Stalker Alert [Part 2] (James Moriarty x Reader)

After the dramatic incident where your 'stalker' texted Sherlock, the detective had somehow made you move in into 221C. It was basement flat and it was quite terrible at first. But luckily, Mrs Hudson had ordered helpers to clean up the place and you managed to move your things in the basement flat.

It was all very blurry to be honest. One moment you were talking to the Consulting Detective and the next, you were moving in your things into the flat below them. It's funny how life is so unexpected.

Sometimes, you were invited into 221B by John or Mrs Hudson. Sherlock didn't talk much when you were around after the incident. It was almost like he knew something but he kept his mouth shut. When John said Sherlock enjoyed your presence, you doubt it a lot but Sherlock is no normal man. How he does things is different from others. 

The only things Sherlock had told you was "Do not respond to the texts when he messages you. Tell me immediately when he does." That's all he said before he turned away to focus on his experiments. From there, you knew that your stalker was a he and he scared the shit out of Sherlock. A person who can scare the Great Sherlock Holmes must be intelligent,insane and unpredictable.

How fucking fantastic. 


(H/C) eyes fluttered a bit before they scanned the familiar room they were in. You were thankful for the good sleep you had last night because before moving in into 221C, you hardly get a wink of sleep. But it wasn't enough. Learning from past experiences from John and Sherlock, they knew your stalker but they did not speak a word about him. Like it was a taboo to speak about him. 

But you needed answers. You had a right to know. 

You pulled away your comfy blankets and headed straight to the bathroom. Peeling off your clothes, you began to think what the stalker wanted from you. Money, power over you or he's just fucking insane? 

When you twisted the tap, the warm water covered your whole body making you sigh. After you moved in with the Baker Street Boys, he rarely texted you and sent you gifts. You had checked in with your old landlord from your last apartment and he said no one had sent anything there. So he knew you moved in and with the doctor and detective, he could hardly try to communicate with you.

This man... your stalker. He seemed like the resilient kind and you had a feeling he will back somehow. After the long shower with the dramatic thinking, you decided you need to go out a bit. The only time you head out was to attend classes or work. 

Maybe you could text a friend to meet out or head to the library to read some books after class today. You put on some clothes. You walked out of your apartment to greet your neighbours. Mrs Hudson smiled warmly at you when she saw you and invited you into her apartment. She made you breakfast and chat with you for a while.

"You know, I realised Sherlock has been acting odd around you lately," Mrs Hudson mumbled while looking at the coffee that she held in her hands. You looked up to her and gave a questioning look. 

Mrs Hudson's eyes darted from the coffee to you. Looking at your curious eyes, she continued.

"Usually, that boy would go around showing off his skills. Sometimes-actually- most of the time, insulting others. But when he's with you, he's unusually quiet."

You didn't respond but continued munching on your delicious breakfast. Mrs Hudson stood up and washed her cup. 

"Remember this, (Y/N). He might seem a bit odd but he has a good heart." 

Mrs Hudson spoke without looking at you but you could tell she was smiling. You left Mrs Hudson and proceeded to leave the flat for classes.

"Mrs (Y/N)!"

You turned to see Sherlock standing at the stairs. It was odd that he acknowledge your presence. Regardless, you smiled and greeted him. Sherlock climbed down the stairs to get closer to you and you tilt your head in confusion.

Does he want to talk to me?

"You must be thinking it is odd of me to approach you all of the sudden," Sherlock gave a confident smile. 

But it caught you off guard when Sherlock's eyes turn a bit dark. The atmosphere turned slightly intense like when you first met him and John. 

"But I ensure you, Mrs (Y/N) that this is not a friendly chat. I need to tell you something....well John insisted I need to talk you about it."

His calculating bright blue eyes scanned your face and body language. You weren't comfortable in his presence. 

"How long will you take? I don't want to be late for classes," you asked nicely.

"Depends on how you'll take the news," Sherlock beckoned you to his flat. Why is everyone inviting me into their flats?

You put your heavy bag filled with books, stationary and your laptop on the comfy sofa and you sat besides your bag. Sherlock took a chair and put it opposite you and sat down.

What on earth is going on here?

"Mrs (Y/N), I know who is your stalker."

You snapped your head to the man in front of you. Your eyes were begging for answers. "I wouldn't be too eager if I were you," he sigh. He seemed stressed and a little annoyed but nonetheless, he continued.

"Do you know who James Moriarty is? He sometimes go by Jim." Sherlock spat out his name in disgust. You can see it in his eyes how much he despised whoever this man was. 

You let your tongue roll out the foreign name and shook your head. 

"That makes it even worse. Mrs (Y/N), you are unaware that you are part of this dangerous game. Jim likes to play these games. He kills and plays with people. He's an insane and intelligent criminal. I don't know how but he has an interest for you."

"D-dangerous game?," you choked out.

"You were part of the game when Jim set his eye on you. All of the presents he sent seemed like a way to disturb you and get your attention."

Sherlock stood up and walked to the window. Near the window was his table where his precious violin sat. His precious polished violin. He stuffed the volin under his chin and held the bow in his another hand.

"He wants to play with you, Mrs (L/N)."
