Jisoo's POV

When they started doing the photoshoot I drag Bambam, Rosie, Jackson out there "let Somi do it" I said and we walk ahead of the woods

"Babe, can you open this up? " I heard Rosie says from behind me so I look over and saw that she's trying to open up a gummy bear's pack.

"It's not the time for that... They might hear us" I said but Rosie immediately pout and cross her arms and before she can even glare at me I grab the pack and started opening it up as I give it to her kissing her forehead while smiling... She gets angry easily when it comes to food.

"We'll be dead" Bambam says but I just kicked his leg making  him groan

"Stop being a coward... It's now or never" I said emotionally making Jackson shake his head "have you checked on Kai? " I asked

"I told the airport personnel to held him as long as they can" Jackson says...

So here's what happened...

Somi and Jennie got into a partnership. We told Jennie's dad to suggest a photoshoot so Lisa can be included. Somi is also an ally... I asked her why is she doing this when she likes Lisa, she told me that Lisa changed after the 'breakup' and she doesn't like that so she would rather give Lisa to the one that can make her happy rather than the possibility of them being together but Lisa wouldn't be as happy as the same old Lisa. Jennie's dad is also an ally. Bambam and Jackson kinda make it suspicious but it wouldn't reveal this part of our plan wherein Somi will make Jennie jealous and of course Rosie being Jennie's best friend she knows that Jennie will walk out either way. Now we also made sure that there are security teams and people on the other side where Jennie can possibly go so she doesn't have any choice but to go straight to this forest.

It looks really skeptical in here but it is also owned by the resort not far from here so it's safe down here. We also made sure that we won't lose sight of them so we can go back safely. We waited for a couple of minutes and it goes out as planned. Jennie walks out so we follow her into the woods and we made sure no one will get spotted by either of them. Once she stopped we walk towards the bushes not too far away and hid behind them.

I look over at Rosie and she's still eating but she's watching what's happening while both Jackson and Bambam's also focused. When Lisa arrived we all grin because of the success of our plan but when Lisa's foot fell and got stocked on a hole Rosie gasps but I put my hand on her lips so she won't make a lot of noise. I look over at Jackson and mouthed 'we're dead' I gulp and looked back... Jennie will kill us once she finds out about our plan plus the fact that Lisa got hurt because of this.

Lisa's POV

"Why the fuck aren't you looking at your way dumbass! " Jennie says marching towards me as she kneeled to check my foot.

"Are you worried? " I asked grinning making her look up at me as her face turn red but she immediately gets up to walk away

"Ouch ouch ouch... " I said leaning over at my foot as Jennie rush back to me kneeling again to check. "You fell for that huh? " I said and started chuckling but my chuckling subsides when I felt a liquid dropped on my leg so I scoot closer to Jennie and lift her face... I saw her tears streaming down her face

"Why are you crying? " I asked worriedly while holding her cheek as I wipe her tears away

"I'm worried okay?! I'm fucking worried" she said and keeps on sobbing

"Sorry I didn't mean t-"

"I'm worried, I'm sad, I'm hurt, Lisa... What the fuck is wrong with me" she said and this time she's more like talking to herself "I thought I chose the right thing, Lisa... But I don't like it when you're entertaining other girls, I don't like it when you're talking to other girls and I don't like it when you're happy with other girls and it's not me. " she said breaking down more and I can't help but let out a few tears

"Then why aren't you doing something Jennie? You know that I'm just waiting right?" I said looking at her eyes

"I'm scared... I'm scared that you will do the same thing that Kai did. I'm scared that you'll leave me and let me wait for a couple of years" she said crying. I grab her arm and pull her towards me

"I'm not Kai... I'm not the one who hurt you, Jennie. If someone hurts you doesn't mean everyone else will. If someone gave you the reason to give up on them doesn't mean you won't give effort to other people. If someone took your happiness away doesn't mean no one will give it back to you " I said while rubbing her back to comfort her. I hate to see Jennie cry but sometimes she needs to learn things just for her to open up again to other people

"How can I be sure that you wouldn't be like him? " she asks lifting her head to look at me

"That's why you need to let your guards down and trust me. I haven't been around for too long like Kai... But time wouldn't decide if the person will be worth it" I said "it's Kai's choice to leave you, Jennie... And it's my choice to save you when you were younger and it's still my choice to save you now"

"I'm sorry for being a coward Lisa" she said and pulled me in for a hug... We stayed like that for at least a couple of minutes till I decide to break the sadness

"Well that's not what I'm planning to hear right now" I said mockingly as I wipe her tears away while holding her with my other arm

"Do you plan on hearing 'I love you' from me? " she asks furrowing her brows while looking at me

"Well... Maybe" I said playfully while smirking

"No" she said and put her bitch face on... How can she change her face from a cry baby to a bitch what the actual fuck

"Why? " I said whining while pouting making her roll her eyes from me

"Cause I hate being the same as others" she said pulling out from my grip and standing up to help me pull my foot out of the hole carefully.

"You can't always be unique... It's a usual thing for couples" I said

"Who said we're couples now? " she fired back when she pull my foot away

"I did!  Do you have any problems with that Jennie Kim?! "

"Did you just raise your voice on me Manoban? " she asked furrowing her brows as she leaned over to my face cupping it with her bare hands. I stayed silent and just looked at her eyes "I said what I said Manoban. I hate being the same as the others" she said pausing a bit as she switches her eyes from my eyes and lips

"But... I hate you less than everybody else" she said before smashing our lips together. I can't help but smile when she did and I felt her lips twitch into a smile as well.

"About time!! " we snap our heads and saw Jackson, Bambam, Jisoo, and Rosie behind a bush

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jennie asked while helping me stand up

"Well, you see we're too smart to plan this out... " Jisoo says and they started telling their whole plan while we're listening and once they finished explaining Jennie pushed me aside making me fall on my ass... What the fuck?!

"My girlfriend broke her foot because of the most dumbass plan that y'all have. Do y'all have the same level of IQ as Lisa?" Jennie says and started hitting them one by one including Rosie but she didn't even bat an eye so Jennie grabs the pack of gummy bears from her and you just don't want to know how sad Rosie's face is when the gummy bear was taken away. Jennie kept scolding them all when a couple of guards interrupt to escort us back there. Jennie helped me up again and said sorry for letting me fall back down since she just wants to hit them all

"But did I heard that right? " I asked looking back at her

"What? " she asked looking straight ahead while Mr. Kang's on my other side helping me as well

"That girlfriend thing? "

"I won't say the same thing twice dumbass... But yes, you're my dumbass girlfriend and that's that" she said and I saw her smile with a red tint on her cheeks.

