H2ovanoss: Take it Back!

Prompt- Imagine your OTP where person A opens a large Christmas present, only to have person B pop out shouting "Merry Christmas, A!!" Bonus if person A responds with "Can I have the receipt?"

-Evan's pov-
"Just let me get this thing real quick!" Jonathan yelled as he opened the front door, only to bring in an Amazon package.
"Need any help?" I ask from my position on the tan sofa.
"No, it's for you, and it's like the size of a baseball." Jon replied while bringing in the package that indeed was very small.
Jon quickly ran up the stairs to put the miniature package in the bedroom, and probably under the bed so I don't 'peek and see what I'm getting' even though I know his hiding spot. That's why I put the gifts I got him in the hall closet.
"Okay, I'm back." Jon said as soon as he came back downstairs.
Jon sat back down on his spot and pulled the cheap blanket back over him. We finished what we were watching on the Food Network channel and went upstairs to wrap each others packages. Jon went into the bedroom and I grabbed Jon's presents and some wrapping paper, bows, and any other little present decorations. We didn't get each other alot as far I can tell. Jon may have gotten me more than I think.
We finish up the wrapping and decided to head to bed but only after we put the gifts under our obnoxiously huge Christmas tree.
"love you." I say while wrapping my arms around Jon, slowly kissing him.
"I love you as well." Jon responds.
We head back up stairs to start our night routine of showering and getting ourselves situated under the covers. It took us awhile to fall asleep, with the thought of what the other got us buzzing in our heads, but we eventually did.
I woke up around 9 to find Jon missing. I yelled out his name only to hear no reply in return. I figured he was already opening his gifts and left me in the dust so I got up and headed downstairs.
"What the hell?" I mumbled as I walked up to the huge box the was currently sitting in front of my Christmas tree.
It was brilliantly wrapped with red wrapping paper and a gold glittery bow on top. I kneeled down to find a small tag attached stating the this gift was indeed for me.
I began to tear the wrapping paper when a very excited Jonathan sprung up from inside the box yelling, "Merry Christmas Evan!"
"Can I have the recipt?" I ask with a puzzle expression.
"No, you asshole, you're going to accept me as your gift and your going to love and feed me."
"So like a goldfish?" I asked while helping him out of the box.
"Do you need batteries, did you come with instructions at least?"
"Nope you have to figure me out."
"OK, I'll just google it then."
We sit down with Jon sticking the bow onto his head. We open more presents and at the end we thank each other and start up the coffee. I went to got put the garbage out on the curb since it was infact garbage day and I come back to find a very embarrassed Jon with a broom, sweeping up the remains of a snowman cup.
"See, I'm returning you." I fake angrily yell at him and go up to him only to sweep him off his feet to put him on the counter so he wouldn't accidently step on the broken parts.
"sorry." Jon grumbles with his head cocked to the side, genuinely upset.
"Hey, it's OK we have 30 million other mugs.
"Just feel bad." I then grant myself access to start kissing up his neck, making him laugh.
"Merry Christmas babe."
"Merry Christmas Evan. "

A/N- I think I'm back to writing, if anyone wants to suggest prompts I'll gladly accept them.
