Emo. I suppose since I've already spoken about my current nickname, I should probably speak about my previous one. I was known as the quiet, emo kid that didn't have many friends. While they did sort of hit the nail on the head, it wasn't exactly who I was. Technically, I would be totally fine with calling myself emo, but aside from my fashion, it really doesn't apply to me. I don't really like emotionally driven alternative rock. I'm not emotional or a drama queen. In face, Jack's really more of an 'emo' than myself. I mean, I like rock music, don't get me wrong, but what would be considered 'emo' just isn't my thing. I don't like Hawthorne Heights, Dashboard Confessional, or Taking Back Sunday. I don't even like My Chemical Romance! In fact, the only quote on quote 'emo' band that I actually do like is The Used.

But still, the label was given to me.

I decided that it was time to embrace it. The makeup that I'd worn yesterday just to piss my mom off I decided to wear again today. To school. And honestly, I was feeling pretty confident about it. Of course, I knew I'd be called all sorts of names and all that bullshit. But I felt happy with myself, and that is a rarity.

It wasn't until lunch that anything important really happened though. As per usual, I sat with Jack and Alex. Jack seemed....off today though. More so that usual. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Are some people just hateable?" He put his head in his arms and looked up at me. His sadness made me feel guilty.

Alex put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "It'll get better buddy. You'll find someone."

"But not before prom. The one time in my life where I actually have to have a date, and I don't have one."

"Why don't you take Kellin?"

"I already asked."

"You said no?" The look of shock on Alex's face made me feel worse.

"You know that I want to go with Vic."

"And Vic is already taken, and has a date. Why do you think that you still have a chance?"

I shook my head. "I guess that I don't."

"Loving the makeup, dude!" Andy called from behind me. At first I thought that it was an insult, but when I turned around, I saw that he looked sincere.

I looked around for Vic while Andy took it upon himself to sit down. Next to me. Across from Jack and Alex. "I thought that you usually sit with Vic?" They broke up? Could this be my moment? Could this be my chance?

"I do. He's....not feeling himself today. I thought that it'd be okay if I sat here though. I really do want to get off on the right foot with you. I'm not usually a bad guy."

It's no wonder why so many people love him. Vic is pretty much the same exact way.

"Well, it's nice to actually get to meet you," Jack sighed. I couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic or not though.

Alex squinted at him. "Green Day or Blink-182?"

Andy thought for a long moment. "Gonna have to go with Green Day on that one."

"Uh-oh," Jack whispered. Both of us where silent while we awaited for Alex to make his decision. Alex rubbed his chin in thought while he looked Andy over.

"I guess that you can stay," He sighed at last.

"You get to make the decisions around here?"

"Of course I do. I am the glue that holds this friendship together." He put his arm around Jack and pulled him closer.

"Yes, indeed," Jack remarked uncomfortably. I snorted. "What brings you here on this fine....afternoon?" He looked up at the clock.

"I needed somewhere to stay. I think that my usual lunch crew's getting sick of me." He gestured to the table at which he and Vic typically sat. That's surprising.

(A/n: What's not surprising is how much you can save on car insurance. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more when you switch to Geico.)

"You're welcome here," Alex spread his arms. Always so hospitable, he is. It's a wonder that he doesn't have more friends. Maybe I just serve as repellant.

Speaking of repellant, some guy walked up behind me and called me a fag. "Say that to my face, asshole," I told him.

"Sorry, I don't speak gay emo," he snorted.

Alex grabbed my arm before I could stand and lash out. "Just let it go."

And I wanted to, but I just couldn't.
