some part that look like a prologue

Seulgi's Pov

I heard them
They do it again

'What the heck are you doing here you rascal!'
'We don't want you to be here!'

I have to stop them before Yeri starts bleeding

I break in to Yeri's house and go straight to her room.The only thing I found,is Yeri.On the floor,touching her stomach because of pain.Blood come from her nose and mouth,bruises everywhere.

I assumed she got hit, again, mostly on stomach and face.

And I'm late to stop their brothers's ritual. And again.

Till when her suffer will end?

Oh,hello,you the one who read this.I think most of you haven't understand it,yes?

The one I was telling you about,is Yeri.She is my bestfriend since elementary. Her parents really love their child. However,they didn't love their own daughter, Yeri. They want to dump her when she still a baby but their family relation forbid it. So they didn't dump her. But they always go to other countries just so that they cant see her face

And her brothers,Julian and Julio,bully her everyday when she come home because of their parents,and just want to have 'fun'

And now, me.
I'm Do Seulgi
Yeri's only bestfriend since elementary
We like to dancing and singing since we were kid. Just like a girlband

And one day,she breaks into my room. Crying and wounded. And she explain everythin that happended for the last few years

After I heard that,I really want to protect and make her happy. Just like a sister.Because she is my bestfriend.My top priority.

And so,I mastered boxing,kick-boxing,hapkido,karate(my mom was a black-belt when she still in highschool mother like daughter),swimming,and many more.

I mastered all of that because not only for my own protection and to be a legacy from my mom(all the family from my mom that are girls is a well known gangster called 4Red.

Why 4red? Because 4 is the strongest number in nature. There is 4 seasons, 4 phases of the moon, and most improtant, there is 4 chambered heart and red is a symbol for bravery), but for Yeri's safety too.

Everytime she got bully, I always beat the hell out of that person. I don't care if they're older, and bigger than me. I just can't control my strength when it comes to my bestfriend, Yeri.

And so, the boys in my school are frightened of me. Not only because of my strength, but because I act, speak,eat, live like a badboy. I have a long hair but I always hid it inside my hat which I always wearing even at school -the teachers gets bored to make me loose my hat so- and the detention room is like my 2nd home so, yeah...

Wait.I talk too much.
I have to bring Yeri to the hospital ASAP.

First time writing about red velvet
