Chapter 5 Times fly by

The lake was shimmering over the landscape. It was very peaceful, the clouds on the sky looked like thick cottons, flying by one by one. Melissa was sitting on the edge of a huge rock wall. To the left was a small waterfall that carefully took its water down the edge where she was sitting. Her feet dangled over the edge while she listened to the waterfall, dripping its water into the big lake she had in front of her.

It had been one and a half year since she had lost her parents. One and a half year since she lost everything she loved. One and a half year since her dear parents got stolen away from her. That was still carving deep into her mind, everyday. She never spoke about her parents much to Sam or anyone, but she thought about them. Everyday. She had just turned seventeen and was still living with Sam who had became like family to her. She stayed at Sam's farm, and because of that, both of them had earned more money than before. Melissa usually sold eggs and milk and other value things that would interest people. She enjoyed her current life, but the miss of her parents would always remain deep into her heart and that night when she lost them, will forever be in her nightmares.

As she stood up from the edge, Melissa grabbed the bag beside her and the rod. Sam had taught her over the years how to fish properly and it seemed to work. She was still a very poor fisherwoman, yet, much better than before.

She grabbed her things and then mounted Belle who was standing further away, eating grass and enjoying the fresh air. She gave a little kick on Belle and started trotting home on the main road. She past beautiful forest and took a last glimpse of the big lake that had became her favorite spot to be. As she was getting closer and closer to town she rode by a forest that were pretty enough. But suddenly, a scream could be heard. A manly voice screamed for help deeper into the forest.

Melissa quickly stopped Belle and jumped down, she loaded her revolver, in case someone was just messing around and wanted to robe her, it wasn't the first time that had happened.

She followed the voice into the forest and when she reached the person who was screaming she noticed that he was stuck with his foot in a bear trap. The man looked up at Melissa with a painful face. He was a black man, with black straight hair and with very light brown eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with brown pants and some straps. He didn't look very old, maybe nineteen or twenty years old.

" Oh thank God Miss!" He said and touched his foot while making a painful expression. "You have to help me, please". His voice was soft and he was in real trouble. Melissa dropped the revolver in her holster she had around her blue dress she was wearing and then crouched down in front of the man.

" Don't worry, I'll get you out, if I only had clue how this thing worked." She said and inspected it.

" I think....I think you have to pull the two ends there." The man said while he gasped for air from the pain.

"Alright, I'll try, this might hurt a bit." She said while dragging the two ends.

The man screamed and kicked his other leg when Melissa dragged the two ends to get the trap off his foot. She dragged and eventually it got loose. The man fell back and laid himself on his back. He breathed out and made some painful grimes.

"Thank.....Thank you so much." He said, while catching his breath. 

" How did you even manage to get in there?"

He sat up and breathed out again while he painfully tried to touch his foot.

" Well I was chasing a rabbit and I didn't see the thing. They should set up signs or something, damn fools." He said and looked at Melissa.

Melissa looked straight into his eyes, they were very beautiful. He smiled at her and then made a painful noise once again.

"You need some help getting home?" She asked.

He was in really bad shape as she could tell, and figured he might need help getting home.

" Yes that would be extremely helpful!" He said and smiled. "My cabin is just a bit away from here, by lake Granyon." He pointed the direction.

Melissa nodded and stood up to help the man up. She laid his arm around her neck and then raised him up. He made a painful expression as the started walking.

" My horse is just up by the road, I hitched her there, so you don't need to walk". Melissa said.

" Thank you so much, I don't think I was going to survive another minute." He said and smiled at her.

When they reached Belle, Melissa helped him get up into the saddle while she led Belle towards the little cabin laying further down by the lake. She walked beside Belle and kept a close eye on the man so he didn't fall. They passed the lake once again and eventually a little cabin further down the road, could be seen. It was brown and made out of wood. It was small and had a view over the lake. It was a beautiful spot for a home. Melissa hitched Belle outside the cabin and then helped the man down. He leaned his weight on her shoulders while they stumbled up the stairs and got into the cabin. Melissa grabbed a chair to the man who immediately sat down and smiled at her.

