Chapter 33: Frankstyn

Madelyn's Pov 

I was awakened by the sound of Leonardo's voice in my ear. "Wakey wakey!" I opened my eyes with a shock. Damn...I was late again! It reminded me of that crazy day when I was still new working for Leonardo and I got up late to make his breakfast. Now history was repeating itself! I blinked at him sleepily.  "Hello sleepyhead! Looks like you were exhausted from last night. Sorry to wake you up, but I have a surprise for you.  Don't worry you can rest more later.  You work so hard, my dear, " he bent and kissed my forehead. "No no I'm so  sorry Mr. Billionaire. It's not okay! I woke up late again, please forgive my manners!!!" I protested. 

He laughed. Like literally laughed! "It's all water under the bridge, Madelyn.  Why are you stressing, huh? How many times have you woken up late? Just two! Ever since we met! Now come on, don't worry about breakfast I have a surprise for you," he said  as he dragged me to the kitchen. Did he just  ruin his own surprise? The clue  was right in his words. He obviously made me breakfast!  

We reached in the kitchen and oh my word...."Amazing!" Amazing was all I could say.  I was totally in shock! "So what do you say, darling? Do you like it? Shall I put it on the dining table?" I nodded with sincere appreciation.  The table was well decorated and the breakfast meal looked like a romantic feast. 

"Shall I continue like this? Or have you changed your mind?"  He sounded a bit hesistant and that was because of how I had behaved in the past few days. But I wasn't going to play that game anymore.  I nodded yes without any doubt I didn't want him to see the confusion in my eyes about that dream I had about whoever it was. So I kept a straight and amusing face. I can say...we had an amazing breakfast. Still in the romantic moment Santiago bursted through the door! 

"Sorry lovebirds but I'm pretty sure I don't need permission to see my favourite couple!!!" cheered Santiago. Santiago always so energetic!  "Which couple? We just-" but before she could finish Santiago interrupted him. "No buts! Accept your emotions  for once!!! Infact I know what you need right now get dressed and let's go!!!" said Santiago clapping his hands, "actually you are already dressed let's not waste any more time!" Santiago grabbed our hands to let us out. "Are you crazy?!" Leonardo looked at him like he is mad. "What did Valentine do to you huh?! Who told you we would like to go in these outfits?!!" Leonardo screamed at him. I rubbed his back to calm him down. "Calm down my Leo Leo Weo," I said jokingly. Oops! Forgot he doesn't like those things when he's not in the mood. Damn! I smacked my head. Santiago bursted out laughing at the damn wrong timing! "Okay go get ready fast then! We are going to be late!!!" Santiago screamed. 

"Where exactly are you taking us Santi?" asked Leonardo. "Oh don't worry somewhere memorable. Not these your ordinary dates that couples go to," Santiago mocked. Leo rolled his eyes. But true wasn't it? 

Leonardo's Pov 

After she dressed up beautifully as ever. Santiago drove us to the mysterious place that we didn't know of.  Santiago was stubborn like that! When he doesn't want to reveal something no one can tell him otherwise or even convince him. We had such a long drive my Mady and I gave a confused look. "Okay Santiago we are done for real this time! Where are the hell are you taking us?!" I was now curious than ever. "Hold your horses! Did I mention it's a surprise?" "Argh..." we both laid back. 

After a long drive we reached our destination. It was nothing like I have ever seen before. Did he mention a place for couples? Because this looked nothing like a date! 

"And here we are!" Santiago cheered. "Welcome!"  "Umm wow where are we? It's not too fancy but not ordinary either. This place is refreshing not normal either but holds suspense," Madelyn expressed how she feels. "Glad it creates suspense I love a girl who can truly express herself!" he winked at me. "Don't worry ain't going to steal your girlll..." we burst out laughing. Now my friend is able to make me laugh even in the most undesired situations couldn't hold it in!

 We went in. What is this? Looked like someone house. "I'll call him now. You two close your eyes!" Santiago commanded us.  "Wait what do you mean? I thought this was the surprise we already here!" I exclaimed angrily cause I felt I was being played around with. What exactly was Santi up to? "Just do it! You saw nothing!!!" I was so ready to be arrogant to whatever he was saying but Madelyn tapped on me on my shoulder indicating that maybe we should give him a chance to show us whatever he planned. So therefore we did as he asked. 

