Chapter 4: Illness

Reality disconnecting, the fibres of life once intertwined begin to dissipate. Time slows down, each particle in the air moves with little speed as my mind begins to comprehend. My father lays on the cold ground, necrosis seeping into his life force. I race to the ground, eyes poised on my Dad's face. "Dad! Can you hear me?" I bellow as transparent tears form under my eyes. The night has grown dark, the veil of disease has entered our Home. He is still breathing, gasps for air seem harder as he struggles. "A-Arty.." he manages to exasperate through the pain. My Wife and Mother stand beside, in pure shock as their beloved Husband and Father in-law comes into contact with the putrid evil of the horseman of the apocalypse. My Dad will not die.

Lights flash, urban nightlife purges the possibility of any joy. I have my hands on the wheel of the car, my Father laying in the back with my family and the horrible gnawing emotion that I could lose the most important man in my life. I have researched and studies many diseases and i have noticed symptoms from each, but these thoughts only further my pain. The intensity of colour produced by the city lights refracts against my eyes as my hurrying journey to the hospital continues. Oh God how is this happening? My own Dad unconscious in the back of my car, potentially dying, I fight to push away the horrible thoughts.

Natasha helps me pull my Dad through the Intensive Care Unit and we are greeted by a bundle of Nurses. They know why we are here. Dad is put on a stretcher and escorted through what seems like an endless amount of hallways and doors. Crashing through, the Doctor asks me what happened and purely explain the situation. He gasps as they rush him into the emergency room, the doors fire shut.

