
Name: Wilbur Wright 

Name Sake: ONE of the brothers who invented the plane with the first sustained flight.


Occupation: Chimney Sweep Ghost- Smells suffocating & smoky when passed through)-

Age: Barely 11

Death: Cholera (When stressed or feeling a very strong emotion cheeks take a blueish tinge.)

Likes: Steam Trains, Warm bread rolls on chilly mornings, outdoorsy kind of kid, good hugger

Dislikes: People shouting, loud bangs, 


Wilbur sat in his tree quietly, watching as the new residents of the house went about their lives.

They wouldn't last long. Wiblur knew. But they were doing admittedly good.

The girl, Alison, seemed to be different though. Wilbur could sense it. And not coz he had already seen her talking to other ghosts.

Wilbur sighed, shifting position. A scatter of leaves fell.

"ARGH! Blasted birds- you can get no peace out here can you I just wanted to-"

Wilburs heart raced. Somebody? Another ghost? Shitshitshit- 

he had meant to keep a low profile! Atleast, that was what he had been trying to do for the past 200ish years.

"Hello?? Helllloooo-" Called the voice. "Can somebody-? Help, maybe? Ugh, nevermind...... HmmmmHMMMHmmmhmhm~"

The voice took to humming a tune and wilbur slowly relaxed.



Wilbur startled, falling out of his tree suddenly. 

"OOOooo hello! I haven't seen you before? Im Humphrey- yes I'm only a head- you?"

"Wilbur-" Said Wilbur, staring at the head- Humphrey- with wide eyes.

"Please don't scream!" Pleaded Humphrey. "Everybody always screams when they meet me. Please?"

Wilbur swallowed his fear. "I-I won't scream. " He said quietly.


