The Dark Side of Fusion

Opal's Viewpoint:

Steven and Connie decided that we'd watch the tv adaption to one of Connie's favorite books. Originally, Steven had wanted TV and Connie wanted to read, this was their compromise. Garnet had finally left us alone and gone out on a mission. While Steven and Connie laughed and jeered at "A Wrinkle in Grapes", the movie, my mind wandered.

Is this how it feels to be your own person?I think I'm enjoying myself but... could it be Pearl and Amethyst enjoying themselves? Since every part of me is made of someone else... who is Opal? Is she Pearl and Amethyst or is she neither? Am-am I nothing?

"Opal? Are you okay?"

It's just... I wanted... I thought... mmmm. I thought for a second I was somebody but... I'm not, I'm nobody. I feel alone and I feel... like I shouldn't be here! I have to make this fusion end!

"Earth to Opal! Hey Opal!"

"What's wrong with her?"

"I dunno. Maybe it's indigestion from eating that BFL..."

Mmmph. It's no good. I can't... I can't even contact either of them. Maybe I really am alone in this! What's going on? Why am I even here?

"Opal! Oh my gosh, she's breathing really hard! Connie, we have to call Garnet!"

"Hm? Oh Steven, Connie. What's up?" I'll... think about this later, I have to push it back... back into my mind.

"You okay?" Steven chirped.

"You were spacing out for a while." Connie added.

"Then you started breathing really hard!"

"Huh? Oh... yeah. I was just thinking about... stuff." I sighed.

"Giant woman stuff?" Steven asked, a large smile forming on his face.

"Yea-Yeah." My heart was beating out of my chest. Paranoia. "It's fusion stuff, you guys wouldn't understand."

Steven and Connie glanced at each other, each sharing a wide smile.

"Well we can fix that, right Sir Steven?" Connie nodded to Steven.

"Right-eth Milady!"

"Is this from the movie? Because... I stopped paying attention."

"Nope!" Connie latched onto a hand that was offered to her by Steven. After a few quick spins and a bunch of giggling, Steven pulled Connie close and... they began glowing!

Their two bodies fell together into a glowing clump of light, with Steven's gem visible. A long, slender arm formed, flicking back hair with the length of Connie's and the curls of Steven's. Before I knew it, a form that was neither male nor female smiled at me, their hands on their hips.

"Hey again Opal! We'd like you to meet... Stevonnie!" Their voice was neither Connie's nor Steven's but... it had the kindness and spirit of both.

"Wh-What?" My eyes darted about the figure, this was super amazing and... extremely weird at the same time!

"Yep! So now we can have a fusion to fusion chat! What's on your mind?"

Either my amazement, naivety, or stupidity spoke for me next. "I was just... thinking about who I am and why I'm here."

"Because you're a fusion of because you're a living being?" Stevonnie questioned, sliding closer to me on Steven's bed.

"Both. It's... I've never existed for this long so I've never had to deal with feelings like this. At first, things were awesome. I've truly enjoyed myself up until this point but... now something inside of me is panicking and I can't help but panic too..." I doubt these two, well Stevonnie, will understand. They're just kids so... Kid Fusion?

Stevonnie chuckled, locking her gaze on the ground. I knew you'd never understand...

"I understand completely."


"Individually, we've been through a lot of different things that've had different effects on us but... together we're really strong for it. Stevonnie is Steven plus Connie but Stevonnie's also just Stevonnie."

What are they even talking about? You can't have both, can you?

"Connie's parents don't really let her go out or do anything, but I- er Steven, can pretty much do anything."

Is that how I am?

Stevonnie gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "You may feel like your fusion parents are restricting you, but you can do anything."

"That's not... that's not the only thing that they're doing to me. Out of nowhere... I'm getting these random headaches and waves of panic... I-I think it's them, affecting me."

These are their friends... I can't... I shouldn't be talking about them... like this.

Stevonnie's gaze locked onto their lap, they looked like they wanted to say something but... couldn't. "I guess... I can understand why you feel that way. You're not just a fusion of their happy parts, you're fused with their sad parts too."

That's right... and considering their individual insecurities... no wonder I feel this way. Pearl feels alone and... lost sometimes and Amethyst feels... like she doesn't belong where she is. Everything... is starting to make sense now.

"When Steven and I first fused- er... when I was first formed, we went to a party and... we had fun but... everyone started looking at us, i-it was scary. I- we panicked and unfused. Afterwards, we had a lot of fun though. Sometimes being unfused is... a relief."

My face went ablaze, my body burned with hatred and confusion. "How-how do you know about the after? Wait... are you trying to get me to unfuse?"

"N-No! Opal! I'm just trying to help you!"

Ugh. Garnet probably set this all up! She's... jealous and... petty and...

"Ugh! I'm done! I quit!" I rose away from Steven's room, starting down the ladder when I felt a hand grip my arm. They aren't even fully fused!

"What? Opal please, come back!"

"Stevonnie- no. Steven and Connie, let... me... go!" I pulled away from them, tumbling down the ladder but I always land on my feet.

"I'm done with fusion. I'm my own person. Opal is Opal, there is no Pearl or Amethyst anymore."

The last things I saw were Stevonnie starting to unfuse, and Steven's face with tears sliding down it.

I think I'm sorry but... I don't even know if it's me feeling this way anymore.
