Chapter 36: Greet and Meet

Trinity's Pov

I was shaking whilst I was making the meal. What could she be thinking now?! As if I was facing a trauma all the spoons, forks, knives just slipped from my hand and into the air they jumped! I caught them! I wasn't comfortable. All the nerves were catching up with me... till I felt someone behind my back. "Hey!" I screamed. "Whoa! Got you there! " he said with a fishy smile but I pushed him away.

"Hey! What's... " before he could finish I covered his mouth with my hand. "What's wrong with you? You could be making a noise! " I said sternly. He took my hand off... "Oh calm down baby she's in the room she won't hear she just... " Oh my gosh!!! Was this guy crazy?! Lowering his hand he touched my... lower back! "Hey!" I screamed. "Martin will you just leave me alone okay?!" I screamed. "Hey hey love are you shaken by that all boring lady?" Was this guy crazy? Was he insulting his wife his own wife right now?!

"Don't worry she won't do anything. " I pushed him away. "I don't wanna be doing this anymore Martin. And to your own wife!!!" I screamed. "And sorry I'm out of here and there's your food, " I pointed.

"Trinity wait!" As I stormed out he held my hand.... Oh damn this guy! "Why are you like this huh? Pretending to be loyal and all this innocent sh*t! Where you going? Say you went to Leonardo and he fell for you would you then tell him of this loyal sh*t?!" he screamed! This guy was a total menace!!!.

Not knowing what to say I went my way. I could feel his eyes still looking at me from the back. He could stand there all day it was all his choice... I didn't look back a tiny bit not even once.

Madelyn's Pov

Ahh! Today was the day! Finally going back home but uhhh my boss.... I

I even forgot there was such a thing is an off... whilst other workers were excited going home.

"Ahhh honey finally you going home. And your boyfriend ha girl.... " Christi teased with a suspicious smirk. "Huh what about my boyfriend?" I asked raising one eyebrow. "Is he not coming with ya? " she asked laughing. This girl! Was she mad?!

"Christi no!!! " I protested.

Just then......

"Or am I? " we turned around. It was Leonardo. "Why does he look so nice?" Christi whispered in my ear. He was already in his gear looking cool you couldn't even tell this was the famous billionaire. With bags in his hands packed like he's going somewhere....

"And you big guy where you going? " I asked enthusiastically. "Huh! Am I not allowed to go on holiday? Just coz I'm the boss am I imprisoned to this big mansion? Huh? " asked Leo in that enthusiastic voice!

"Holiday? Huh! Leonardo what are you up to?" I went up to him to investigate the situation whilst staring curiously directly in his eyes....

Later on the way....

Oh wow now that's what I call a man! He literally drove me all the way into Missippi just so I didn't have to go through all the trouble of going home? Now that's what I call sweet! "And here we are.... Say hi for me to your parents. " I smiled shyly smiling. But before I could go into disappearance..

"Hey baby! " he called me back. "But you never wished me goodbye!" I turned around. And as I was hugging him he gave me a long but sweet kiss. My heart fell right into my chest! No matter how many times.... I

I can never get enough butterflies from this man.

As he kissed he held up my butt. "Uhh! " I screamed lightly. "Are you shy now?" He whispered in my ear. I breathed in unable to breathe. Sighing heavily I finally spoke, "I'll see you soon Leo my parents should not see us doing things, " I said this hesitating to continue. "Hmm is it a secret now?" He held his chin in confusion.

What? The question! I was as confused as him... What is that supposed to mean?

Just then....

I saw my young brother waving from the window. I gasped! But managed to wave back. "Hmm we will chat... See my brother, " I showed him. My brother stupidly waved to him. Argh siblings! And then Leonardo waved back. I smacked his hand away. "Hey calm down okay? Let me help you with your bags, " but as he was carrying the bags he carried his too. "Huh? Why you too? What exactly are you up to Leonardo?" I gave him the side eye. "Where you taking your bags?! " I screamed.

