BBS HighSchool AU

-Jonathan's pov-

"Why do Monday's exist?" I look back from my seat at the long brown table to see Tyler and Brian coming into the classroom.

It was indeed first period history on a Monday morning. You could tell it was the start of week by the numerous amounts of coffee cups and heads on the desks. History was defently one of the most favorable classes due to the teacher's ability to make the students laugh with crude humor and the daily "pick on Tyler" segment.

"Tyler, please sit down nobody needs to hear your voice until at least ten." Mr. Lopon's voice rang out.

Tyler looked back as he sat his stuff down at the desk, "You know what, I'm dropping out!"

"I encourage you to do so, it'll be doing all of us a favor."

The whole class is used to the clapbacks and we spend a total of ten minutes each class to insult each other and get it out of our systems.

"What are we doing today?" Craig asks.

"See I will respond to Craig because he's actually a good student, we're doing lecture 13-2 and starting a movie." Mr. Lopon responded.

Chapter 13 was all about the Industrial Revolution, a boring topic for most.  Most people wanted to learn about the bloodshed. The rest of the students start to poor into the tiny poster covered room and sat down with their stuff quickly pushed to one side. We start the PowerPoint with Evan sitting next to me,  his hand quickly findinding mine underneath the wooden table. We were the ones who stayed mostly quiet until Mr. Lopon shoots us a quick dissmive insult about how horrible the basketball team is and of course Evan will respond with a "true".

"You okay? " Evan asked while Mr. Lopon took a break to answer the phone.

"Yea, just studying last night ." I have been pulling some study sessions to help with my lowering geometry grade.

Evan than quickly Eskimo kisses me and than we hear from the back of us, "Mr. Lopon, Evan and Jon are being gross again."

"it's alot more action than you're ever going to get."

"I'll have you know... "

"Anyways, here's your homework due on Thursday of course."

We all put the packet into our binders and focused are attention onto the board where Mr. Lopon was trying to find the movie on communism and socialism. The room was mostly silent for the movie except for the smart comments made about the commentator's accent.


Fifth period was when all the basketball players were getting onto the bus with all their luggage to go to the neighbouring county to play a pre-championship game. Our team was average, but this season has been with little support since the school made the cheer team disband for bullying. Even the team was sure they were going to comeback with a loss and it was a mystery how they made it this far.

Craig and I met up with Tyler and Evan out in the foyer during passing period and stopped to wish them luck with myself giving Evan a kiss on the cheek.

"Text you when we're on the bus?" Evan asked.

"Of course." I respond.

And with that they started to load onto the bus.


-Group Chat-

Evan: help Tyler keeps putting the basketballs under his shirt.

Tyler: ha ur in group chat.

Jon: ty pls stop, ur making them look bad.

Tyler: stop lecturing me mom.

Craig: listen to your mother.

Brian: stop blowing up ma phone.

Craig: listen to ur other mother.

Brian: ur doing it to.

Craig: no, I'm the good kid remember.

Lui: hey gays

Brock: *guys

Lui: no I ment what I said

Brock: *texted

Lui: listen here.

Brock: *read

Craig: quick someone change the topic.

Brock: be my date to prom

Tyler: no



Brian: prom is in 4 months...

Brock: I'm making plans now.

Brian: no

Brock: (。•́︿•̀。)

Brian: jk

Evan: gtg

Jon: good luck (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

A/N- The first part of this when their in class is inspired by my actual history teacher who actaully says stuff like that to us.
