Chapter 7

"Wake up." Lauren whispered, pressing her lips against Camila's over and over until the younger girl lips curled up into a sleepy smile.

"This is a good way to wake up." Camila said, her voice cracking with sleep.

"Your morning voice is cute." Lauren said, kissing Camila's forehead, nose and cheek. "Open your eyes."

"It's too early."

"Open." Lauren kissed Camila's nose making her grin. "Your." She kissed Camila's forehead this time. "Eyes!" Camila finally opened her eyes when Lauren pecked her on the lips.

"Hi." Camila whispered, smiling up at Lauren.

"Ally texted. Told me to have you home by half ten 'cause your dad is taking you out for the day."

"What time is it now?"

"Ten to ten." Lauren said, dipping her head to kiss Camila but she turned her head. "What?"

"Morning breath."

"I just brushed my teeth." Lauren said, trying again but Camila rejected her again.

"Not you, me."

"Oh, shut up." Lauren rolled her eyes, holding onto Camila's cheeks so that she couldn't move again and pressed a lingering kiss on her lips. "That's all I wanted, love."

"You're disgusting." Camila groaned, turning her head away from Lauren.

"Get your butt out of bed and get changed, I'll go make breakfast." Lauren said, pecking Camila on the lips and lightly swatting her butt before pushing herself off the bed. "You want anything specific."

"Just what you're having."

"French toast it is then. See you in five." Lauren smiled at Camila before heading downstairs and into the kitchen.

Lauren had just finished making Camila's breakfast and had started her own when she felt a set of arms wrap around her waist. "Jesus, I didn't even hear you walk in, are you some kind of ninja?"

"Maybe." Camila mumbled, resting her ear against Lauren's back.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. More than ok." Camila smile against Lauren's back.

"Good." Lauren smiled, turning to look at Camila and placing her hands on the girls waist. "Breakfast is ready." Lauren said, lifting Camila up and spinning her around to sit on the counter making Camila squeal in surprise.

"You're stronger than you look."

Lauren just winking at Camila and nodded to the French toast on the counter as she served her own.

"You're beautiful." Camila said making Lauren look up from her plate into her eyes. "I don't think I've ever told you before. You're perfect and I don't understand what you're doing here with me right now but I'm glad you are."

"I'm here because there's nothing else I would rather be doing. No one else I would rather be spending time with." Lauren said, leaning her elbows on the counter and looking up at Camila. "Tell me something I don't know about you?"

"Like what?" Camila asked, taking a bite of her breakfast.

"I don't know. Anything? Something from when you were a kid."

"Ok," Camila agreed, thinking about what to say as she chewed her breakfast. "Well, when I was a kid I had a fascination with bugs. My mom didn't let me have them in the house so I made this little town, I called it Bugsville, out in my yard and kept all different kinds of bugs in it. I would go outside every chance I got and just watch 'em."

"Bugsville, that's cute." Lauren grinned. "Also, I think your new nickname is bug."

"Bug?" Camila arched her eyebrows in amusement.

"Yup, I think it's fitting." Lauren smiled, placing their plates in the sink and nodding towards the door. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Camila slid off the counter and followed Lauren out to the car.

"Why didn't you ever come into Ally's room before?"

"I didn't really know any of you other than Ally and I knew you guys wouldn't have wanted some chick sitting in the corner like a loser." Camila said as they pulled out of the driveway.

"You know me now so will you come in tonight? Dinah and Normani are nice, I swear."

"It's not that I don't think they're nice, I know they are. They always ask me how I'm doing and if I want to join them but I'm just not good company."

"I just don't want to sit in Ally's room while you're next door but I don't always want to leave the girls either."

"Ok, I'll come in tonight."

"No, that wasn't me trying to blackmail you into coming in, if you don't want to you don't have to."

"No, I do want to, always have but I just didn't want to be a drag."

"You won't be. We only sit and watch movies most of the time, anyway. And then Ally will talk about this guy she likes from school or Normani will talk about Arin."

"I'll come in tonight."

"You don't have to." Lauren assured, looking over at Camila as she pulled up outside her house.

"I want to." Camila answered, smiling when Lauren arched her eyebrows. "I promise."

"Alright," Lauren smiled, pecking Camila on the lips. "Come on then, Bug."

Camila smiled because, yeah, that nickname was a lot cuter than she originally thought it would be.

"Where do you think you and your dad will be going?" Lauren asked as both girls walked into the house.

"Not sure."

"Ah, Mila. You ready to go?" Her dad asked as they walked into the living room where he was sitting waiting with Ally, Normani and Dinah.

"Yeah, dad." Camila nodded.

"See you tonight." Lauren smiled, pecking Camila on the lips before letting go of her hand.

"Bye." Camila smiled shyly, following her dad out the door.

"Who are you again?" Normani frowned up at Lauren making her roll her eyes.

"We going upstairs?"

Ally nodded, pushing herself off the sofa and the girls followed her upstairs.

