Chapter 4: Ore Sama Fight!

Mammon went to his room, only to see Levi moping. "What are you going on about now Levi?" Asked Mammon.

"I can't get on social media!" He groaned.

"Quit moping!" Said Mammon, "You don't know how I feel?"

"Why don't you try to steal some stuff here?" Asked Levi sarcastically, "I'm sure they'll drink the blood out of you!"

"Well the Great Mammon isn't letting those blood sucking losers drink a drop out of me!" Said Mammon.

"So you're gonna try to steal something?" Asked Levi.

"I think I will!"

Mammon got out of the room and went to find something to steal.


I was lying on my bed. Lucifer's taking a really long time with Reiji. I heard a knock on the door. Sounds like Lucifer's back. "Come in!" I said.

One thing you should know when living with a bunch of shady guys: Ask who's there first. The door opened, but instead of Lucifer, it was Ayato! "I thought you were Lucifer!" I gasped.

"Who cares? I'm feeling parched right now." He said.

I slipped under the blankets on my bed to hide myself. "Why are you hiding? It's no use." He said.

"If any of the demon brothers see you in here, they'll get mad!" I said.

Ayato shut the door and went onto my bed, grabbing onto me. "Ah!" I gasped, "Get off me!"

He pulled the covers off me and pinned my wrists in front of me. He put his weight on me and now it's hard for me to move! He exposed my neck and said, "Look at your skin without any fang marks. Yours truly is ready to give you an experience you'll never forget."

Next thing I knew it, I felt his fangs pierce my neck. I let out a sharp inhale and he started drinking my blood. "Agh...get off me!" I yelled in a mix of pain and anger.

I tried to free my wrists, but Ayato had his grip tighten on my wrists. I tried not to seem weak, but I really hate pain. Lucifer...Beel...Satan...Mammon...anyone! The door knocked and I heard someone say, "Mc, are ya bored or something? I can't seem to find anything to steal!"

"Mammon!" I yelled.

The door opened and Mammon yelled, "Hey! Get off my human!"

Ayato took his mouth off me and swallowed a gulp of blood. "Great." He muttered, "It had to be you. Better than Lucifer really."

"Why are ya all over Mc you sneaky bastard?!" Said Mammon angrily.

"They let me in here. So yours truly just went in." Said Ayato.

"You let him in?" Asked Mammon.

"I wasn't thinking this through!" I said.

Mammon pushed Ayato away and saw the fang marks on my neck. "You can't just let these jokers dance in here and drink the life out of you!" Said Mammon.

"But I don't understand how he even got in here! Why didn't he go into Cerberus's chamber?" I asked.

"Beats me." Said Mammon.

"I just knocked and nothing happened when I went in." Said Ayato.

"Why are you still here?" I asked angrily, "Get out."

"Tch, whatever." Said Ayato, "Don't think this is over human!"

He walked out of the room, leaving me and Mammon. "Geez," said Mammon, "if Lucifer sees this, you're dead!"

Oh right! What's Lucifer going to say?! If he sees these fang marks, he'll definitely get suspicious! Maybe if I just let this heal, I can cover it in concealer. But how long will it take for it to scab over? Aw man... "Mc, are you alright?" Asked Mammon.

"What...?" I asked.

"I mean, you should be more careful! To bad one got to you!" He said.

"I'm fine, I just need to..."

Then I blacked out. "How much blood did that bastard drink?!" Said Mammon in a panic.

[Thirty minutes later]

What happened? I saw Mammon was still there. "What happened?" I asked.

"Finally, you're awake." Said Mammon.

"Have you been watching over me this whole time?" I asked.

"Well Lucifer isn't back yet, so someone's gotta look over ya!" He said.

"He sure is taking a while with Reiji." I said.

"Anyway," he said, "You should apply concealer on your neck."

I reached into my makeup bag and found my concealer. I applied a little bit on my neck, and it was fairly hidden. "You think Lucifer will notice?" I asked.

"Who knows? Maybe from a distance he won't notice." He said.

If I'm gonna be mugged by a bunch of vampires, I better hope I have a lot of concealer!
