Chapter 36

Percy's POV
All the Olympians were shocked by my request.
I looked around and saw everyone's expressions. Some were almost in tears, some were actually in tears and others just looked shocked. I knew by their expressions that they weren't going to kill me. "I'm sorry for bothering you," I said standing up and making my way towards the throne room doors.
"Perseus Wait," Zeus called out. I hesitantly turn around. "Why do you want us to kill you?" He asked. I sighed and looked right at Zeus. "I'm tired of everything, I'm tired of being a monster, " Hestia got off her throne and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry mom," I said hugging her back. "It's ok," she whispered. I pulled away and rolled up my sleeves. Hestia gasped as I revealed my cuts to her. I looked down to avoid her gaze but she pulled me into another tight hug but this time I burst into tears. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," I sobbed.
I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder causing me to look up.

It was my father. He was giving me a sad smile that made me turn my head. "Percy, will you please look at me?" He asked. I reluctantly turned my head to look up at him. " I know things are tough for you right now, I know how hard our children have it out there. To be hunted constantly by monsters just because of us. To live in constant fear of being killed. I know we haven't always been the best to our children but one thing for certain we have always cared for our children. Percy a lot of people care about you, do you really want to do this to them?" He asked me, to which I shook my head. He then turned to Zeus who nodded to Hermes. Hermes then flashed out and returned not even a second later with Thalia and the others. Thalia's face was covered in tears causing me to feel really guilty. "Is there a reason you brou-," Thalia stopped when she noticed me and immediately ran at me.

She jumped into my arms wrapping her legs around me before sobbing into my shoulder.
"D-Don't e-ever do t-that again!" she sobbed.
"I'm so sorry thalia, I just thought everyone would be better off without me," I explained. She got off of me and pulled me into a kiss which I immediately returned. "I love you, Thalia, I'm so sorry for hurting you," "Just promise me you'll never do this again," she said into my chest. "I promise," I whispered softly. I noticed Piper walk off with Artemis and I sighed. Piper was probably being asked to join the hunt. I felt Thalia grab my hand and give it a light squeeze.  Eventually, Piper came back and she looked like she was about to burst into tears. "Piper are you ok? What's wrong?" Hazel asked stepping towards her slowly. "I'm pregnant," Piper said with a small sad smile.
What have I done? Jason will never be able to see his kid because of me.

Oh, Piper...I'm so sorry. I quickly ran out of the throne room and heard Thalia call after me. I just want all of this to end. How many people will I continue to hurt? I stopped running when I reached the edge of Olympus. I walked over to the edge and stared down at Manhattan. It looked so peaceful at night. The stars were shining brightly, and one constellation shined brighter than the rest. The huntress. I smiled lightly at the constellation. I vowed to defeat End and free my friends, that's a promise. I backed away from the edge as I heard the others running towards me. I walked towards Thalia and pulled her into a hug. I glanced at the others and motioned for a group hug. No matter what anyone thinks. This is my family.
"Let's go home," I said to no one in particular.
We all held hands and I mist traveled us back to Camp Jupiter.

We arrived back into Camp Jupiter and I immediately turned to everyone. "Tomorrow morning I want you to call a meeting, we need to discuss a plan about how we're going to bring the fight to end," I explained. "I'll let Reyna know," Frank said wrapping his arm around Hazel's side making her blush lightly.
"Have a nice night everyone, I'll see you all tomorrow," I said walking away with Thalia. "It's a nice night," Thalia commented. "It really is," I said agreeing with her. "You still afraid of heights?" I suddenly asked Thalia. "No, not as much, why?" she said with a confused look masking her face. I whistled loudly for Blackjack and within a matter of seconds the black Pegasus swooped down. "Boss you're back!" Blackjack neighed. I started patting him, "I missed you Blackjack,"
"I've missed you too boss, did you bring me any sugar cubes?"  I summoned a sugar cube and fed it to him.

I then motioned Thalia to come forward to pet Blackjack but she was hesitant. "It's ok, he won't hurt you, Thalia," I said trying to reassure her.  Thalia slowly walked forward and placed her hand on him. I hopped on Blackjack and held my hand out for Thalia to join me. Thalia wrapped her arms around me just as blackjack took off into the sky. Blackjack stopped just above the brightly lit San Francisco. "It's beautiful up here," Thalia whispered while staring at the city. I silently agreed with her. Thalia laid her head on my back  "I don't know what I would've done if I lost you, Percy," I placed my hand on top of hers and turned my head to face her. "You'll never lose me, Thalia, I promise,"
