Chapter 1

TK has been in the hospital for almost a week now. On day one everyone was there. His friends, family, even people who just wanted to show support. But as another day passed, people were slowly fading. Less and less showed up. Less came to check up on him. Even his own father stopped coming every day. But one person never left his side and will continue to be there until he wakes up. That person is Carlos.

Carlos is a police officer, TK is a firefighter so they cross paths quite a bit. When Carlos first saw TK he thought he was just another firefighter. Someone who did their job, went home and repeated it the next day. But TK wasn't someone who was ordinary TK was going through a lot and no one knew except for his dad. Who he works with. 

TK's dad, Owen always wanted a son who achieved all he wanted in life and he would help him achieve it no matter the cost. TK's parents split when he was eight. TK has wanted to be a firefighter since he could talk. And of course his dad supported it. His mom worked for a company that traveled out of the country so she was rarely home. Which was a lot for young TK to handle. 

New York

Then, one day his mom came home. She wasn't supposed to be back for another week so TK knew something was up. 

"Mom? What are you doing home early?" Said TK. 

His parents looked at each other with panic knowing they have to tell him.

"TK, honey. Your father and I need to tell you something." Said his mom. "Your dad and I are gonna take a break for a little while." 

TK looked at his mom, then his dad with sorrow and astonishment in his eyes. "You're gonna leave me all alone?" 

Owen knelt down and looked TK in the eyes and said, "No, no. Your mother is just gonna move out for a while and you and I are gonna stay here."  

TK ran to his room and that was the last time he saw his mother.

For the next few years, TK and his dad never brought up his mother. Never said her name, it was like she was never in their lives. When TK turned sixteen he came out to his dad. He supported him and it didn't change anything between them. If anything it strengthened their bond even more. 

TK ended up fulfilling his dreams of becoming a firefighter. He worked with his dad at the same firehouse. They were with each other almost everyday all day. TK met a guy named Peter, and they've been dating for almost three years.

"Hey, dad. I think I'm gonna propose to Peter tonight. Do you think I'm moving to fast or..." Said TK hesitantly.

His dad looked at him with a smile on his face. "If you feel like it's the right time, then I fully support you. But I think you should be asking yourself that question. Do you feel like you're relationship is going to fast?"

He looked at his dad contemplating if he's right. "No. I think we're doing just fine." TK paused. Not really sure of his answer. "Anyway, I've got to go. Have fun dining alone." He said walking away, with a smile on his face. 

TK sat in the booth and waited. They were supposed to have dinner at 6:00 and it was already thirty minutes past. 

The waitress came by multiple times and every time TK said, "Sill waiting." with a smile on his face. 

He could tell the waitress felt sorry for him and frankly so did TK. The night of the proposal TK sat in the restaurant booth for over an hour. Peter never showed. He called him, texted him but he never answered. So, of course TK thought the worst. Maybe he forgot, or he went to the wrong place. Maybe his phone died. That night when TK went home, someone knocked on his door. It was Peter.

Opening the door, TK stood there with a blank face staring at Peter.

"TK I am so sorry for not showing up. I know I should have called but I thought we should have this conversation in private."

TK's face changed from blankness to worry in a second. They sat on the couch and talked.

TK hasn't said a word but he didn't have to. He knew what was coming. 

Peter did all the talking.

"TK...last night I should have told you about this before we planned the dinner but I didn't want you to think you did something wrong. I did. I don't think our lives can come together. And I think we need to break off our relationship. I think I just need a fresh start."

With tears filling his eyes, in a quiet tone TK says, "Please leave."

"TK, please. Can we talk about this more. It's not what you think."

"What? It's not because you can't handle my life and all the weight that I throw on you? Is my life to much for you to handle? You think I'm so fragile you can't even say it to me? Just...please go."

And for just a moment they looked at each other. Hatred in TK's eyes and longing in Peter's. He gets up and leaves. 

After that night TK hasn't been in a relationship since. Which doesn't always mean well for TK. When someone drops something on him he usually spirals, and Owen knows that, which is why he went out looking for him after he tried to call him and didn't pick up. 
