Chapter 12: Blood of a Demon

We waited. The flames were still roaring and no sign of Diavolo. That was until we heard a "verve." "Sounds like someone just hit the barrier around the tomb." Said Satan.

Satan looked out and saw Shuu standing there. "Did you demons do something to the tomb?" Asked Shuu.

"I put a hex on the tomb so no one can get in." Said Satan.

"Shuu..." Said Belphie angrily under his breath.

Oh right, the twins witnessed him drinking my blood. Beel also didn't look amused. "If you think protecting the human is the issue, you should look inside the mansion." Said Shuu.

"In the mansion?" Asked Levi.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"The triplets got a taste of Lucifer's blood and they're going crazy." Said Shuu.

They got a taste of Lucifer's blood?! It must have been from when I cut his hand with the knife! "Did you taste his blood?" Asked Satan, getting suspicious.

"Only a small whiff. I learned to control." Said Shuu.

"So Lucifer might be dying in there?!" I cried.

"Mc, calm down!" Said Beel, holding onto me.

"Relax Mc!" Said Mammon.

But I refused. I grabbed the knife that was next to Asmo and said, "We gotta save him! Satan, take the hex off the tomb!"

"Mc, if I do that-!"

"Satan!" I said cutting him off, raising my free hand, "I command you to take the hex off the tomb!"

"Oh right," said Asmo, "She has a pact with him."

Satan did as I told, and the hex was off the tomb. "You do know that once we go in there, Lucifer will be mad at you to the point where he wants to kill you, right?" Asked Belphie.

"Yeah, but I deserve it." I said, "I did this. Now I'm going to fix it. Starting with the triplets!"

I clutched the knife in my hand, and we raced out of the tomb, disregarding Shuu. "Now I can listen to my music in silence." He muttered.

We ran to the entrance, but we saw Subaru looking at the large fire. "Did you guys do this?!" He shouted.

"It may help us get out of here, and there's a spell put on it so it can't be put out!" I said.

The Demon bros and I ran into the mansion, only to feel rumbling at our feet. "Back away!" We heard Lucifer shout.

We saw the triplets in view looking like hungry hyenas around Lucifer. "Your blood...!" Said Ayato insanely.

"Stop!" I screamed.

The triplets looked behind and saw us. "More demons!" Said Kanato, "Maybe they'll taste the same too!"

"You will not harm my friends!" I said standing in front of the demon bros.

I showed off the silver knife. "Mc, what the hell are you doing?!" Shouted Lucifer, "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"If they want to play, then we can play, Lucifer." Said Laito.

I looked behind me nervously and saw the brothers were in their demon forms, ready to fight. From the looks of the triplets, it looked like Lucifer's blood must have done something to them! We looked behind and saw Shuu behind us! When did he decide to come back?! On our left was Reiji, and on the right was Subaru. Why did he have to come back in too?! The scent of demon blood must be driving them insane! We were cornered with nowhere to run. It was now kill or get killed.
