Just Friends?

You and Benedict have known each other for a long time, since childhood. Your parents were neighbors and enjoyed each other's company which kind of forced you and Ben to get along. That was no problem because as kids, you didn't mind each other's company. When the night was over and one set of parents had to leave, you would both whine at not wanting to leave each other. Eventually as time passed, the two of you, of course, became older. Ben knew he wanted to be a professional actor just like his parents. You, on the other hand, were not sure of what you wanted. Honestly, you saw your future with Ben. However, things don't always work out they way you may want them to. Ben went off to college to earn his degree and you decided to take a few years to travel with your best friend/roommate. All throughout your travels, you couldn't stop thinking about Ben. You wondered how his studies were and if you should call him or not. For a moment, you thought he had forgotten about you until one day at your parents house.......

You're finally back in London after traveling since you graduated from a university. Your parents had invited Timothy and Wanda, Ben's parents, over for brunch to celebrate your return. You tried to not sound desperate when you asked "Will Benedict be attending?"

The four parents look at each other and smile. Is that smile for sympathy or something else? "Why don't you check out your old room, sweetheart?" your mom pats your back. "The food isn't quite ready yet and the adults need to chat for a while."

You raise an eyebrow at her. "I'm an adult too. Why can't I stay?"

"There are still things you aren't ready to hear," she walks you to your room. "Now, go to your room."

You roll your eyes and go in your room. The color was the same but instead of the decorations being of an actual room, the interior was similar to a library. On two walls there are large bookshelves full of a variety of books. The wall with the window has a coffee table with coasters and snack nuts. In the spot where your bed used to be there are now a couch and a love seat. Sitting in the love seat reading a book was Benedict.

Wait, Benedict?

"Um, hello?" you get his attention.

He looks up from his book and smiles. Oh, how you've missed that smile. He motions for you to sit on the couch. "Hello, [Y/N]." After all these years, he still gives you chills when he talks. "What have you been up to?"

You shrug. "Just traveling. Not as impressive as you becoming an actor. What's that like?"

He stops to think for a moment. "It pays the bills, I guess. But I didn't come to talk about me. And I know our parents are out there so what if we catch up and dinner tonight?"

You smile and nod. "Dinner will be nice."

He returns your smile. "I smell something wonderful. Can't wait to see what your mother has made this time."


Dinner was better than you expected. You and Benedict basically caught up to the present day and when that happened you started to tell old stories and laugh about your silliness as children.

"I still can't believe we used to share a blanket," Ben laughs. "I think I used to get sad when you took it on trips with you."

"But remember," you interrupted, "you somehow convinced both of our parents to let you come with us on our trips."

He sighed. "Those were definitely simpler times." You catch him smiling at you as you poke at your empty plate. "You're still as beautiful as I remember you."

You blush. "What do you mean?"

"Well," he scratches the back of his head. "I've always kept this to myself but for a while now, being 'friends' wasn't enough for me. I began to notice little things about you that made me really like you. Hell, I even love you. But we went our separate ways and I didn't think you felt the same way. I've been waiting to call but something in the back of my brain kept telling me no. However we are here now so I thought I would just live in the moment, with you. Nothing has made me happier than this night."

You grab his hand. "You have no idea I've been waiting to tell you the same thing." You both smile like goofy idiots.

"So, have we been hiding the same feelings all this time," Ben chuckles.

You grin. "I think so. But it was worth it."

((A/N: ugh this one kinda sucks......I had to re-write this like 3 times :S hope it was alright......i gotta work on my endings tho. Have a good day everyone!))