"So, how have you been?" Dinah asked as Lauren sat down on the bed with her back to the wall.

"Good." Lauren said, unable to hide the grin the spread onto her face as her mind wandered back to Camila.

"Judging by that smile I'd say it's better than good." Dinah grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at Lauren.

"I think she loves her." Normani sung.

"Are you guys ever girlfriends yet?" Ally frowned.

"Dudes, calm down with the questions. Dinah, yes, it's been pretty damn awesome. Normani, shut up. Ally, no."

"Hey, why won't you answer Normani's statement with a straight answer!" Dinah said, pointing accusingly at Lauren as she bounded down onto the bed.

"Do you love her?" Ally asked, looking over at Lauren with wide eyes.

"No. At least not yet." Lauren muttered shyly.

"Yet!" Ally all but yelled.

"Ally." Lauren hissed.

"Don't avoid the question! You're falling in love with Camila." Normani accused and Lauren shrugged.

"Maybe I am." Lauren shrugged. "All I know is that she's amazing and all I think about. I'm just happy she's happy."

"Well, you know what your girl Lana Del Rey said. When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that's love."

"I can't believe Miss Lauren 'I don't do love' Jauregui is falling in love."

"Shut up." Lauren huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and grinning.

"It's kind of cute." Ally said.

"Yet kind of yucky in a sweet, gonna give me diabetes kinda way." Dinah added.

"She's coming in here tonight when she's back so you guys better be nice." Lauren warned, looking at Normani and Dinah.

"We will be."

"She's coming to sit in here? How'd you pull that one?"

"I just asked." Lauren shrugged, not wanting to tell them the full story as to why, it wasn't her story to tell.

"Enough about Romeo's love life, let's stick some movies on."

Lauren settled back against the wall to watch the movie.

It was halfway through the second movie that Lauren felt her phone buzz against her leg. She fished it out of her pocket and smiled when she saw Camila's name.

'I miss you.'

It wasn't much, three little words but they made Lauren's heart rate speed up.

'I miss you too, bug. But you're spending time with your dad, I've been taking up way to much of your time lately, spend some quality time with him and I'll see you when you're home xx'

'Potassium xx'


'It's chemical element is K and just saying K seemed rude xx'

Lauren laughed, gaining the attention of her friends.

"Bloody love sick puppy."

Lauren ignored Normani and looked back down at her phone.

'Dork. I'll see you when you're back xx'

Lauren put her phone back into her pocket.

"Was that her?" Dinah asked and Lauren didn't even have to look away from the movie to know she was grinned.

"Shut up."

"Are you blushing?" Normani grinned.

Lauren wasn't but she was starting to because Normani had mentioned it.

"She is."

"I fucking hate you guys." Lauren grumbled, keeping her eyes on the movie.

The girls just laughed, turning back to the movie.


She doesn't remember much of any of the movies they watched, or the stuff they talked about, her mind just kept wandering to Camila. She hoped she was having a good time because the look in her dad's eyes when they came back from Orlando was amazing.

"I want pizza." Lauren announced, looking expectantly at the girls in front of her.

"Then go pick up some pizza."

"Fine." Lauren groaned, pushing herself off the bed and stretching her legs. "You guys want anything?"

"Just cheese."

Lauren nodded, grabbing her car keys from her jacket pocket. "Be back in ten."

Lauren headed down stairs and out to her car.

"Lauren? I thought you were staying until later?" Lauren turned around to see Camila and her dad walking out of the garage, Camila's dad with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey, bug. I'm just going to pick up some pizza. You wanna come?"

"Sure, see you soon, dad."

"Bye, Mila. Bye Lauren."

Lauren smiled and nodded at the man, unlocking the car and getting in.

"Did you have fun?" Lauren asked, glancing over at Camila to see the girl smiling down at her hands.

"So much fun. We didn't even do anything, not really, just went to lunch and to see a movie."

"I'm glad you had fun." Lauren smiled, reaching across to take ahold of Camila's hand that was on her lap.

"I missed you a lot." Camila said, bringing Lauren's knuckles up to her lips.

"I missed you too." Lauren smiled, squeezing Camila's hand.

"What did you do today?"

"Just sat and watched movies. Thought about you which distracted me from said movies."

"What did your friends say? About us."

"They were teasing me. Not about you about how I was, said I was like a love sick puppy."

"So they're ok with us?"

"Of course." Lauren assured. "What time is your therapy appointment tomorrow?"

"Half past six."

"In the afternoon."

"Well, it's not gonna be in the morning is it?" Camila arched her eyebrow making Lauren glare playfully at her.

"You watch yourself or I might just not bother getting you some pizza."

"Blackmail. Classy."

Lauren grinned, pulling into the car park and getting out of the car.

"What's your favorite pizza topping?" Lauren asked, slinging her arm around Camila's shoulder and smiling at her.


"Ok, so we share a pineapple pizza while the girls share a cheesy pizza." Lauren said, walking up to the counter.

"What can I get you?"

