Be Our Guest


(Y/n) walked out of Kadaj's room, she shyly made her way to the kitchen. She turned the corner and almost ran into someone, she jumped, her face was in someone's chest. Her face became red in embarrassment, she looked up and came face to face with Yazoo, who looked completely unphased by the small scare. His eyes were dreamy, but his expression was cold and relaxed. Quite an odd mixture, but somehow it suited him. 

"Good, I was just about to come get you." Yazoo said, he gently grabbed her hand, he then turned on his heels and walked her into the kitchen. 

His strides were so much longer than hers, that she had to walk at a slightly quicker pace. Yazoo pulled her into the kitchen, there was a medium sized table, it wasn't the prettiest but it looked clean. There were four chairs with small cushions on them, it was a very nice shade of red. Kadaj and Loz both sat at the table, Loz looked towards her and instantly waved. 

Yazoo walked her to her chair, he pulled it out for her and motioned for her to sit. Once she sat down, he slightly pushed in her seat. 

"Thank you." She smiled up at him, Yazoo smirked and went back to the poorly made stove. The kitchen itself was pretty big but it was quite old, nothing that a good cleaning and polishing would do. 

"Yazoo, can I flip one again?" Loz asked, referring to the pancakes that Yazoo was making. Yazoo scoffed, he then turned around after flipping the one he was cooking. 

"I don't think so." Yazoo said, crossing his arms with the spatula In hand. 
"Come on, Yazoo!" Loz pleaded. "Please!" 
"I'm still waiting for the last one to come down." Yazoo said, looking unimpressed while pointing to the ceiling with the spatula. There was a half cooked pancake that was stuck in the ceiling, looking like it wasn't going to be coming down anytime soon. 

"I'll stop bugging you if you let me." Loz bargained, Yazoo thought for a second and nodded. 
"Fine, whatever gets you off my back." He said, throwing the spatula to Loz. He caught it, and excitedly stood up and walked over to the stove. Loz started to flip, Yazoo was subtly watching over his shoulder. 

(Y/n) couldn't help but giggle at the whole thing, it was the way they acted. They seemed so scary, their reputation was nothing less of bloodthirsty and dangerous. But, when getting to see how they really are, they were just the same as everyone else. Of course, they were rough around the edges but then isn't everyone like that before getting to know them on a personal level. (Y/n) couldn't quite feel completely safe around them, but she was warming up to them. 

"I think this one's ready." Loz announced, he then scooped up the pancake. He then looked over his shoulder, looking at Kadaj who was not paying any attention. "Kadaj, catch!" 

Kadaj didn't have a moment to respond, Loz instantly tossed the pancake over his shoulder. Kadaj turned right when the thing came hurtling towards him. 

It landed right on Kadaj's head, Loz instantly put his hands on his mouth in shock. Kadaj grimaced as he knocked the pancake off his head and onto the table, he turned to his brothers. Both of their eyes were wide, Loz looked almost white in fear. Kadaj turned to (Y/n), who had her hands over her mouth. She then started to giggle, it was a small giggle but it soon turned into small laughter. Loz then started to chuckle, he was reluctant but he couldn't help it. 

Kadaj grabbed the pancake and tossed it back at Loz, who caught it. (Y/n) stopped her giggling but she tried to hide her smile that was on her face. Despite it being an embarrassing moment for him, Kadaj had a ghost of a smile that was on his face. Not because of Loz's mishap, but because he made (Y/n) laugh. 

After everyone ate, Kadaj walked (Y/n) back to his room, his hand resting on her lower back. He welcomed her back in, she instantly sat on the bed and wrapped her blanket around herself. 

"I'll be back later, I have some things I need to do." Kadaj said he went to close the door but (Y/n)'s small voice stopped him.

"What?" He asked, turning around. 
"Can I have something to do? It just gets kinda boring around here when you're gone." (Y/n) said, shyly looking down at the ground. 
"Ah, yes. I suppose it does, I'll see what there is." Kadaj then closed the door and made his way to Yazoo. 

