I Put A Spell On You (James Moriarty x Reader)

I recommend listening to the song while reading this.

I put a spell on you
'Cause you're mine
You better stop the things you do
I ain't lyin'
No, I ain't lyin'

When James first noticed you, he knew there was something different. You were performing I Put A Spell On You on stage in a crappy bar with drunk men and women dancing around. But when your voice began cloud the room, everyone glued their eyes onto you. 

He was having a drink after a long day of work. Having a criminal empire means a lot of work and shooting people. James needed to be alone with a drink. Although James loved his work, he gets very annoyed with the stupid people he works with. Thankfully, stupid people die first. When your alluring voice disturbed his time, he turned to look at the stage. You were wearing a long red dress. Your hair was tied into a bun and little makeup was applied. Almost everyone's attention including James's was on you. You continued singing with the band. 

You know I can't stand it
You're runnin' around
You know better daddy
I can't stand it cause you put me down
Yeah, Yeah

You smirked mischievously when you sang the third sentence. Especially at the 'daddy' part. The cheers grew louder and some even whistled at you. You winked back at the men whistling at you. "You're fucking hot, lady!" Some random idiot screamed. James rolled his eyes. Even in a bar, he can't get away from annoying people. 

I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You're mine

After singing this part, there wasn't any lyrics for a while. The band continued playing. You simply smiled happily and looking at your audience. As you looked around, a man with black hair wearing an expensive suit was staring at you intensely. He smiled when he realised he got your attention. You smiled sweetly back at him but your attention was at someone else when they shouted about how pretty you are. 
It made James unhappy.He wanted your attention again and that sweet smile. No doubt, you were gorgeous. There was something different about you. 

I love ya
I love you
I love you
I love you anyhow
And I don't care
If you don't want me
I'm yours right now

The way you sang was enchanting. All these romantic lyrics that were singing made him more attracted to you. James left his drink at the counter and made his way towards the stage to take a better look at you. He could see some were ogling over you. Their stares on your shoulder and curves. He didn't like that at all. 

James knew right there at the spot in a crappy bar that you were going to be his and he's gonna make sure you fall for him. (no pun intended)

He will do whatever it takes to make you happy under his wing. To make you blush. To make you smile.

You hear me
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine

Your voice hit a high pitch at the end and it was absolutely beautiful. Your voice was like a voice of angel. You had to be a nymph or a goddess. The song had already ended. Everyone clapped and cheered for you. They whistled and threw random things on the stage. 

You giggled and bowed. "Thank you so much," you spoke with the microphone in your hands. You scanned the crowd in front of you and stopped when you spot the same man with dark hair at the counter. He was now behind the crowd but you could still see him from the stage. The mysterious man winked at you and your cheeks turned red. 

James was disappointed when you went backstage. He no longer could see you again and he wanted to see more of your performance. 

Fortunately, James was the ambitious type. He tipped off the bouncer that was guarding the backstage area. James quickly walked past the many performers. He never really looked at them. His mind couldn't stop thinking you. How you sang and smiled. How your body sway to the beat of the song. 
He caught a glimpse of your dress fluttering away to a secluded part of the backstage area. He walked a faster to keep up with you. He felt a bit annoyed with the people blocking his way. 

A burst of relief and a bit of happiness filled James's heart when he saw you entering a room. He could finally be alone with you. He could finally talk to you.

He approached the door that had '(Y/N) (L/N)' written on it. He knocked on the door gently a few times and tried to be patient. It would be stupid to give you a bad impression. You would run away from him like a scared prey. Is that how he sees you? A prey waiting to be devoured by him? 

He was slightly amused by that thought but all thinking of you as a prey was cut short when you opened the door. You let your hair down and he could tell most of your makeup was removed.
No matter what,  you still looked beautiful. 

"Can I help you?"

You look disinterested and hoped he would go away. Of course, that wasn't going to happen soon. He wasn't going to go away until he has your number. 

"Maybe. Can I come in first?"

He replied smoothly. You nodded and opened the door to let him in. James stepped into the room. The room was very messy with dresses and skirts lying everywhere on the couch and table. On your dressing table was your makeup brushes and nail polishes scattered around. He heard you closing and locking the door. He smirked. This was going to be fun.
The room had a strong smell of sweet perfume and it was stronger when you walked past him. The smell was coming from you and it was making James feel like a kid talking to his crush. Like in the chick flick movies. He had never fell in love and felt this way before. But he knew it felt like something like this from the movies. 

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me your name?"

He gave out a charming smile. "James Moriarty. You can call me Jim. I saw you performing just now. You were fantastic."

"I know." You had a smug smile on your face. James rose an eyebrow and his smile growing. He was starting to like you even more. "I saw you in the crowd,"you continued. " I'm sure you wanted more than giving me a compliment if you managed to past by the bouncers and the other performers."

You sat in front of your dressing table and began removing the rest of your makeup. You could feel his stare while you look into the mirror, removing the makeup. 

Oh, you were smart. Smarter than he initially thought. He was very amused. "Yes, you're right, Miss (L/N). I was interested into getting to know you."

You glance at him from the mirror, unimpressed. Many had come to your dressing room hoping to get a date with you before. You had heard this line many times before. Nonetheless, you continued. 

"Why is that?"

"Because you seem to be an intelligent woman, Miss (L/N). A woman with brains and beauty. What man would have not fallen in love with you?"

"Mr Moriarty, you are charming." 

You turned and grinned at him. James licked his lips and scanned your whole body. You walked slowly towards him.

"Likewise, Miss (L/N)."

You were in front of him now. His hands gripped your arm gently. Massaging it. You hummed in response to his touch. 

"What man would have not fallen in love with me? You ask," you smirked. 

You were very unpredictable right now and you were getting James excited.

"Or could it just be you? The other boys couldn't be bothered with me the moment I stepped off the stage but you immediately came after me. You practically ran after me."

He frowned slightly. You were rubbing in his face about how desperate he was to find you. Almost like you were saying you had him wrapped around your finger. 

You could tell he didn't like that but you continued. "Maybe after all, I did put a spell on you."

You moved closer to his face. Your lips inches away from his. He smiled when you quoted the song you sang before and closed in the gap between you and him.

Both of you kissed until you had to breath for air. Your eyes light up at his bliss face. "You're a great kisser."

He said and you playfully rolled your eyes. Your fingers gently trailed down his expensive suit and taking a whiff of his cologne. You hummed happily and kissed his cheek. 

James was disappointed when you began to step away from him. "A pleasure to knowing you."

With that, you walked away with one finally sentence. "By the way, you should check your pockets, Jim."

You walked out of the room without saying goodbye. His hands immediately went into his pockets and in his right pocket was a card. 

'call me'

It said. He flipped the card and saw your number and a heart. The card smelt like your perfume. James grinned and kept it in his wallet. He looked himself in the mirror. He had a look of bliss and excitement.

Maybe after all, you did put a spell on him. 


Wowo it felt like forever just to finish this. Nina Simone was a great singer and I'm really happy i used her song for this. I hope you like this one shot and if you have resquests please go ahead and comment it down  
