Chapter 4

After the end of the fundraising part of the event, the lights turned back on and an announcement was made that food would be served shortly. I looked down to adjust my dress and when I turned around, I could not believe my own eyes. In that moment, I felt myself getting pale. The one person who I had dreaded, was sitting right behind me. Harry fucking Styles. Thankfully, Harry hadn't noticed me because he was so involved in a conversation with his date. I think Justin noticed the horrified look on my face and asked, "You okay? Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine. I just remembered that I promised to send Jennifer pictures of my dress before leaving and I completely forgot. She's gonna be pissed if she sees it in a magazine before I send it to her," I lied, hoping that Justin would buy it. I know its a lame excuse, but that's all I could come up with on the spot. 

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I knew he was famous because I would see him on tv but I never imagined to see him ever again. The last time I spoke to Harry was back in middle school. I lived in New Jersey and we had been next door neighbors ever since I could remember. We were best friends that were always stuck to each other's hips all the time. One day was all it took and our friendship was changed. We stopped talking after that.

Right now, I was hoping he wouldn't remember me. As I turned around again I caught his eyes staring holes into mine. It looked like he was trying to figure out who I was or he actually did know who I was.

What was I saying. He definitely had to know who I was unless he was living under a rock. I am one of the more famous models for Victoria Secret. I have also modeled for Esteè Lauder, Tom Ford, and so many other brands.

I excused myself from the table telling Justin I had to use the ladies room. The real reason was that I really didn't want to look at Harry Styles or interact with him. I couldn't stand him or his presence.

He said "wait atleast tell me who you are. You seem so familiar but i cant put my finger on were i have seen you. And i also have to buy you a drink since i dropped yours."

Im a model/actress now can you let go of my wrist? And you dont need to buy me a drink I need to leave." I said.

"Ohh, ya sorry about that. And come on let me buy you one i feel really bad. It will only take a couple of minutes" he said while letting go of my wrist and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Can you tell me your name?" he asked

Thats exactly why i wanted to leave. i didnt want him to know it was me, his best friend who became his enemy.

"Fine if you want to know so badly I'll tell you. My name is Scarlette and i need to leave right now. sooo byee." i said that to him and ran out of Starbucks to where my limo was waiting. I saw him come out of Starbucks trying to look for me and he spotted me and started waalking over me. Thats when i opened the door to the limo and sat and told the driver to take me home.

It had been 20 minutes and the driver finnaly spoke up.

"Ma'am you know that boy Harry Styles? The one you saw at Starbucks that was looking for you."

"Yes Henry, I dont wanna talk about him. Please just let me be" I said

"Ma'am it's just that theres one problem." he said

"Ughhh, wahts the problem Henry?" i said in a very pissed tone.

"He's following the limo right now." he said

"HE'S WHAT????" i yelled

"calm dowm ma'am i'm gonna take you home. when you get inside you can lock your door."

"ok but is there a way you can get him to not follow us."

"yes i think i canget him to lose track of where we go if i speed up a little"

"do whatever you want as long as we lose him"

"yes ma'am"

Cliffhanger cuz you wont know if they lose him or not

leave comments. there are two people writing this story so we will be updating often

give me feedback of how you like the story so far

I will update the next chapter when I get 120 reads and I have 112. Only 8 more.
