Chapter 7 | Otagi...


"Who do you think you are?! Stealing that hot guy? I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't blind and wanted attention." Otagi said.

"I-" I began to speak, but she interrupted.

"He won't always come for you." She said. 

I had gone to the bathroom, and she was there. 

"He can't find you here." She said.

She's right... I can't rely on him... 

"Ya know, you speak the truth... I can't rely on him constantly. But I can rely on myself. I'm going to the bathroom." I stated and began to try to walk around her.

Suddenly, I was falling backwards onto the floor. Chico barked and growled at her. I heard her begin to run away, and Chico continued barking.

"I'm fine, Chico... I don't need the teachers." I said.

"What happened?" The teacher from my first period already found us. 

"I just fell. It's fine." I said.

"Your dog wouldn't be growling if you just fell." She said.

"Someone ran in to me, it's fine." I lied.

"Alright." She helped me stand and we walked back to my class.


I made it to my desk and put my head down, petting Chico, silently thanking him for trying to help, even if I didn't need it.

"Why are YOU so down?" It was Mikuno. What would he do if he knew it was Otagi...?

"It's nothing." I lied, not wanting to cause trouble. I'd feel bad if I ended up making him mad.

"Are you lying?" He asked. His voice was right in front of me now. I lifted my head up and backed up a little bit. He seemed really close.

"No... I told you, I'm fine." I argued.



I sat on a bench at gym, having finished my exercises, waiting on gym to end. Suddenly, a strong force crashed into my head.

I yelped, pain consuming me. I already had problems with headaches. What was that?!

I grabbed my head, letting it hang down, my glasses falling off. "Oops! My bad!!! The ball slipped right out of my hand!" 


"Sakurai!" Mikuno called. I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" His voice was right in front of me, extremely close.

I took a deep breath, "It hurts." I admitted.

I heard shuffling, then yelling.

"This is your fault!!! Apologize to her!!! She's bleeding because of you!!!" He yelled.

My head pounded harder, making me feel sick.

"I told you, it was an accident." She said.

"Then you should have no problem apologizing!" He said.

"I DID. I said sorry." She said.

"Say it sincerely. To HER." He growled.

"Sorry. It was a mistake." She said.

"It's fine..." I grumbled.

I looked up to where I thought Mikuno was. "Can you get my glasses?" I asked.

He was silent, and I wondered for a minute if he was even there. "Oh... Yeah... Sorry..." He placed them in my hand and I put them on.

Now teachers had arrived.

After we answered a couple of questions, they asked if I was okay.

"I think I need to go to the nurse." I said.

"I'll walk her." Mikuno volunteered. 

"Go. Both of you. Stay with her unless you're told to do differently. Get the nurse to write you both a pass when you leave." She said.


"Are you okay?" He asked, walking beside me. I was walking very slowly, my head pounding insanely and my stomach churning. 

"Yeah... Um... Can I..." Why do I want to do this?  "Can I hold your arm?" I asked.

"Huh?" He asked.

"For balance." I added, my heart pounding insanely. Did I screw up?

"That's fine." He said.

I reached out and grabbed his arm with both of my hands, leaning my head against it.

"How far are we?" I asked.

"Pretty far. But we'll make it, I promise." He said. 

You stuck up for me... Again... 

Thank you...

"She did it on purpose, didn't she?" He asked.

"Probably. She also shoved me in the bathroom today." I added. 

"You could report her for bullying." He said.

"But... I don't think she deserves that..." 

"Of course she does! You're bleeding!" 

I shrugged.


Now I was laying down in the nurse's office bed. She told me to rest for a while since it hurt really bad. 

"Well... I'll see ya later." Mikuno said.

"Yeah... Bye." I said.

I heard his footsteps walking away and sighed.

He keeps helping me... He's ALWAYS there for me when I really need him.

Why? Why am I so special to him? 


Why is he so special to me?

*Author's Note*

I know, this one was kinda sad. But I hope you enjoyed this. I'm writing while watching Markiplier's May Charity Livestream XD.

Anyway, thank you for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~Angel Lynn~
