Chapter 5- Impossible Possibility

I don't believe in love at first sight, but hell did you look good when we first met!


What the fuck does he mean by date?

I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually feeling weird at the thought of them going on a date.

She's just a very pretty stupid girl who came out of nowhere. I have absolutely no reason to feel weird or anything about her.

She can go on a date with whoever the fuck she wants. It shouldn't bother me at all.

It's not in my nature to care about anyone from outside. She's an outsider.

But it fucking does!

And I hate it. So much!

"A date?" She asks a little too excitedly and I frown at the possibility of her actually wanting to go on a date with Spencer.

"Yes a shopping date. The three of us" Spencer tells her and she gasp excitedly, a wide grin spreading across her face showing her perfect teeth and flushed face.

Fuck. She looks pretty.

My mind comes back to what the fucker just clarified "excuse me, the what of us?" I finally ask, my mind and heart relieved for some stupid reason.

"The three of us. It'll be fun!" He says and the little shit next to him agrees "indeed! I've never had friends to go on shopping dates before" her expression faltered slightly but the smile never left her face.

How can someone be so happy?

"I'm not going, and we're not friends" I deadpan and I notice her happy expression goes sullen.


I shouldn't feel bad. I've only known her for a day, but I do. Before I can right what I did wrong her face completely changes to a cheerful one.

"That's alright Felix" I think it's the first time I'm hearing her call my name since this morning.

I ignore the fact that I really like the way she says my name.

"I'll just go with Spencer. He's my god brother" she smiles at him.

When the fuck did that even happen?

I noticed the smirk on the idiot - and only person I can call a best friend's- face.

"Oh well. I guess it'll just be us then Ariel" he fakes a stupid sad expression. This fucker knows what he's doing.

And Ariel?

"Whatever" I say hoping it'll sound like I'm not interested in going.

"He's going" Spencer clarifies with a victorious smirk.

And that's when the bell went out. Telling us lunch was over and I had a class without these two idiots.

I shouldn't feel bad about that..


"Hey Felix"

Just fucking great.

"I'm Judith. I'm sure you know already, I tried introducing myself earlier" how are they twins? They look nothing alike. You'll have to look very closely to see the resemblance which is basically their long hair.

Rosy has longer hair though.

She looks pale but maybe it's the makeup while her sister looks colourful in a weird way.

The fuck am I comparing them for..

"Hello?" She giggles and I divert my attention to her.

She's pretty too in a way but not half compared to Rosy.....


Just what the actual fuck is wrong with me today..

"Go away" I tell her as calmly as possible

At this point I'll prefer Spencer and the new little shit over this one.

She giggles again and I glare at her clearly showing my annoyance.

"Well..aren't you a gentleman" she smiles and dare to bring her fingers to touch me

"Don't fucking touch me" I snap at her and she flinches.

I don't regret doing that!

I hate being touched!

She looks around to see if anyone noticed our interaction and lucky for her we're the only ones in the class.

Others came in and she made sure to stay away thank goodness she can take a hint.

The class dragged on a little more than necessary before coming to an end.

For some stupid reason, I wanted it to end to see the little shit.

"Felix!" Spencer enthusiastically calls out to me but I wasn't paying attention to him.

I was looking at Rosy who looked uncomfortable talking to a guy who looks familiar but I've never cared to ask for his name.

This made me frown causing Spencer to turn around.

"The fuck is he talking to her for" Spencer speaks out exactly what I'm thinking but I try to play cool.

She hasn't spoken a word. Just standing there looking uncomfortable.

I fight the urge to go over and pull her away. That will be creepy, very fucking creepy.

Spencer walks over and gently pulls her away.

The stupid girl did a small curtsy before walking away from the blond guy.

When they finally reach to me. I made my face void of any emotion.

"Rosy darling, learn how to shut some guys out, will you? That guy is not good for you" he scolds her and she sighs nodding.

Tell her..

"I have someone way better than him that is perfect for you" Spencer grins and Rosy completely flushes

Say the hell what?

"What?" Rosy and I graciously ask together. Me with a frown and rosy wide eyed looking at Spencer who had a nasty smirk on his face.

"Oh nothing. We're going shopping this weekend" he changes the subject and I glare at him.

He pretended to not see me.

"Okay. I'll inform the driver" she answers completely forgetting the serious topic we were talking about.

"No no rich girl. I'm picking you up" he pats her hair.

I want to touch her hair too..

"Thank you" she says out of nowhere and Spencer and I both have confused expression on our faces.

"Why Ariel?" Spencer bends down to her height.

I found the action very disturbing. She's not even that short compared to other girls.

"You're basically the first friends I've ever had" she tells us quietly.

I bite my tongue to keep myself from saying we're not friends.

I know for a fact that I will regret that so I keep quiet.

"Really? How is that hard to believe?" Spencer asks her.

She looks very quiet but not having any friends at all....I'm honestly not surprised.

"It's true. I'm not" she shakes her head.

"No shit" I mutter and her bright green eyes look up at me.

Fuck. How are her eyes so green and so fucking captivating.