Stood there eyes closed as if we were little kids about to be surprised with a surprise birthday party. And in few minutes..."Well hello, hello there!"  "You can open your eyes now..." finally a familiar voice. Just to see Santiago there with..."Frankstyn!" Madelyn jumped to her feet and ran fast to hug him. "Oh wow wow usually people aren't this friendly with me. Just the feeling creeps them out they are scared of me I don't know why!" Frankstyn cheered as he gladly received the hug from Mady. Santiago and I gave him a look on the comment he just made as if saying is he really wondering why like really. "Like really Frankstyn really? Don't act all surprised you and us all know why!" I said to him.  Mady was all over him first time for me to see her so excited over a celebrity! So unlike her!!!  "I think she likes me?" Frankstyn winked. Santiago and I gave him a mocking face. "Oh come on guys he's not that bad," Madelyn commented, "actually not bad at all. Frankstyn is like the sweetest. And for his name it was pretty smart actually he shows off the opposite and it builds up to his creativity," she said.

"Huh?" Santiago both looked at each other so confused figuring out what she had just said!  "Anyways where is the couple?" asked Frankstyn excitedly. Santiago immediately pointed to Madelyn and I. This guy?! He really brought us to Frankstyn's jokes or what? "Oh oh my favourite! You are very welcome to my programs regarding your couple goals!" he said proudly. "Programs? Couple goals? What exactly is this? Thought you were a singer?" I questioned him. " Well yeah but I like to take my favourite couples on an adventure! Something they have never been in before and can never experience anywhere else but only at Frankstyn's," said Frankstyn. What did we come to? "So what exactly is this adventure?" my curiosity was taking over me. More like confusion! "That's for me to know and for you to find out!!!" This clown! Damn I forgot he was such a clown!!!

We followed him. Looking at Madelyn there was no sign of worry in her eyes. Infact she was pleased! Ready to encounter on what Frankstyn calls an "adventure".  He led us into the cave. "A cave Frankstyn?" asked Santiago rather creeped out. "Wait you don't even know what you brought us to Santiago?!" I was now furious! "Hey don't blame me I rather heard of some of Frankstyn's programs and I thought this would be perfect for the both of you! It's rather a surprise no one knows not even me who brought you here but I promise it's nothing creepy," Santiago ended up laughing at last. Just when I thought I could trust this guy and he laughs like this! 

We stopped. "And?" I asked, "Is this it?" "Here the adventure starts!" Frankstyn cheered. "This is just a plain cave," Madelyn commented. "Is it?" we all looked at each other in total confusion. "If you had eyes you would see that it's just a plain cave!!!" I called him out. "Use your other eyes look again," Frankstyn bursted out laughing. I rolled my eyes. "It's magic," he said in admiration of his own dark, and plain cave with absolutely nothing in it! "You start with your fantasy again Frankstyn!" 

With a laugh he put our hands together so Madelyn and I touched each other. "Just trust me okay?" he said softly. "Please do as I say if you wanna experience this adventure." Madelyn and I looked at each other still confused like blank on what was going on. What exactly was adventurous in this damn plain cave? "Now while you at it close your eyes," Frankstyn finally said. "Close our eyes how do we see? Are we getting a surprise or something?!" Madelyn let out a little laugh. I agreed with her 100% what is this a kids' show? 

"You will see just clearly trust me." We gave him a look. "Just do it!" "Fine fine," we argued no more. And just did as we were instructed. Just when we heard a gate open....

"Move. Enjoy!" Santiago and himself waved us goodbye. Through the plain, moist, and water on what was the plain, dark, and somewhat creepy cave we could still see everything clearly. "Where do we turn now?" I asked Madelyn who was right besides me. "A gate," she replied. "A gate?" When finally I saw another gate open right infront of us. We went through then  a pathway leading us downhill. It's like we were walking in patterns it's like this cave has no end. We continued. Then finally we ended up in a roll caster we had  to hold hands, keep each other safe so each of us don't get lost. Who knows how big, how deep this cave is and how many pathways could lead you to foreign places. As the roll caster got faster it felt like I was letting go of her hand by each second. Only to see we were still holding hands. 

Where were we going anyway? No idea we just had to keep on moving only the cave knew the mysterious hidden treasures that this place hid underground on the secrets we never knew. 

