Chapter 9: At Peace

The disease has affected his whole body, currently immobile and completely paralysed, he tries to keep his head up high. With only beautiful and pure intentions in his minds, he realises that his ascendance into the Lords keep may be sooner than expected. Although from Afghanistan, our family are practising Christians, sometimes all you are left with is a prayer to God in your desperate times. Pray to the Elysian Stature that roams the Heavens and hope that he may be the salvation to your demise. I bought Dad's Cross to the Hospital so he can have it near him at all times, I myself am not extremely religious but for my Father a Crucifix is a veil of profound love and sacrifice.

I have spent hours searching for transplants and to my luck, one had showed up! I had to make sure it was legitimate and a potential procedure could occur. It was such a puzzling outcome that could take place as my Father is full of surprises. I go to him to tell him of the potential life saving news. He responds with one of his last breaths.

"A-Arty, that sounds wonderful but in my old age, I have come to realise that my time on this Earth may be ticking through its final h-hours." I look at my Father with eyes that have seen death and I begin to wail with a howl that I have not experienced myself. "Fret not my child, when you all went home, a small girl no larger than six years old was suffering from a rare and violent case of Leukaemia. She was an energetic little rascal and she would run around the room, it reminds me of when you were young my dear boy! I-I have never felt more alive than I do in the absence of my good health. I took the air that we breathe for granted, the sounds that we hear and the aromas and feelings of my Family. Those are what I will miss the most. This little girl's parents were no where to be seen but I did not query as it was none of my business. The Doctor hasn't informed us of the transplant but I have made up my mind for who I'd like to receive it. Think Arty! This little girl could potentially have her whole life ahead of her. I myself have experienced life to the fullest. From bringing us to America from Afghanistan against the hands of the Taliban. From taking your Mother out for anniversary dinners to the finest restaurants I can think of. I have memories to last me a millennia, I am at peace with myself."

I hold my Father as if it is the last time, The overwhelming emotions break like a canal bursting. His humbling attitude towards life inspires me, he does not fear death, but welcomes life with a heavenly glow. a glow that will last for an eternity in my heart and in the souls of all the people that this man has blessed with his benevolence and unfathomable love. 

The hours move slowly, my eyes falter and give way to the transcendence of day into night. 

Sleep, Breathe and pray.      
