3. Apology

Y/n watched as Billie stared her down with a slight pout on her face.
She knew what Billie wanted.
She knew Billie wanted a hug before Y/n left but Y/n wanted Billie go speak for herself and to stop being so shy.
  "Bye Bil."
  Y/n smiled, opening the door and barely stepping out before Billie's soft voice caught her attention.
"Yes Billie?"
"You forgot. Again." She pouted and Y/n giggled a bit.
"I didn't forget baby."
Y/n kissed Billie's lips gently and pulled her in for a long hug.
"Okay Bil. I have to go now. I love you."
"I love you too. Have fun at work today my love."
  Billie watched as her girlfriend walked out the door. She reached the car and that's when Billie noticed she'd be home alone. All day. Or so she thought.
    Billie ran up to the room in a hurry to wear her girlfriends hoodies that were in the large closet but there were far too many to choose from. So she chose a plain white one with a small bear on the front.
   It wasn't Billie's style. In fact her and Y/n are polar opposites.
   A couple hours passed and Billie was growing bored and impatient.
   She wanted Y/n to come home soon but Y/n was most likely too busy with work so she just laid in the bed, groaning out of boredom.
   Long hours passed and it was soon dark out. Y/n was supposed to be home hours ago and Billie was worried so she decided to give Y/n a call.

What's up baby?

Where are you? Why is it so loud?

My coworker got a promotion so we went to grab a few drinks down that the bar

A few drinks?
Y/n listen to yourself
you're drunk

I'm not drunk

I'm going to bed

Wait Bil

Billie hung up the phone. Even though she had said goodnight, she wasn't tired.
   She was more upset than anything.

Incoming call from lover


Billie I'm sorry

You're not sorry.

I am my love
It won't happen again
I promise

If you're so sorry
Come home and prove it

I will baby
I'm coming now

Billie tied her blue hair up in a low bun and sat in the edge of the bed waiting for her girlfriend.
   Another hour passed and Y/n was finally home.
  She rushed through the door with her white button down shirt wrinkly with a smudge of lipstick on the collar.
   "Y/n. Are you cheating on me?"
"Of course not baby."
  Billie sighed to herself and grabbed the phone right out of Billie's pocket when she heard the chime of the notification.
   "Who's Laila?"
"Just someone at the bar. Come on baby you know I wouldn't cheat on you."  
  Y/n reached for her phone but Billie snatched it back.
   "Show me you're sorry Y/n. And you can FaceTime Laila while you're giving me my apology."
