The Demon Tapping On Your Brain


She awoke to the sound of small knocking, she sat up in bed. At first, it sounded like she was dreaming it, so she waited. Once she heard the knock again, she felt her heart race. Not knowing what to do, she nervously said, 
"C-Come in." 

In walked a man with short silver hair, his eyes greatly resemble Kadaj's. He had a bunch of clothes, and blankets in his arms. Not saying a word, he dropped all the stuff on the bed beside her. Nervously, she looked up at the man with confusion. The man gave her a smirk, which was almost just as sinister and twisted as Kadaj's. But, there was something about the man that was less scary and more teddy bear like. Kadaj scared her, but this man just made her feel uncomfortable. 

"Hello," He greeted, "My name is-" 
The man was interrupted by another voice, but this voice was as smooth as velvet. 

"Loz." Said the voice, leaning against the doorframe was a taller man with long silver hair that went down to his mid back. "Kadaj said not to talk to her." 
"But, Yazoo!" The man named Loz complained, "I was just showing her what we brought her." 
Yazoo made a 'hmph' sound, he then motioned for Loz to get on with it. 

The man called Yazoo, was scary enough to strike fear into her heart. His voice was as smooth a sink, but he had a stare that could kill. She had to admit, both men were pretty handsome. But, she was more afraid of saying the wrong thing that would get her in trouble, then worry about their looks. Loz was a more muscular man, but he still looked to be a complete teddy bear. 

"Well, Yazoo and I brought you.. " Loz picked up some of her clothes in one hand and a large blanket with the other. "Your clothes, and a blanket-" 
"I think she knows what they are." Yazoo sarcastically stated, his arms crossed his chest. Loz rolled his eyes and sneered at him. 
"I'm just trying to show her!" Loz complained again, Yazoo huffed and walked towards Loz. Yazoo picked up a couple of items and just started to name them off. 

"Clothes, blankets, pillows, jacket, and toothbrush. There, done." Yazoo stated, his arms crossed. Loz rolled his eyes. 
"Thank you." (Y/n) said, making the two look at her. She didn't want to look at them, so she mindlessly grabbed the pillows and placed it where she was going to sleep. 

"No problem-" 
"I thought I told you two not to talk to her." Kadaj's voice interrupted Loz, both men seemed to freeze. Kadaj stood in the doorway, not looking at all impressed. 

"Blame Loz." Yazoo smirked, walking towards Kadaj. Loz's jaw opened In offense. 
"You did it too, Yazoo!" Loz exclaimed, 
"Don't cry, Loz." Yazoo teased. 
"I'm not!" 
"Enough!" Kadaj yelled, making the two men stop their bantering. "Get out of here." 
Not taking a second longer, both men instantly walked out of the room. 

"I'm sorry for those two." Apologized Kadaj, (Y/n) gave him a confused look. 
"You're sorry?" She asked, Kadaj smiled, a genuine smile. 
"Well, maybe I am. I know my brothers are a bit much to take in, sometimes I can't even handle too much of them." 

Kadaj said, earning a small, 
"Hey!" From Loz that came from the other room. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggled at that. 

"Brothers?" She asked, well there was the gang that she's been hearing about. 
"Yes," Kadaj walked into the room and closed the door behind him. "It's just the three of us." 

"Now, we're going to have a talk." Kadaj said, walking to where she was sitting. 
"Talk?" She felt her hands start to shake out of anticipation. 

"Yes, it's about Mother." He said, (Y/n) was still confused. 
"Mother? Are you religious?" She asked, Kadaj shook his head. 
"Not that type of mother," Kadaj had a small ghost of a smile on his face. 
"I don't know any other 'Mother', except for my mother. But other then that, I don't know anything." (Y/n) said, in her mind she was trying to recall anything that had to do with this 'Mother'. 

"I believe you would know her as Jenova." Kadaj said, (Y/n)'s eyes widened. 

It was like the name had just reopened memories that were trying to stay buried. She thought of Sephiroth, the nightmare. Sephiroth was a man that scared her nearly to death, his long hair and sword would forever be a symbol of fear to her. The last battle, the world almost ended. Sephiroth had tried to destroy the planet, and everyone in it. She had tried to forget about it, but it had only been two years.  

"Hello?" Kadaj waved his hand in front of her eyes, she snapped out of her memories, now looking at a rather annoyed Kadaj. 
"S-Sorry." She apologized, shaking her head. 

