chapter 3, crash landing

  As the pod headed down into orbit, the damaged engine had exploded.

  It wasn't long before I was thrown out into the open air. My suit started to heat up, I was reaching terminal velocity.

  I activated my exosuit which quickly formed around my combat uniform like a shell, it helped protect me for a little while but shrapnels of the exosuit began to flake off and melt under the intense conditions it was subjected to.

  I was about to hit the ground, my adrenaline had kicked in, everything was happening in slow motion now. I needed to act before it was too late, but what do I do? Combat training never prepared me for this...

  My exo suit was mostly gone, except around my arms. I put them Infront of my face to shield myself, I redirected all the power in my suit to the arms.

  Soon after I smashed into the ground, the shock rendered my arms useless. I laid in the crater I had left for the time being, waiting for my ears to stop ringing and for my senses to come back to me.

  I seemed to slip into a state of unconsciousness for a moment only to be snapped back into reality a moment later as a piece of scrap metal shot down from the green sky and landed in my leg. It was agonizing.

  The metal was red hot from the fall, it went right through my leg into the ground and cauterized my wound, it's too hot to remove but if I don't my flesh is gonna melt onto it when it cools.

  How do I get rid of it though? I pulled out my sidearm and blasted a hole into it, I thrusted my knife into the hole and leveraged the scrap metal out of my leg, the heat had cauterized it on the way out so I wasn't bleeding.

  At this point almost all my combat armor was gone, my non combat uniform was all that was left. I reached out with my bare hands and climbed my way out of the sandy crater I was in.

  My arms were sore, I'm surprised I could even use them after what I just put them through, infact I'm surprised I hadn't died by now.

  I crawled along the sand toward my escape pod which landed nearby, hoping to find something useful.

  Looking inside the compartment I found provisions of food and water as well as an extra helmet, I took it all.

  Mounted on the wall was a mending gun, I shot my leg with it and the spray immediately got to work repairing bones, muscle and tissue.

  I could walk again. I kept the mending gun with me, I may need it later.

  With all this finally dealt with I need to find my squad mates again, and a way off this planet.

  It seems like I'm in some sort of sandy wasteland, there's no life anywhere.

  I guess I'll rest for now, I won't know when I'll be safe again...

