
You drew my face on a piece of paper

Called it beauty depicted on a murdered tree

You said your heartstrings were long enough to taper

And that they would eventually reach me

You said your arms were long enough to stretch

Just the perfect size to wrap around me

You said a new life journey for us could always be hatched

And that your love would always be free

I told you I didn't know how to love

You said I could always be taught

When I am with you I feel as if I soar in the sky above

It seems as if you are in my head, you know my every single thought

You said if I ever need to cry, that you have broad shoulders

Why do you always know what to say?

You said you were strong enough to catch every boulder

That would ever come my way

You said you would always love

Even on days, I can't love myself

You assured me that I could always be as wild as I could be

And that you would always help me hang every single shelf

You always gave me your jacket when I was cold

And I knew I always had your hand to hold

And your love because you said so.