"Yazoo." Kadaj called, getting his brother's attention. "Lend me one of your books." 
"Okay, why?" Yazoo asked, curiously tilting his head. "You never read." 
"It's not for me, it's for her." He motioned back to the room where (Y/n) was in. Yazoo nodded, he then got up and momentarily walked out of the room. He then returned with a large book.

"Here." Yazoo said, handing it to him. 
"It's not one of your..inappropriate books, is it?" Kadaj gave Yazoo a skeptical look, Yazoo just scoffed and rolled his eyes. 
"It's on the scary side, other than that it's not that bad." Yazoo said, Kadaj still gave his brother a look of distrust but took the book and returned to (Y/n). 

Kadaj walked back into the room, he instantly tossed the book over to her. Luckily she caught it, looking over the book. 

"Now, Yazoo and I will be out. Loz will be here if you need anything." Kadaj said, (Y/n) looked up from the book. 
"Where are you going?" (Y/n) asked, genuinely curious. 

"To go see Ru- why does it matter?" Kadaj stopped himself, giving (Y/n) a suspicious glare. 
"Nothing, I was just wondering." (Y/n) said, innocently. 
"You should mind your own business, (Y/n)." Kadaj snapped, (Y/n) looked back down in fear. 
"I'm sorry, Kadaj. I was just curious." She pleaded, Kadaj scoffed. He then made his way towards her, roughly grabbing her wrist. 

"While I'm gone, you will not be permitted to leave this house." Kadaj said, his eyes were glaring daggers at her. (Y/n) nervously nodded, flinching at the pain he was causing her wrist. 
"I-I won't Ka-" 
"My empty headed brother will be watching over you." Kadaj interrupted her, momentarily feeling bad for calling Loz that. (Y/n) then looked up, locking her eyes with him. 

"Kadaj." She said, softly. Kadaj's angry expression softened, her eyes were full of fear with tears welling up in her eyes. "Y-you're hurting me." 

Kadaj quickly let go of her wrist, his demeanor became fragmented. His expression was out of confusion and concern. 

"I-I'm-" Before Kadaj could finish his sentence, (Y/n) took notice of the remorse his expression had. 
"It's okay." (Y/n) softly whispered. She raised her hand and cupped his cheek, surprisingly he didn't flinch away. 

He closed his eyes and welcomed the new sensation, slightly leaning into her touch. His silver hair was as soft as silk, his skin was smooth. Which came as a surprise to (Y/n), but she couldn't help but smile at this. To the both, it felt surreal. 

Kadaj had never felt so warm, so relaxed. His life was only to have one purpose, but now it was like all his thoughts were wiped clean. Now, he was just focused on her. Her hand was so warm, so soft, so comforting. No one had ever done this to him. Hell, no one had ever even been this close without being killed. But (Y/n), (Y/n) was someone special, she was just so good, so pure.

He couldn't put his finger on it, but she had penetrated his head. She was a looming thought, like a shadow. Kadaj thought it was because of his mistrust for the girl, but now he was even more confused. If it wasn't mistrust, or even hate, what could it be? Why did he care what she thought? Why did he care that he hurt her? 

(Y/n) gently and slowly rubbed her thumb on his cheek, she didn't know why but she wanted to be closer. She placed her other hand on his other cheek, using her fingers to play with his hair. For her earlier assessments, she depicted Kadaj to have straw like hair, rough and stringy. But now, it was so soft that it almost made her jealous. 

Kadaj slowly opened his eyes, watching her play with his hair. She had such a curious smile on her face, that he couldn't bring himself to pull away. But, his pride and reputation was at stake here. So, he quickly pulled away, making her slightly jump. He was going to say something rude, and throw some magic accusations at her. But, he knew it wasn't true. 

"I..uh..I'll be back before dark." He said, swiftly turning on his heels, "I-I promise." 
"I believe you." She smiled at him, Kadaj opened the door and turned his head to look back at her. Their glances caught one another, but Kadaj turned back around and closed the door behind him. 

He was slipping, in defeat he leaned against the door. His head resting on the door, he softly groaned. 
"You're slipping." He scolded himself, he clenched his fists and pushed himself off the door. Now, he had a job to do. 
