Bible Locations- II

How well do you know the places Jesus went?

1. To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King Herod?

2. In what place was Jesus found when only twelve years old?

3. In what river was Jesus baptized?

4. Where was he tempted by Satan?

5. Where did Jesus perform his first miracle?

6. In what land did Jesus preach during the first year of his teaching?

7. Where did Jesus preach during the second year of his teaching?

8. Where did he live while he preached in Galilee?

9. On what sea did Jesus still the storm?

10. At what pool in Jerusalem did he heal a man who could not walk?

11. To what other pool at Jerusalem did he send a blind man to wash?

12. At what place in Galilee did he raise to life a widow's son?

14. Where did he feed five thousand people?

15. On what mountain did he show his glory?

16. From what mountain did Jesus go up to heaven?
