Chapter 1

   The moon gleamed brightly as a large NightWing RainWing hybrid flew over the clouds. He carried a large grouper in his claws, purring as he flapped his large wings. He flicked his ears this way and that, listening for any possible hunters. While he was out of range and hidden he wouldn't take any chances. He suddenly went into a nosedive, folding his wings very close to his body. He opened them quickly when he saw the treetops of his mothers animal sanctuary, before slowing descending towards a clearing, dropping the fish to forest floor. 

   He picked it up in his jaws and stalked off into the trees leaping gracefully over fallen logs and hidden rocks. Even in the dark he knew full well where he was going. 

   He leaped and trotted for about 15 minutes before he arrived at a large wall of willow leaves. A scarlet macaw sat on an arch of wood above it. The hybrid gently walked through the leaves and silently moved towards a hollow at the bottom of the massive willow trees trunk. A brown screech owl alerted a brilliantly colored RainWing of his presence.

   "Thorium, out for another hunt I see," the RainWing stated calmly. The screech owl lifted off to a different brach where it settled down for the start of a new day.

   "Indeed mother. I brought back a large grouper! It's size alone should last the SeaWings about a week," the hybrid replied cheerfully. The RainWing nodded once before gracefully leaping down, landing softly on the grass below.

   "Son, thank you for hunting, and for bringing back this food," she purred.

   "Why do I feel like theres going to be a 'but'," he purred back.

   "But. With the rising threat of hunters, I cannot condone this any longer. Katina will be back with fruit soon. Go get some rest."

   Thorium grumbled as his mother stalked away to a hammock made of strong vines. She settled down in it and fell asleep. He was about to turn and leave for his hammock when something rustled in the wall of leaves behind him. He whipped his head around, the rustling continued.

   He cautiously approached the wall of leaves, where the rustling was. In an explosion of leaves, berries, and twigs, Thorium was sent onto his back yelping in fear.

   "This! Is! The last time! I agree! To go berry hunting!" a small, but strong, human girl all but shouted between pants. She had short, messy, brown hair and was wearing a dark grey tee shirt with a black and pink track coat over it, and a pair of rolled up, baggy, pants, that fell to her knees, as well as a pendant of a feather winged dragon. A crazed look was in her hickory brown eyes. "Last time!"

   She looked down and saw a terrified Thorium frozen on his back. "Oh. Hey Thor," she sighed.

   "Hey Katina," the large hybrid squeaked. He slowly looked up at her, noticing that he had twigs and leaves stuck in her hair and clothes. He had to hold back a laugh as she leaped down from the brach she stood on.

   "Amazon still up?" she asked walking past him.

   "Nope," he shook his head as he rolled from his back to his belly.

   "Ah, I see. Well I'm going to the bathing pools and getting this sap off." she grumbled, tossing a sack of berries into a hollow above the seafood burrow. Thorium sighed as he lifted himself to his talons. He sadly glided to a rather messy hammock on the lower end of the tree. He closed his eyes and let sleep take over. Casting him into an intense nightmare.