"My name's James Alden by the way." He said and reached out his hand. "Melissa Summers." She said and reached her hand for his. "Do you have any alcohol and bandage at home?" She asked and stood up. James pointed towards a locker and Melissa headed that way. James seemed like a nice man, but Melissa still kept her revolver close to her, just in case. She gathered some whisky and some bandage from the locker and then went back to where James was sitting. "This might hurt a bit." She said as she poured the whisky on his wound. James screamed and fell backwards in his chair. "I told you it might hurt." Melissa said while she helped him up to the chair again.

Melissa poured more whisky on James wound while he made all sorts of painful expressions and sounds. After some water and whisky it seemed clean enough, and Melissa wrapped the bandage around his foot. "There, all settle." She said and stood up. "It should be fine, but maybe you should head to the doctors tomorrow, just in case." She said. James laughed and shredded his head. " Might be hard, I'm not welcome at the doctors." He said while pouring himself a cup of whisky, he reached a cup and the whisky bottle to Melissa and she poured herself one as well. "Why?" She asked as she sipped some whisky. "Why do you think?" James responded back as he drank the whole cup of whisky.

She understood why. Because of his skin color. Black people weren't welcome anywhere by the people in town. Something that Melissa thought was very foolish.

" Well, that's just stupid, but what can I say? People will be people." She said and drank the last of the whisky. "You can say that again." James said and smiled at her.

He was very sweet and kind as far as Melissa could tell. His smile was heartwarming and his eyes very clear.

" Well, anyway I should probably head home." Melissa said as she puts down the cup.

"Wait, before you go." James said and stood up. He opened a cufferet further away and grabbed some money from it, then he reached 3§ towards Melissa as he smiled.

"Oh, that's very kind Mr. Alden, but it really was no trouble. " She said.

" You saved my life Miss Summers, the least thing I can do is to repay you for your troubles." He said as he puts the money in Melissa's hand. His hand felt soft and warm against hers and she smiled to him.

"Well thank you Mr. Alden, you be well now." Melissa said as she walked out.

"You too Miss Summers." James said as Melissa walked out. " Oh! Wait, if you're ever interested in fishing come by and see me." He said and smiled.

Melissa jumped up on Belle and tilted her hat slightly forward. "I may." She said and smiled. Then she took off while James waved at her.

It was nice meeting someone new that seemed a lot like herself, and James seemed like a real special man. She knew people in town by now but most of them were just selfish, spoiled people that only cared about some things, and that was, one become wealthy, two get married and three, have a lot of children. Something that didn't cross Melissa's mind at all, she figured it will be a long time before she ever get married. If she ever get married. Jenny Rose always spoke about things liked that to Melissa. Mrs. Rose was married to Ralph Rose, a wealthy oilman, almost the wealthiest in town. Mrs. Rose was usually in town the same time as Melissa was, spreading gossip and chattering with the sheriff. Melissa once saved Mrs. Rose from getting robbed from some nasty men, and after they she had spoken to Melissa everytime she saw her. Melissa, never liked her too much and always tried to avoid talking to her, so she could avoid Mrs. Rose constant chatter that Melissa should get married or worse, that she should have children.

Melissa eventually reached town and was going to stop to buy some coffee at the general store. She hitched Belle outside the store and walked in. Mr. Wild was standing behind the cashier, counting his wealth.

"Good Day Mr. Wild." Melissa said and tilted her hat towards him. Mr. Wild looked up and then kept counting his wealth.

"Oh, good day Miss Summers." He said with his rare, sort of scottish accent, not looking at her. Melissa grabbed some coffee from the shelf and laid it on the desk in front of Mr. Wild. "How's Mr. Andrews?" He asked as Melissa gave him a few bucks for the coffee.

" He's quite good, thank you." She responded. "How's his studying going? He's still studying for a police officer, right?" He asked as he gave back some money to Melissa.

"Yes he is, soon he'll be working in town for Sheriff Hinton."

"That's wonderful news, this town sure needs more people like him." He said. Melissa nodded as she smiled at him. When she was about to pick up the coffee and leave the store, someone else entered the store. A woman in a fancy dress and a big bun with clear blue eyes and a full face of makeup, made entrance. Melissa closed her eyes and sighned. It was Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Rose smiled a huge smile as she walked into the store and noticed Melissa.

