Women in The Bible: Ruth

This weeks challenge to you is the first one in the Women in The Bible Series. All you have to do is read the book of Ruth if you haven't already and do this week's quizzes.

On with the games!!

1. What was Ruth's nationality?
    • Egyptian
    • Philistine
    • Nazarene
    • Moabite

2. Which of the brothers was Ophrah married to?
     • Mahlon
     • Chilion
     • Boaz

3. What city did Naomi and Ruth go to?
     • Galilee
     • Nazareth
     • Bethlehem
     • Jerusalem

4. What did Naomi call herself after returning?
     • Maria
     • Mary
     • Mara
     • Elizabeth

5. Why instruction did Naomi give to Ruth concerning Boaz?
     • Send him a letter
     • Bring him food
     • Follow him to where he slept and lie at his feet
     • Seduce him

6. How many measures of barley did Boaz give to Ruth?
     • 1 measure
     • 4 measures
     • 6 measures
     • 3 measures

7.What was the possible hindrance to the marriage of Ruth to Boaz?
     • She was not a virgin.
     • Boaz did not want to inherit her children as heirs.
     •There was another kinsman with a closer claim to her.
     •She was infertile.

8. What was the custom to finalize the transaction between Boaz, the next of kin?
      • The next of kin gave his sandal to Boaz
      • They shook hands
      • A scribe recorded it
      • He worked for her 7 years

9. What was the name of Boaz and Ruth's son?
      • Benjamin
      • David
      • Obed
      • Obadiah

10. What is Ruth's relation to David?
      • Mother
      • Grandmother
      • Aunt
      • Great-grandmother
