu was pinned to the tree from Toga's blood thingy.

"Yay! That means I must be your friend too! And you couldn't be more adorable!" Toga giggled, leaning in closer to the frog girl.

You couldn't help but feel jealous, but you had to keep watching.

"I just LOVE blood! Were gonna be such good friends~" The blonde blushed, staring at Tsu.

You watched the scene play out, feeling as jealous as you've ever been.

"Get away from her!" A familiar brunette charged at Toga.

It was Ochaco.

Ochaco pinned Toga to the ground, causing you to panic.

So I have to choose between helping Ochaco or helping Himiko?

You were best friends with Ochaco for a very long time now, but you've also grown very fond of Toga. It was a very difficult situation.

But then you remembered Shigaraki's words about not blowing your cover.

"Ochaco, your delightful too~" Toga mumbled.

So all those times Himiko was flirting with me, she does the same to others? So...she doesn't only do this with me?

You felt betrayed, and you weren't even dating Toga.

You couldn't help but feel anger rising in your chest.

So it was all a lie.

All of those fun memories we've had, were all a lie.

How comforting.

"You've got a crush on someone, right?" Himiko went on. Ochaco seemed shocked by the blondes out of pocket conversation. "I can tell...two lovesick girls."

Huh? What's she talking about?

"Hey Ochaco, isn't this fun?! Just two girls hanging out, talking about our crushes!" Himiko let out a laugh.

Suddenly, Himiko stabbed her blood collector into the brunette's leg.

"Suck, suck, suck, suck, suck, suck..." Himiko repeated as the blood came through the tube.

That's it.

You jumped out of the bushes, running towards the two girls.

You yanked Ochaco off of Himiko, pulling the blonde up and slamming her onto a tree.

If you didn't jump in, Ochaco would have been hurt.

But Himiko needed to get blood samples. She has already gotten enough blood, though. So it was okay to stop her.

"Ah, (y/n)! I'm so glad your here!" Himiko giggled.

Remember, don't blow your cover. Act like she's your enemy, not your friend.

"How dare you hurt my friends!" You shouted. A smirk appeared onto her lips, as well as a bright blush on her cheeks.

"Oh but (y/n)-chan, you don't understand! Their my friends too!" Himiko exclaimed. You rolled your eyes and turned your head towards Ochaco, still pinning Himiko to the tree.

"Run, Ochaco. And grab Tsu while your at it, yeah? I'll take care of the villain." You told her.

"But what if you get hurt-" "I said, run." You snapped. She sighed and nodded her head, helping Tsuyu get away.

Now it was only you and Himiko.

"My my, I do have to say; (y/n)-chan, that was really hot." Himiko flirted, causing your cheeks to explode with a deep red.

You quickly let go of her, turning your head to make sure she doesn't see how flustered she made you. "Yeah yeah, whatever. You should probably get outta here if you don't want to get caught by the others, because then I can't defend you." You mumbled.

"But I want to hang out with yo-" You cut her off by giving her a harsh glare, to which she backed off.

"Alright, fineee. But expect me to visit you soon!" She giggled as she ran off.

You watched her run, seeing her blonde hair bounce as she took each step. You had adored her hair, which is a very odd thing to admire about someone, but you loved it.

You were left wondering about the conversation she had with Ochaco earlier.

What does she mean by that?

It haunted the back of your brain, you couldn't get it out of your mind.

I'll think about that later, but for now, I have to play my role.

You made your way back to a specific area in the woods, seeing how everyone was surrounding that spot.

Kurogiri's portals were closing, the villains disappearing inside of them, assuming their going back to the bar.

"Sorry (y/n), I'll talk to you later, okay?" Himiko waved, walking into a portal. The only villains left were now Dabi and Compress.

Wait...where's Bakugo and Tokoyami?

You heard Compress say something about a magic trick, but then Aoyama shot a laser at him.

Shoji had grabbed one of the marbles, and Todoroki had went for the other.

But before Todoroki had grabbed it, a familiar burnt hand caught it first.

"Poor little Shoto Todoroki, such a tragedy." Dabi smirked.

Compress snapped his fingers, and out came Tokoyami and Bakugo. Dabi's hands wrapped around the blonde's neck.

"Checkmate.." Dabi mumbled. Midoriya ran after them, yelling. "Kacchan!" He shouted.

"Stay back...Deku." Bakugo grumbled, as the portals slowly started to pull the three of them inside.

And just like that, they were gone.

A/n: hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it. There's a bit more drama going on now, so yeah.

Remember to stay hydrated! ( ◜‿◝ )♡

-Jynx <3
