I dressed comfortably for the school fest today, donning a cozy yellow hoodie and a pair of well-worn jeans. It was an exciting day, as students were encouraged to invite family members, friends, or significant others to witness the event. I was looking forward to the random performances and the delicious spread of foods prepared by different grade levels.

As I settled into the kitchen, I first took a piece of biscuit and cold chocolate milk, the sound of footsteps from the living room alerted me to the fact that Mr. Kang was likely waiting for me. I continued to eat, when suddenly Jennie walked in.

"Are you going to work?" I asked, concerned about her health.

"Who said I'm going to work?" Jennie replied, looking at me with curiosity.

"You're dressed up," I commented, trying to figure out where she could possibly be heading.

"I'm coming to your school," Jennie said nonchalantly, causing me to practically drop my spoon in shock.

"You're coming?" I asked once again, feeling equal parts excited and nervous about having her visit my school. Jennie simply nodded in response, walking towards the fridge to grab a carton of milk and a box of cereal from the pantry.

Jennie poured a generous amount of cereal into her bowl, carefully adding the milk until the cereal was fully submerged.

"Your friend texted me last night about it, and she asked if I'm coming. Why didn't you tell me?" Jennie asked.

I took a deep breath, feeling slightly defensive. "Well...I don't usually bring anyone to the school event, and the school is used to that. I didn't think it was appropriate to ask you to come, especially since you still have work," I explained.

"I took the day off. I'll go just because I owe you something from staying up last night to look at my temperature," she explained.

"I just don't like the thought that I owe you something, so I'll pay you back today," Jennie continued, pulling her gaze away as she began to eat her cereal. The sound of the spoon clinking against the bowl filled the silence between us, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth spread throughout my chest.

I took a quick glance at Jennie's outfit and immediately knew that it wasn't appropriate for the school event. She's wearing her usual work attire that screams CEO. "You should change into some casual clothes. We're not going to your office anyway,"

As I stood up from the table, I grabbed Kuku's food and poured it into his bowl, making sure he was well-fed before we left the house. As I walked towards the living room, I saw Mr. Kang sitting on the couch, a warm smile spreading across his face as he caught sight of me.

"Good morning, Mr. Kang," I greeted him, feeling a sense of respect and admiration for the older man. He had always been kind to me.

"Good morning," he responded, his voice deep and soothing.



s I waited in the car for Jennie to join us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease when I saw her went out from the building flanked by security guards. While I understood that Jennie was a public figure and needed to take precautions to ensure her safety, it is quite a bit for a school event.

As we pulled up to the school, Mr. Kang quickly exited the car and opened the door for us. I stepped out of the car and waited for Jennie to follow suit. As soon as she walk out from the vehicle, she was met with a flurry of excited whispers and stares from the surrounding students. Her presence commanded attention, and it was clear that she was used to being in the public eye.

I stepped up beside her, intending to link arms with her, but she stepped away from me, taking a few quick strides towards the entrance of the school.

As we walked down the hallway, I heard Jisoo's voice calling out to me, "Lisa!" I turned towards her and was immediately enveloped in a warm embrace. However, I couldn't help but scold her for telling Jennie about today's event.

As Jisoo let go of me, I introduced her to Jennie, "Jennie Kim, this is Jisoo, my best friend." Jennie simply nodded in acknowledgement, but before I could say anything further, Jisoo whispered in my ear, "Your girlfriend's rude." Just then, I felt an arm wrapping around my shoulders.

"Lisa." I turned around to see Bambam, a good friend of mine, and a huge smile spread across my face as I embraced him tightly. He held onto me, not wanting to let go, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his clingy nature.

"You missed me, don't you?," He said with a grin.

Just as I was about to catch up with Bambam, I heard another voice calling my name, "Lisa." I turned my head to see Jennie.

"I need to go to the restroom," she said to me, and I nodded, pointing her in the direction of the facilities. But before I knew it, she had grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the restroom with her.

Once we were inside, she quickly made her way to the mirror and began retouching her makeup, leaving me standing there in confusion. "I thought you needed to use the restroom?" I said, watching her intently through the reflection in the mirror.

"I'm using it now," Jennie said, I can't understand her sometimes. Once she was finished, she simply walked out, leaving me there.

As we made our way towards the field, I couldn't help but notice people staring and whispering. I could see people trying to sneak pictures of her without her noticing, and it made me feel uneasy.

It was clear that people were too afraid to approach her and ask for a photo, which I could totally understand. Despite the attention, Jennie remained composed and graceful, continuing to walk with confidence and poise.

"Jennie Kim, let's go over there. There are some people performing, and I'd love to watch." Jennie hesitated for a moment before responding, "There are no chairs over there. I'm going to sit at the bench instead," and began to walk towards a nearby bench. Well, she doesn't seem to be as interested on the performances as I was. I noticed the guards following closely behind her, ensuring her safety.

I turned to look at Jisoo and Bambam, waving my hand for them to go on ahead without me. They looked unsure, as I always join them in those kind of things.

Once they left, I made my way to the bench where Jennie was sitting. As I sat down next to her, I made sure to keep a respectful distance. I knew that Jennie didn't like it when I was too close to her, so I wanted to make sure she was comfortable.

"Do you want to grab a bite to eat?" I gestured to a few stalls nearby, but Jennie simply nodded in response.

As I was about to get up and place an order, Jennie called over one of her guards and ordered him to get some food. I felt a little awkward just sitting there while the guard fetched our food. I still am not used to this.

Once the guard returned with our food, I reached for a bite, but Jennie stopped me with a glare. "Did I tell you that we would share?" she asked, her tone sharp. I felt a pang of disappointment at her words, but I didn't want to upset her.

The view from the bench was obstructed, and I could barely see the performances on stage. I wished I had a better vantage point, but I didn't want to complain and ruin the moment.

Although I was grateful for Jennie's company, a part of me longed to roam around and experience the festival on my own terms. But I didn't want to leave Jennie alone, so I stayed by her side.

As we sat on the bench, one of my classmates from a different subject approached us, asking why I wasn't watching the performances. I felt a tinge of embarrassment at the question, but I quickly came up with an excuse. "My feet hurt, maybe later," I replied, hoping to end the conversation.

My classmate nodded in understanding and waved goodbye before walking away. I felt a small sense of relief, but I couldn't help but feel like I was missing out on something.

After a few minutes, Jennie finished her food and sat there in silence, not even acknowledging my presence.

Our principal walked up to us, greeting Jennie with a warm smile, but she barely acknowledged him with a curt nod. Then, the principal turned his attention to me, and I tensed up, not sure what he wanted.

"I would like to invite Lisa for a short performance," he said, gesturing to the teachers and the student committee standing behind him.

I peeked behind the principal and saw the group of teachers and students. They definitely went with the principal cause of Jennie, she does seem like a celebrity among people in my school.

"I'm not Lisa, why should I be the one making decisions for her?" Her response caught me off guard, and I wasn't sure how to react.