“As I was saying,” Kadaj continued, “My brothers and I are trying to find the whereabouts of our mother. Have you heard anything about her?” 

“Uh,” (Y/n) thought for a second. Yes, she did know about Jenova, but the last she heard was that Sephiroth had cut off her head and used her body to manipulate Cloud and her friends. 

“S-Sephiroth, he-” She hated saying his name. “He cut off her head, and..that’s all I can tell you.” 

Kadaj didn’t look satisfied with her answer, his jaw was tightened as if her mentioning what Sephiroth had done to his mother was insulting. 

“Are you not (Y/n)? The one who did the most research on my Mother. You also had an extensive history of dealing with Shinra.” Kadaj pushed, she felt as if he was leaning over her. “You were there when my brother bested Sephiroth.”

“Brother? I thought you only had those two?” She asked, knowing that he was talking about Cloud. 
“Ah, a good question.” Kadaj said, “My brothers and sisters are bonded through mothers cells, the stigma.” 
“The stigma? But Cloud..” (Y/n)’s eyes widened. “Cloud has the stigma!” 
“Exactly.” Kadaj nodded. 

She had to process this whole thing, her head was filled with questions that Kadaj couldn’t possibly know, or could he? How did he know her name? What more did he know about her, and where did he find this information? More importantly, what was he? 

“K-Kadaj?” She stuttered, Kadaj made a small 'Hmm' sound. “How did you know my name? 
“You surprise me, (Y/n). You’re smarter than that.” Kadaj chuckled, but he continued. “You’re quite popular with the people of Midgar, also shinra has quite a file on you and all your old friends.”  
"If you know that I have no information, I am no use to you." She said, "You know so much about me, and now you know I don't know where your mother is." 
"Maybe not, but we'll find a use for you." Kadaj crookedly chuckled, (Y/n)'s eyes widened in fear. 

(Y/n) looked up at Kadaj, her eyes were filled with a desperate plea. 

"Kadaj, please. Take me home, from our conversation you can see that I do not know where your mother is." She said, tears forming in her eyes, daring to spill over. Kadaj's stare hardened, his jaw was clenched with a small twisted smile on his lips. Kadaj stood up from the bed, he straightened up his coat. 

"My brothers and I will be having dinner soon, I do hope you join us." Kadaj said, disregarding her plea, he walked towards the door. (Y/n) followed, she grabbed at his arm. Kadaj looked down at her small hand on the crook of his elbow, he then looked the girl in the eyes. 

"I don't have the information you want, just let me go!" Her voice raised, Kadaj watched as tears slowly fell down her face. He went to wipe them away, but stopped himself mid motion. 

"Uh.." He tried to find words, his cocky expression dropped for a split second. Kadaj then shook off the temporary feeling of empathy, he then pulled his arm out of her grasp. He then snapped, "You will join my brothers and I for dinner, it's not a request!" 

With that, he opened the door and walked out, slamming it behind him. (Y/n) placed her hands on the door, feeling utter defeat. Tears fell down her eyes, she ran to the bed, laying herself down while crying into her pillow. But little did (Y/n) know, Kadaj was on the other side of the door, hearing her soft sobs. 


"So, you want us to get the information out of her?" Yazoo asked, but Kadaj shook his head. 
"Kadaj, if she says she doesn't have information then aren't we going to torture her like we did the other two?" Loz asked, but again Kadaj shook his head. 

"Then kill her?" Yazoo asked, Kadaj then perked up.
"No." He said, sternly. 
"Then she is useless to us." Yazoo said, feeling a little unsure of what his brother was getting at. "I am unsure of why we are keeping her here." 

"She could be of some use to us." Kadaj said, "Her friends will be out looking for her, that gives us time to search without anyone bothering us." 

"But Kadaj, if that is all then we could just kill her and hide her body." Yazoo said, Loz nodded. 
"If your only intent is to hurt or kill her, then don't even bother trying to speak to her." Kadaj snapped, glaring at his two brothers. 

Yazoo and Loz looked at each other confused, unsure of their brothers' outburst. Kadaj then got up, about to walk out of the room when he heard Loz speak up. 

"What are we supposed to do with her then?" Loz asked, Kadaj stopped. 
"She's our guest." Kadaj stated, "Treat her as such." 

"Kadaj," Yazoo called, "Is this the best way for us to find mother?" 
"From where I'm standing, yes." Kadaj then turned, "Yazoo, I do not want to hear anymore talk about harming her." 

With that, he walked away. 
