Dangerous Liaisons


Don't kill me. And yes, I named the chapter after my favorite Sterek Fan fic writer.

"What do we tell the others?" Stiles asks Derek.  

They drove to Stiles house after the confrontation. Stiles saw that his dad wasn't home. He had a late shift maybe. Stiles told Derek that he could come in, Derek said no it was okay and drove off. Five minutes later, Stiles was in his room getting undressed and heard a tapping on his window. He opened it to find a smiling Derek,  

"I couldn't help myself." Derek had said with a shy smile.  

Wow, Derek smiling., that's not a sight you see everyday.  

"Come on in you sour wolf." Stiles returned the smile.  

They had just sat in the bed together, talking about school and what it was like being Alpha when Stiles had asked the question.


"I don't know Stiles." Derek said calmly "I mean its nothing to hide but it would be odd considering the age difference."  

"Age difference?" Stiles said "I am seventeen, Ill be eighteen soon."  

"I know."   Derek leans over and awkwardly kisses Stile's cheek.  

"Personally, I don't care." Derek says "Yeah, people wont expect it but, I have unquestionable feelings for you."  

"Pfft! Aw c'mon, you don't even know me" Stiles says sarcastically.  

"Okay then" Derek says as he shifts so he is sitting directly in front of Stiles

"Tell me all about you."  

Hes serious?  

"Oh, um okay" Stiles starts, "Well um, my real full name is Dy-"  

Suddenly Derek pounces forward and cuts Stiles off by pressing his soft lips to his.  

"You are so much cuter when you are nervous."  

Suddenly Stiles pounces on Derek and kisses him and pulling his hair back. When he lets go of the kiss, Stiles nips a little at Derek's ear.  

"You are so cute when your assumptions are proven wrong."  

Derek growls, "I know I am not wrong, I can smell your nervousness."  

"Oh really? What do you smell right now?" Stiles says giving the man a cockeyed look.  

Derek lets off a quick smile, then sarcastically says, "I smell absolutely nothing."  

He gets on top of Stiles and kisses him. There lips parting as they explore each others mouth. Derek and Stiles flip over so that now Stiles is on top.

Derek grabs Stiles shirt, not knowing his claws where coming out. Derek's kisses became harder. He lets go of Stiles shirt, making it rip. He parts from the teen and opens his eyes.  

Derek's fangs and claws had came out while Stiles was kissing him. His eyes were also glowing a cold, beautiful ice blue. Derek pushes Stiles gently off the bed and he sits up, and swings his feet to the side of the bed, not looking at him.  

"We need to stop." Derek says sternly.  

"What?" Stiles says worried.  

"I mean stop as in slow down. I cant control myself around you. Not yet." Derek says as he shifts back to normal.

Stiles looks down at his shirt questionability, and notices the rips.  

"I'm Sorry.'' Derek says looking up at Stiles with a guilty look.  

Stiles looks at Derek's face. Derek was feeling guilty for almost hurting him? Stiles sits next to Derek on the bed. He grabs the mans hand, lacing his fingers with his. He pulls Derek's hand to his lips and kisses it softly.  

"Don't be." He reply's.  

He looks up to the twenty seven year olds eyes and they exchange a silent conversation that only the two of them will understand.  

They lay back down on the bed, both of them enjoying the silence. Both of them eventually falling asleep.  


It's dark.   What is going on? I am in a dark hallway. I don't know where I am.  

Stiles is walking down a dimly lit, very narrow hallway. There are doors of darkness on the sides of him, but he doesn't care.  

"This isn't you" a whisper says.  

What? Who said that?  

Stiles quickly forgets about whats all around him. There is a door, at the end of the hallway. He doesn't understand why but he knows he has to go there.

There is something behind that door. He begins walking to it.  

"This isn't you"   Stiles looks and sees hes holding a notebook. He also sees his hands, they are covered in blood.  

What the hell?  

He looks at the notebook to see what it says:   wake up   wake up          wakeup  wake up   wakeup    wake up   wakeup  wakeup   wakeup wakeup      WAke UP wake up        Wake up           wakeup       wake up wake up    wakeup        wakeup       

Stiles drops the notebook ignoring it. He doesn't care, he needs to get to that door.  

"This isn't you"  

Stiles reaches the door.

He puts his hand on the knob and opens it. Its bright. Very bright. Its a white room, no lights, no windows.

Scott is in the room, he walks over and puts a hand on Stiles shoulder. 

"Dude, this isn't you" Scott says.  

Stiles pushes the hand off him.

Hes not acknowledging Scott. Hes looking at the thing that he needed to see. The reason to go behind the door.

Its a sink, with running water and a mirror. Stiles walks over to it, seeing himself. His hands are covered in blood, and so is the corner of his mouth. He looks at himself for a long time.

I don't understand. Who is this person. This is my body. That is my face but-

Stiles puts his hands on the corners of the sink, staining it with blood.

"This isn't you" he whispers.
