8. Prom dress

More g!p cuz why not

Billie watched as her crush walked into prom. Y/n had the most beautiful dress on, a gorgeous soft purple, satin dress that hugged her curves perfectly.
   "Billie. Come on. We're next in line."
"Oh. Yeah. Right. Sorry."
  Billie stepped up, her hand on her dates waist as they smiled for the photo. Billie stepped away from Mallory and went to get some punch but when she came back she was infuriated.
Yeah I can't believe I got the Billie Eilish to be my date. It's so crazy but I'm going to dump her right after prom. Humiliate her like crazy. Billie heard Mallory cackle to someone else.
Billie sighed a bit and begged for this night to be over with already.
She sat down in the far corner, fiddling with the hem of her suit watching everyone laugh and enjoy their night.
Billie walked out into the light up garden it was surprisingly empty, which was perfect.
"Hey Billie." Y/n smiled while sitting beside her.
"Oh hey. What's up?"
I heard what Mallory said back there. That's totally messed up. Y/n leaned over to hug Billie tightly.
She smelled so good. Like Lillie's and roses.
Where's your date? Billie chuckled a bit.
"She left. Already."
"Damn, I'm sorry y/n. I guess we're the only two losers who can't keep a date huh?" Billie laughed a bit, but still sounding sad.
"You wanna dip? Prom is lame. I drove my car here."    Billie was super eager to ask that question.
Y/n giggled a bit and stood up. She grabbed Billie's hands and pulled her up as well which made them both laugh.
"Yeah. My mom wanted me to stay soooo? Your place?"
"Yeah. Come on."
*Once they arrived at Billie's house*
"This is crazy. Your house is insane."
  Y/n smiled while walking in behind Billie.
   "It is?"
"Duhh. You're so rich and cool. Why do you like me?"
  Y/n giggled and Billie nearly gasped.
   "How did you know?"
"It's obvious Billie. I mean. You're so bubbly around me. And plus I caught you looking me up and down a few times."
  Y/n stepped closer to Billie and looked up at her with a small smile.
   "You imagine us doing naughty things don't you Bil?"
   Billie sucked in a breath and held it for a moment before responding.
   "And what if I do? Are you gonna make it come true y/n?" Billie seemed to chuckle the moment she saw the pink rise onto y/n's cheeks.
Y/n's eyes darted up to Billie's eyes, holding eye contact before Billie grabbed her throat and kissed her.
The kiss started out gentle but as seconds pass it began to get sloppy real fast.
Y/n nearly moaned when she remembered Billie's hand was around her throat. She's so dominant.
"Bil?"  Y/n said, her face flushed from the lack of air.
A string of spit connected their lips, both of their lips were bruised and swollen from the intense kissing.
"Yes y/n?"
"I've never done anything sexual. Could you guide me a little?"
  Y/n's glossy eyes stared up into Billie's dominate ones.
"Of course doll. Come here." Billie sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for Y/n to kneel before her.
"Go on. Remove my pants."
Y/n nodded and looked up at Billie once more.
She then unbuckled the black belt and slid Billie's pants down a bit.
"Now the boxers Y/n. Don't be shy."
Y/n paused before taking a deep breath.
"What if I'm not good?"
Billie grabbed Y/n's hands and kissed them.
"You'll do good. I'm going to guide you alright baby?"
Y/n nodded again. Her cheeks were pink as she removed Billie's boxers. Her eyes widened at the size of Billie's dick.
"It's okay. You're not gonna be able to take it all on the first try. Just start slow."
Y/n wrapped her hands around her length, her heart skipping beats as she remembered who Billie really was.
She couldn't believe this at all.
She kissed the tip of Billie's cock, precum spilling out and connecting with Y/n's lips.
"Go on. Start taking it into your mouth. Remember. Start slow okay?"
Billie grabbed Y/n's hair gently and guided her cock into her mouth.
"Wrap your hands around what you can't take."
Y/n did so. She wrapped both hands around the length she couldn't take and began bobbing her head up and down.
"Just like that baby. You're doing so well."
Y/n felt something change in her body when Billie praised her.
   "You're doing great baby. I'm so close."
