Your Biggest Fan

You had been interested in acting for as long as you can remember. Your mother was a broadway performer while your father was a film director and part time actor. Growing up in America, every one knew of at least one of your parents. Even some in different countries said that your parents work was their favorite. It was no surprise when you decided you wanted film work to be your profession.
For a recent project, your cast and crew went to London for the premiere. The day of, you and other cast members had an interview.
"So, [Y/N]," the interviewer directs a question toward you. "What are you looking forward to tonight?"
"Let me think," you say. "I really like to see peoples reactions when they watch a movie. I think it's great when the audience is animated and enjoying the movie."
He nods. "I hear you have quite a fan base here in London. Even a famous actor admitted to having a crush on you." The crowd began to 'oooo' while some red appeared on your cheeks.
"Who would that be?" you ask without seeming too eager.
"His name is Benedict Cumberbatch," some 'woops' or screams sound from the audience. "And rumor has it is that he'll be at the premiere tonight."
You began to blush even harder. "I hope to see him tonight then," you reply to the comment and continue with the interview.
Premieres always make you excited. You loved seeing familiar faces and making new friends as you talk to those in the audience or on the red carpet. But, ever since the interview, you felt a bit nervous. Benedict Cumberbatch seemed way out of your league, why would he have a crush on you? Either way, you shrug it off and get ready before your car comes.
At the theater, you could hear screams before your driver opened your door. A smile spread across your face. Before you know it, photographers have their camera's flashing at you while yelling questions and statements at you. "[Y/N], [Y/N], who are you wearing?" "[Y/N], can you give us a tiny spoiler for this film?" "[Y/N], enters the red carpet looking as lovely as ever!"
Looking around, you lost your focus of what was in front of you so you ran into someone. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," you say to the figure you knocked down.
"It's fine, really," you hear a deep voice. Could it be? Benedict lifts himself up while you steady him. "I consider it an honor to be knocked down by you," he smiles, his cheeks turning a bit red.
"[Y/N]," a reporter calls to you. "Are you alright? How is Mr. Cumberbatch? No injuries on either of you?"
You nod slightly toward the reporter. "We're fine thank you." You turn back to Ben. "Again, all my fault. But I'm happy I ran into you....literally." He chuckles at your pin. "Did you come with anyone?"
"I was just about to ask you the same question," his cheeks become redder. "You look really nice tonight, by the way." He puts his hand on your back so you two can continue to walk down the carpet toward the theater.
"Thank you," you smile. "You do too." A bit of silence forms between you two but it isn't awkward at all. "I have an extra seat by me," you say something. "My mom was supposed to come but she's terrified of flying. Would you like to sit by me?"
You can't tell but he seems to be hiding his excitement by forcing a cool expression on his face. "That would be nice."
You two talk while waiting for the movie to start. Some of your cast members notice the both of you and give you either a smile or a raised eyebrow but they leave you alone. Once the movie began, you could tell Benedict was nervous around you. He would put his arm around your chair then move it immediately after he realized what he had done. He also put his arm on the shared arm rest and was avoiding reaching for your hand. You noticed his struggle and grabbed his hand anyway.
At the end of the movie, your cast took a group photo in front of the screen and you were all sent home. Well, almost all of you. Benedict invited you to get a nice cream cone with him. You two continue your conversation with a smile until you realize the time.
"I have a flight that leaves for the US in almost four hours," you sigh. "I better get back to my room so I can pack up."
Ben grabs your hand from across the table. "Please don't go. Stay for a little bit longer. I'll help you get another ticket. Please, just stay for a few more days."
You squeeze his hand. "I'm sorry. I still have promos I need to film back home. But I'll come back once I'm done."
Benedict looks at the table, his thumb rubbing your hand. "You promise?"
You lift his head up so you two make eye contact. "I promise. I'll be back before you know it."
He gives you a reassuring smile. "Ok. I'll drive you back to your hotel." You reach his car and are about to get in until he stops you. "Can I help you pack up your things? And maybe drive you to the airport?"
You nod. "I would like that, thank you."
The next three hours or so are even better than the previous ones before. You and Benedict have so much in common. You both try to not think of you leaving but keep reminding each other that you'll be back.
You remember from your child hood that your parents would travel around the world and always come back home with great things to say about London. Now as an adult, you agree with them and hope to come back with amazing stories of your own, whether you visit often or end up living with Benedict.

[A/N: finally updated woohoo! Hope you liked it c: sorry for the lack of updates but I think I'll be thinking of a lot more ideas for the future. Hope everyone is doing well though and thank you for reading my story. Even though Ben is engaged , that doesn't mean I'll stop writing imagines for him:) ok , I'm gonna stop wasting your time with this note xD have a wonderful day or night!xx]
