Game Nine: Prologue

"Just to make sure: we all think it's incredibly creepy that we've all seen this house previously, correct?" Logan asked.

"Yes." Virgil replied emphatically for the group.

"And we all have negative experiences with the visions that we have?"

"Yup." Remus rubbed his thumb over the scar on his palm.

"And we all agree that the house itself is unnerving?"

"Yeah." Patton nodded.

"So," Logan looked at the others, adjusting his glasses. "Our solution is to go into the house?"

"Yes." Dee rolled his eyes.

"We have to figure out what's causing these visions!" Roman strode a few paces ahead of the others, puffing his chest up proudly. "What is there to be scared about a little old mansion anywa-EAUGH! Remus!"

Remus cackled and tossed away the spiderweb covered stick he'd found to wave in his brother's face.

"Right." Logan eyed the house dubiously. "This is a wonderful idea."

Dee snickered. "I toootally agree, Logan."


Welcome to the Panic Room

Good Luck, boys.