"A twelve inch cheese pizza and a nine inch pineapple pizza please."

"Sure, those will be ready in five." The guy said, smiling flirtatiously at Camila.

Lauren glared at him, looking down at Camila to see how she was reacting but she was too busy staring at Lauren to notice.

Lauren smirked up at the guy before dipping her head and pressing a lingering kiss on Camila's lips.

"What was that for?" Camila asked, grinning up at Lauren.

"Just because I can." Lauren answered, but Camila narrowed her eyes and looked up at the guy who had now moved to the oven but was glaring over at Lauren.

"Were you jealous?" Camila smiling an amused smile.

"What? Of course not."

"You were, weren't you?" Camila hooked her finger around Lauren's belt loops and pulled her towards her.

"Ok, maybe a little. But you're mine, I don't want some jumped up little punk looking at you." Lauren pouted.

"Why would I care if someone is looking at me when I have you?"


"Don't be, I like that you care about me enough to get jealous."

"I care about you a lot."

"Pizzas." A voice called and two boxes were slammed down on the counter next to them.

"Thanks. Great customer service, by the way." Lauren called sarcastically over her shoulder as she left the building with Camila.

"That was mean."

"He deserved it, looking at you like you're a piece of meat." Lauren huffed, trying to sound angry but Camila just thought it was adorable.

"You're cute when you act all protective." Camila said, grinning up at Lauren as they walked to the car.

"I'm cute all the time, sweetheart." Lauren argued and Camila nodded, walking round the side of the car and getting into the passenger side.

"You can't be badass and cute, you have to pick one."

"No I don't. I'm a cute badass."

"There's no such thing."

"Is too." Lauren argued, glancing on at Camila. "Loki. He was pretty damn adorable while trying to take over the earth."


"Your dad seemed happy when you guys got back."

"Yeah. We talked a whole lot, probably talked more in those seven hours that we were out then we did the whole of last year. You came up a couple of times."

"I did?"

"Yeah," Camila nodded. "Good things, though. My dad didn't have a have a bad word to say about you."

"So he doesn't hate me?"

"Why would he have hated you?" Camila frowned, looking over at Lauren.

"Well, isn't it the law of the universe? A dad hates whoever his daughter dates?"

"Probably." Camila shrugged. "But I've never dated someone other than you so I didn't really know how he was going to react."

Lauren nodded, pulling up outside the house.

"Does that mean you think your dad will hate me?" Camila asked as they got out of the car and walked towards the house.

"No, of course not. My dad hated the boy I brought home but I know he'll love you."

Camila nodded, opening the door to the house and heading upstairs.

Lauren went to open the door but stopped when Camila tugged lightly on her hand.

"It's ok." Lauren assured when she noticed the worried look on Camila's face. "They're nice people." Lauren tucked a strand of hair behind Camila's ear with the hand that wasn't balancing pizzas and pressed a lingering kiss on Camila's lips.

"I know. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be." Lauren smiled, linking her hand with Camila's before entering the room.

"Jesus, took you long enough." Normani huffed.

"Top one is ours. The bottom one is the cheese."

"Hey, Camila. How are you?" Dinah asked as Camila and Lauren sat at the top of the bed with their backs against the wall.

"Fine thank you. How're you?" Camila asked in a small voice.

Dinah nodded, taking a bite of her pizza. "Good."

"You're a pig. Don't talk with your mouth full." Lauren snapped.

"Don't act like you're all clean and well-mannered just because Camila is here." Normani said.

"I might not have the best manners but I don't talk with my mouth full."

"Guys shut up. The movie is on." Ally huffed making Normani and Dinah turn to the TV.

Lauren opened the pizza box and held it out to Camila.

Camila smiled, taking a slice of pizza.

"Do you have any movie requests, Camila?" Ally asked, turning to look at Camila.

"Uh, no. I'm fine with whatever you guys choose."

"Do you like Iron Man?" Normani asked and Camila nodded. "We'll put that in next."

Camila looked up at Lauren who was quietly chewing on her slice of pizza as she watched the movie.

It wasn't really her fault that she was staring, Lauren was the kind of beautiful you could stare at for hours and just never get bored.

Lauren only noticed that she was staring at her when she had to reach across Camila to put the empty box on the bedside table.

A smile stretched across Lauren's lips as she looked down at Camila. "What?" Lauren whispered, not wanting to disturbed the three other girls.

Camila just shook her head, grinning stupidly when Lauren pecked her on the nose.


"Do you have to leave?" Camila pouted as she walked Lauren to the door.

"It's eleven and I've already stayed an hour over the time I usually stay 'til." Lauren smiled, taking a hold of both of Camila's hands and linking their fingers together. "Besides, we both have school tomorrow."

"I know."

"See you tomorrow, bug." Lauren pulled Camila closer with their joined hands and pecking her on the lips before wrapping her up in a hug.

"Drive safe." Lauren nodded, pressing a kiss against the top of Camila's head before hoping down the steps to her car.
