If you know anything, you know that Hell is said to be a wasteland of flames and torture. This is only half of the story. Much like one's parents, God gives false warnings to protect people from the truth. Or at least, that's what some people believe. Lust, greed, drunkenness, despair, laziness, excessive attractiveness, and pride are known as some of the worst sins. All of the beautiful people and the addicts and the people who want to have sex are down there somewhere. While the concept is Christian, I still feel that it applies. If it turns out that I do end up in Hell, not only will I be closer to the Devil, but I'll be closer to all that glitters.

And that's why I practice black magic. I want to go to Hell. But the thing is, I don't know that Remington really wants that for himself. He seems pretty shaken up about killing his father, so black magic may not be the greatest solution to his troubles. I fear that a spirit may actually be living in his house.

Regardless, he invited me to his house once I told him that I could speak to his father. When I asked him what means of communication he wanted for me to use, he told me that he wanted to summon his father's ghost. I've never done anything like that before, so I desperately hoped that it would work for his sake.

On the other hand, maybe it'd be for the best if it didn't work.

"What do we need to do it?" Remington asked me while we were walking to his house. He said that it wasn't far from the coffee shop, so I agreed to walk instead of taking a bus. 

I pulled my pentagram out from under my shirt and squeezed it in my hand. "We'll need a clear ball, two candles, a black sheet, and white fabric chalk."

"Will any ball work?" He asked the question with a trace of anxiety in his voice.

"As long as it's clear."

"Then I'll get that small beach ball out to use." He frowned. "How do we know if the spirit's not there, or if it just didn't work?"

"You can sense a spirit." The answer wasn't a complete and total lie. If the spirit was strong, I could sense it. But if his father's spirit wanted to stay hidden, I would never know. But at the same time, it may be better if I pretended like I couldn't feel the spirit. 

"You've done this before, right?" Remington asked, clearly needing some kind of assurance.

I bit my lip. If I lie, would he see right through me? Or would I be able to pull it off? "Of course I've done this before. Summoning back sprits in physical forms isn't easy, but I can do it." I guess exaggeration isn't lying.

"What if he's angry with me? What if he doesn't want to show himself because of me? What if-?"

I stopped walking and took one of his hands into mine, squeezing it. It wasn't until a moment later that I realized what the gesture usually meant. I dropped it. "It's going to be okay, no matter what happens. You know that, don't you?"

"Sometimes it's a bit difficult to believe." He shook his head. "But I trust you."

Oh, Remington, how wrong you are. Honestly, it made me feel even worse that I was lying to him. If there were ever a time to tell the truth, it would be now. 

But I can't do it. I can't lose one of the only chances at friendship I've gotten in a very long time.

(A/n: I don't feel like explaining this, but it seems necessary. Yes, Jack, Alex, and Kev are his friends. But he's known Kev since they were kids, and Jack and Alex he met in middle school. So seven years is a long time

When we arrived at his house, he took me through the back entrance and led me up to his room. He shut the door when we got up there. "I'm going to go and get the things that you told me to. Don't move!"

I nodded aggressively. "Not moving, not moving." 

He got the things. I drew a summoning circle on the cloth with the chalk while he lit the candles and blew up the clear beach ball. I flattened out the cloth once I'd finished the drawing. It was my best circle yet. Remington put the candles on either side of the ball, which was centered on the circle. It had to be dark for this to work, so I made him shut the curtains over his window. He also covered the bottom of his door with a few pillows so that no light but that from the candles could be seen. We both sat around the circle. I thought for a moment. Then the words that I needed to recite came to me. The other tongue rolled off of my own as though it were my first language. 

The candles flickered, and there was a smoke that appeared in the beach ball. This has never happened before. Did it work? I heard a whisper in a language that I didn't understand. I didn't know was speaking, but I didn't need to. I knew who was speaking, and it wasn't Remington's father.

I accidentally summoned forth none other than the devil himself. I reached into my pocket and found the clothespin that I'd forgotten to take out this morning. I popped the ball and the candles blew out. The presence was gone.  

"What the fuck was that?" 

"I-I don't know. I'm gonna go." I stood up, and ran out the door before I could be stopped. 