"Why am I not allowed? " he caressed my cheek. Now that was a shock right there.... my heart fell right back into my chest! "Am I not?" He asked again. "Leo I don't know okay? There's something you up to that you not telling me, " I spoke in a worried voice. "Like what darling? " Argh! It was that romantic voice of his again oh damn.... ever since we-

"What?! Leonardo Madi why?! What are you doing here come in!!! " Argh! Annoying as usual it was my sister! "Rhonda!!!" I screamed at her! "Huh and with your man? Well why not come in?" she let out a little laugh. I was gonna kill this girl!

But either way I led the honours.

"Madi!!!" my parents quickly came for that big hug. Ahhh. Always that big warmth from my dearies until they saw- "Huh? Leo?! " they screamed. My eyes widened too when my eyes met theirs although I should probably not be shocked now that came out weird.

I looked up just to see my brother running quite rapidly least he should fall on the stairs!

"What? No way! The billionaire in our house! Did someone just say Leonardo?! " exclaimed Keith who was staring at Leo in disbelief! "It's Leonardo indeed, " said dad in almost a boring voice. Confused by this I turned to look at him.

I placed Leo's bags down. I could tell the confusion in my father's eyes that he was ready to ask Leo endless questions. All these years I've been a good girl and now I bring a man to the house? What's my plan?! I wish I knew, but neither did I ever think he would sneak in like that without me knowing.

Some time later.....

Across the dinner table

"So tell us big boy what was your plan for coming home with our daughter?" dad cleared his throat. I could feel the tension. As I looked at Leo who seemed very enthusiastic to express himself I could feel my brothers eyes Keith staring right into my soul! But I refused to look back cause I knew how awkward the atmosphere was.

"Hmm, " Leo cleared his throat. "I'll get straight to the point!" he said enthusiasticly. "The point?! " my dad replied arrogantly whilst rolling his eyes. Till my mom tapped him on his hand to cut down on his attitude besides he was still a millionaire!

"As you were still saying son before you were rudely interrupted!" She faced my dad. "Please continue Leonardo, " she gave him the opportunity.

"Well my soon to be called mom, dad? Incase you weren't aware Madelyn and I... " he looked at me as he said this. "We are together, " he sighed. My eyes widened at the sound of this as my dad eyed me. "What? Madelyn it true?!" I hesitated in shock. "With saying that I'm pretty sure she knows about it, " he cleared his throat and looked at me now with a more serious face. "Well I'm not tryna be flirtious, win her heart, impress her parents or anything like that but here's me tryna pour out my heart. I looked at Madelyn, our relationship and how far we've come and I can proudly say I've never met some girl she has a character that I can't explain I'm not tryna give out pick up lines but I think she's very weird too, " Oh did he now? I found myself bursting out in laugher too.

"Behave!" he ordered as he pointed his finger at me. I gave him some kind of look about to attack till I saw he was dieying I held myself and instead join him in laughing endlessly. "Okay okay back to the main point! What I'm trying to say is, that I know she's, the girl for me. I asked myself imagine making plans alone without her now life would be so boring. Falling in love again was not my plan but this girl you see here.... She has made it absolutely hard for me to resist cause of her craziness her arrogance and her bravery knowing who she is oh damn! Drives me crazy! I'm not looking elsewhere.....

I asked myself one night, "Would she be the only girl I want? My answer was yes. Would she be the mother of my children? My answer was yes. Is she everything I've been looking for? And again the answer was yes!"

Oh how he spoke so enthusiastically. I found myself blushing non-stop. I knew for sure my brother was looking but when I looked he pretended to be looking at Rhonda. Oh how I wish I could give him the hot smack of his life!

"The answer yes ticks all the check boxes she's my love forever and I don't wanna wait anymore. Will you please do me the favour of my heart's desire to take your daughter's hand in marriage?"

What? Did Leonardo the Leonardo want to marry me?! 
