Chapter 2

TK has a hard time trusting people and keeps his life to himself. But when he became a firefighter it was a little harder. The rest of the crew wanted to know more about him so he told them what they wanted to hear.

Two weeks ago

"I've wanted to be a firefighter since I remember. And when I finally got the opportunity to become one I couldn't pass it up." TK said to Tim.

Tim responded with "Well, all of us are grateful that you're here."

"Thanks, Tim."

TK was about to walk out of the room when Tim called "Oh, and TK. Tonight the rest of the house and I are gonna go out and get drinks want to come?"

He didn't know what to say. TK knew he should say no because he doesn't drink. But if he told them no, he would have to tell them why and he didn't want that. So he said yes. And the words lingered over his head all day. What was he gonna say when he declined a drink?

The day dragged on for TK. Every call was one step closer to the end of the day. The different scenarios played over and over in TK's mind.

"What if I just say yes. I mean, one drink can't hurt, right?" or "I'll just say no. I have to. I can't risk it. Maybe I just won't show. Say I have other plans."

As the day came to an end TK knew he had to make a decision. He walked over to Tim to tell him he can't go. But the conversation took a turn.

"Hey, TK." Said Tim to TK patting his shoulder. "Ready to go tonight?"

This is when the whole conversation went wrong.

"Yeah. I'll be there." TK knew he messed up.

Later that night he went to the bar and the whole house was there. He stopped at the door and stood there taking in the moment. Preparing himself, then he walked in.

Everyone greeted him with "Hey, TK." and he sat down.

When Tim asked him if he wanted a drink TK said "No thanks. I have a shift tomorrow." Tim looked at him with a confused look but brushed it off.

TK was relieved that that question was over. The whole night they all talked about the craziest calls they've taken. Tim talked about the time when he scaled a tall building to save a family on the top floor. Everyone felt like they needed to one up the other.

When it was TK's turn to tell his story he talked about the time he helped save people from a car that was hanging off the side of a bridge. Everyone loved that story and said it was amazing even though most of them were there with him but they were too drunk to remember. So, he just went along with it. After the night died down, TK when back home.

At home TK's dad asked him how the night went. "Hey, TK. How did it go?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Tim got everyone to tell their craziest stories and let me tell you, it was...something." Said TK.

Owen smiled at him and said "I'm glad you had a good time. See you tomorrow at work."

Owen went to bed and TK sat on the couch. He opened his phone and went to text Peter.

"Hey. Wanna go to dinner next week? I'll buy." He sent to Peter.

"Sure. See you then." Replied Peter.

TK knew that if he couldn't be open with his coworkers, he had to be open with someone. Peter was the only person other than his father who knew how much he struggled in life. TK knew Peter couldn't read his mind. So if he wanted something he had to be the one to make the first move.

TK was gonna propose to Peter at dinner. But that didn't end well.

The day after, at work, no one even remembered what was talked about at the bar.

After that night TK vowed to never agree to go out with them again. He would always come up with an excuse. He also vowed to never agree to a drink he knew he wouldn't have. Until the night after Peter left him. He turned back to drugs.