" Miss Summers! How lovely to see you!" She said with her british accent and walked up to Melissa. Melissa had to force herself to be nice, it wasn't that Mrs. Rose was mean in some way, it was that Mrs. Rose was very annoying and a woman who relays on gossip and not the truth. " Mrs. Rose, it's good to see you too." Melissa responded and forced a smile on her face.

" How is everything with you dear?" Mrs. Rose asked. "Just dandy." Melissa responded. "And you Mrs. Rose?" She kept going.

"Oh, you know how it is! Always busy, and did I tell you that my Daughter Eliza got married last week?" Mrs. Rose said as she grabbed some fruits from behind her.

"Yes, so I heard." Melissa said, wanting to get out of there. "And?" Mrs. Rose said and turned around towards her. "And what?" Melissa asked confused.

"And, will there be any wedding for you soon as well dear? After all, you and...and...what's that boys name? Andrews? Sam Andrews, yes him you and Mr. Andrews are living together. Are you going to marry him soon?"

Melissa didn't quite know what to say or do. Should she laugh or cry?

" Forgive me Mrs. Rose but you must have gotten it all wrong, me and Sam are only close friends." Melissa said.

Mrs. Rose rolled her eyes and waved her hand in front of her. " There is nothing such as a female and a male being friends, and it's about time you and him got married, or someone else will marry that boy, I hope you realize that." Mrs. Rose said as she walked to the fruits again.

Melissa wanted to laugh for Mrs. Rose to be thinking that she and Sam would get marry, because that would never happened.

" I'm sorry Mrs. Rose, but I don't love Sam like a husband, I love him like a brother." Melissa said. Mrs. Rose sighned as she gathered some fruits. Mr. Wild laughed a little as he watched Mrs. Rose talk in such way with Melissa. " Well that's a shame." Mrs. Rose said as she walked up with the fruit to Mr. Hinton.

Melissa waved at them both as she opened the door and got out, she breathed out heavily and shredded her head. Then she mounted Belle and headed home.

When she reached the farm Sam was nowhere to be found. So Melissa figured he was probably in the kitchen, preparing dinner for them both, either that or studying the law in his room, that was something he always did as well, because Sam really wanted to become a police officer, and soon he would be one. She led Belle to the field where Bob was and took off all the equipment. Melissa grabbed the bag with fish and coffee and headed inside. Sam was in the kitchen and noticed that Melissa got in. He peaked out from the kitchen and smiled at her. Melissa got in and sat down by the table.

" How was your trip? Did you have fun?" Sam asked as he gathered two plates for them.

"If you call speaking to Mrs. Rose fun, then sure." Melissa responded. Sam chuckled a little and got the stew on the table. "What were you doing speaking to her? I thought you said you didn't like her?" Sam asked and sat down, pouring a glass of milk to himself.

"I didn't intend to speak to her Sam, she were the one who spoke to me." She said and took a sip of the milk.

" Oh yeah? Then what did she want?" Sam smiled.

" She asked me if I was going to get married to you anytime soon."

"To me?" Sam laughed.

Melissa nodded and ate a piece of Sam's delicious stew he always made.

" Well maybe we should then?" Sam said and stood up, he kneeled down in front of Melissa's chair. "Miss Summers, it would be an honor to be your husband and even more honor to have you as my wife, so what you say? Will you marry me?" Sam said.

Melissa pushed him so he fell backwards, she laughed and continued to eat.

"I wouldn't even marry you if you so were the last man on earth." Melissa laughed.

"That's just mean." Sam said. Both of them laughed while they ate their dinner.

After some time of silence, Melissa was thinking of James she had just meet. There was something special about him, although, she couldn't tell what it was. How could she not have seen him before? He couldn't have lived more than 20 minutes from town. Melissa guessed that James kept himself away from town, probably because of the people in town.

"What are you thinking of?" Sam asked as he ate the rest of his stew. Melissa turned her head to him and shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing special." She responded as she puts her plate on the zink. "It's just...I met this man today, his name was James. James Alden, do you know him?" She asked. Sam looked at her confused. "Never heard of him, who is he?" Sam asked.

"Well that's the thing, I don't know." Melissa said and looked out through the window. She was curious on who James was, and for some reason she wanted to meet him again. And soon, she would. 