Madelyn's Pov 

I can say I enjoyed this adventure so far. My biggest dream although it rather seemed creepy. 

After that "fast and furious" roll caster is what I call it we were led into the woods. All we could see was the fog through the trees and the disgusting smell of sewage. "It stinks here," Leonardo commented in disgust. "Must we go through here? Makes me nauseous," I finally admitted. Looking at the little piece of paper Frankstyn had given us. "You must keep on moving." Looking at each other we nodded in agreement like those pre-school kids accepting a task from a teacher that must be done and you would always be excited to finish it to the best of your ability just to impress your teacher. 

Slime was everywhere. A small part of dry land is what was left for us to survive. Like really Frankstyn? Honestly?! What kind of childish game was this we were playing? So we did our best to avoid the slime to the best of our capability did we succeed? I thought we did until...boom! I fell in! Just great I thought I was doing well! This is proof that our childhood which by now we are adults we think it's just so easy to's not! I ended up laughing my stress out. Just to see Leonardo stretching out his arm to help me. The frustrated and irritated Leonardo since this adventure had begun seeing me laugh a little I don't mean to brag I could see his face light up a little. "Aww Leo aren't you so sweet? But let me try to do this myself," I said to him. With worry in his eyes, "Are you sure?" he asked. I smiled. "It's nothing personal Leo my Leo Leo."

He watched with admiration in his eyes as I struggled to get out of the slime. It was thick as hell! And I guess he thought I looked cute like a child who was trying to unfree him/herself from some sort of web. At last I did it! "Yayy!" he clapped for me like a little child. 

After what we thought would be full of slime through the woods we now ended up at the clear water finally. "Mmm," I closed my eyes and lifted up my eyes to get the fresh smell of  natural, refreshing, and clear water. 

"A boat ahead!" Leonardo pointed to the boat which was heading straight to us.  We got in the boat and sailed through. Just when we came across some unknown guys.  "Whatsupp ya'll!" they approached us. "Who are these guys?" I whispered in Leo's ear. He gave the indication that he too had no idea. "I thought we were the only ones here," I whispered again. Just only to see them. "Not happy to see us?" said the one guy with earrings. Black jeans and a black ripped jeans. "Madelyn?" he said my name? "You know them?" Leonardo turned to me. "NO!!! I have no frickin clue on who these guys are!!!" I protested. "Really? Madelyn are you speak the truth? We have known each other for years!" The guy in the more fancy outfit with a crown on his head looking like a prince. He continued convincing himself on how he knew me so well. "Umm..."

Oh poor Leonardo...did he really believe what those strangers said? He looked at me for a long time then back at the guys then at me again. He held his chin and looked at me and the guys suspiciously. "Why would she lie of not knowing the guys? Just as simple as that? What could be the problem?" are the thoughts that I thought were probably creeping in Leo's mind right now. But when he spoke..."Who are you guys? Why do you claim  to know her huh?!" his statement surprised me. "I think we have been set up! I knew we couldn't trust that guy!" said Leo out of frustration. "Which guy? Frankstyn?" I deliberately asked knowing very well on whom he was talking about.  "Madelyn no! Frankstyn was not funny this time! I bet he set up for all this and knows all these guys and I bet Santiago too! Who knows?" he sighed deeply. 

"Don't know who's Frankstyn your friend? But that's besides the point...not only Madelyn you too Leonardo!" After he heard that Leonardo gasped! "You guys can deny all you want but we all know the truth!" 

"Let's get out of here! This could be a prank and who knows those guys could be very dangerous!!!" he whispered in my ear, "I hate Frankstyn for life!" Leonardo groaned grudgingly. 

Without a word we swung right past them!!! "Hey were ya'll going? It could be dangerous down there that's not the route ya'll wanna take!!!" they warned us I guess that's what I should call it. But instead we ran even faster without thinking twice. Why should we trust them? 

Oops! We fell in the trap of bad guys! Totally stole from us without us noticing. As we checked in our pockets...nothing! No money not even our wallets either! Even my earrings were gone! "Hey!" we screamed. "Hands up!!! Nothing else!" they demanded. "I'm not scared of ya'll! Who are you and what do you want?!" Leonardo snapped! "Everything you own!" Leo snapped. "What?!" now the drama begins...