She breaks the contact and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You're not very nice Felix" she tells me looking away.

Why does that hurt? Why am I feeling bad? Why the hell?

I just stare at her. I don't know what to say to that. I know I'm mean to everyone but no one has ever openly say it to my face and I've never thought of what I'll say if someone eventually does.

"Uhm...Rosy" Spencer clears his throat to lighten the tense atmosphere.

I look away from her.

You're not very nice Felix

"If you don't mind we can go to our hang out cafe. It's right around the corner" he's inviting her there?

"Oh okay. I'll call my sis- driver to pick me up from there" why doesn't she want people to know she's her sister even though it's a little obvious from their names and sudden appearance..

"Great! Come on Felix" Spencer grabs my hand taking me along with them.

"Who says I'm going?" I try pulling my hand from his.

"Me. Now stop being a bitch in front of Rosy" he whispers the last part to me and I frown at him.

"Fuck off"


"This is it Rosy. Mad's Coffee Shop" we stop in front of the small shop that I don't find myself uncomfortable in.

"It's very beautiful" she admires the shop and smiles.

It was decorated with bright colourful flowers.

"It is come on" Spencer holds her hand and leads her inside.

He can let go of her hand now..

We find a table and Rosy takes the corner seat and I seat opposite with Spencer next to Rosy.

"Can I please go order?? I've never done that" Rosy, who I've noticed gets very excited over stupid things, asks.

"Sure. Felix go with her" Spencer practically orders me.


But I find myself walking after her anyway.

She stands in line and when the person in front finally goes away, I notice the boy looking at the oblivious little shit in front of me who was just staring at the cakes and other pastries.

"What would you like miss" the boy smirks looking at her.

He looks constipated..

She wasn't looking at him "oh can I please have three cupcakes and a caramel latte" she finally raises her head to see the boy now checking her out.

"Now ..please. I'm hungry" she says still oblivious and smiling.

He seems to find her attitude amusing because of the big smile on his face that I just have the urge to punch away.

He brings her order and place a napkin close to the tray of cupcakes.

His fucking number

I clear my throat and start coughing. I grab the napkin and cover my mouth with it.

"Oh goodness! Are you okay Felix" I glare at the boy who looked away quickly.

"I'm fine" I look down at her and I note the concerned look on her face.

No girl has looked at me like that before. I don't hate it.

Plus she's really fucking close to me right now.

I clear my throat and she quickly takes a step back.

"We should go meet Spencer" she says grabbing her order and walk away.

"I thought you guys got kidnapped or something" Spencer rolls his eyes at us.

"Sorry about that. I got carried away by all the pastries" she explains and I roll my eyes at the fact that she didn't get the hint of what was going on at all.

She hands me a cupcake without looking at me and I take it.

It's cupcake..can't possibly deny that.

"He has a huge sweet tooth Rosy, watch out" I glare at him and he shut his big mouth.

"That's okay. It's cute" she says gently taking a bite of her cupcake.

Did she just indirectly call me cute?

I feel my ears burn and I look away.

What the fuck!


"Bye guys, today was fun. See you tomorrow" the little shit waves at us as she enters the car.

Spencer waves back with the same excitement and I roll my eyes going the opposite direction.

"Felix! Wait up" he yells and catches up with me.

He was quiet. Which means he was going to say something very fucking stupid anytime soon..

" don't happen to like Rosy do you?" He questions grinning and wiggling his eyebrows..

I frown and look at him "the fuck?" Is all I could come up with.

"Aha! I knew it" he claps and wraps his arm around my shoulder

"Fuck off. I don't like her. She's annoying" I push him off me.

"Is that why you turned red when she called you having a sweet tooth cute?" He smirks and I clear my throat, a very bad habit that gives me away too easily.

"Finally!! Thank you Jesus! You've finally answered my prayers!" He dramatically raises his arms up to the sky, looking up.

This fucker

"I didn't turn red and I don't like her" I tell him more firmly.

"Is that so.."

"Yes. Now fuck off" I walk a little faster to get away from this conversation.

"You won't mind if I ask her out then...or set her up with someone else??" He smirks evilly

I don't have an answer to that.

I mind.

"I..fuck off" I push his face but his smile widens.

"You like her! I mean who wouldn't, she's gorgeous" he nods.

I glare at him subconsciously "relax.. I see her as a sister for some reason" he shrugs.

It can't be. The impossible possibility that I actually like someone, a girl for the first time in my life.

It probably won't end well.

"Don't overthink it" he tells me a little more serious than he was awhile ago.

I gave him a questioning look "she's not like other girls, that much is very obvious, but don't overthink it. And please don't be mean to her. If you actually like her, don't be an ass" he scolds me.

"Fuck off" he pats my back and took the turn to his place.

I've only known her for one fucking day.

But I can't stop thinking about her.

Even when I got home and did other things to take my mind off her, I couldn't.

Even after a whole week of trying to avoid her, which failed because I found myself enjoying the fact that she only talks to me about anything and everything, I couldn't think of anything else.

She invaded every thought.


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