Game Ten: Round Eight

TW: swearing, character death

Roman shoots Remus from the Basement Landing.

He follows the sounds of carnage back downstairs, keeping the Revolver up.

Patton screams defiance from the other room and Roman spins and begins to focus in.


One of the Werewolves whips around. Roman pulls the trigger.

There's a yelp. Roman backs up and waits for the retaliating attack.


Werewolf Remus leaps into the Basement Landing, claws and teeth out.

He takes a slash at Roman, and his brother yells in pain.

Remus drops onto all fours and snarls.

"Don't make me do this, Rem." Roman says slowly, bracing himself against the wall and gritting his teeth.

Remus growls and snaps at him.


Werewolf Deceit slams the worktable aside, pinning Patton to the wall with huge claws. He snaps at the man's shoulder.

"Stop it!" Patton screams, punching at his chest. "Get off me- AGH!"

Deceit growls and licks his lips. He closes his jaws on Patton's shoulder and flings him into the center of the room.


Patton attacks Werewolf Deceit.

His vision blurs and flickers, but Patton hauls himself to his feet.

He's bleeding. He's ripped up. He's tired and his head is throbbing.

But Dee is not getting to this d*mn Cat.

He grips the dagger tighter, wincing at the blood it draws, and leaps at Deceit.

The dagger catches the side of the huge, swollen shoulders, ripping a huge gash.

Deceit shudders, wobbles, and drops to the ground. He breathes raggedly, then goes silent.

Patton stumbles over to the Cat and picks her up carefully.


Werewolves: Remus

Heroes: Roman, Patton
