chapter 2, a desperate retreat

  I heard a ringing in my ears and faint voices. I opened my eyes, my senses returning to me.

  The entire ship was up in flames.
I was disoriented but at least the ringing in my ears was finally starting to die down. "Morgan! You still with me bro?" Tony started shaking me.

  "Uh... Y-yeah... I'll manage" I told him before he put my arm over his shoulder and helped me up.

  "That's good to hear, I'm just glad at least one of you is okay"

  "Wait what do ya mean by that?" He pointed at sarge who was in the middle of coughing up a large pool of blood.

  "Sergeant Blacov!?" I helped him to his feet, it was clear he took the brunt of the impact.

  A nearby pipe had burst open, spilling engine fluid onto the ground around us "we gotta move!" Sarge yelled as we ran.

  As I ran to escape the flames I got a rush of adrenaline, time dialated and everything was in slow motion. The fire was creeping up on us, inching closer and closer, all around us the ceiling came crashing down and walls and pipes exploded.

  The ash and smoke covered the air like dense fog, I could barely see what was Infront of me. Tony was coughing out plumes of smoke, his helmet's air filtration system was damaged "cough cough that air's got some spice to it*

  Despite all this we managed to get to a pod bay...

  My two squad mates got into a pod, I was about to follow them but a robotic arm grabbed me from out of the smoke, pulling me away from the pod which then ejected itself.

  The cytokine soldier punched me in the gut several times before I pulled out my plasma tipped knife and thrusted it right into it's mechanical eye, puncturing the lense and then kicking it into a pipe which Bursted open and blew it into outer space.

  I entered one of the remaining pods, looking outside the window I saw the now one eyed cytokine floating in space, he swiveled around and shot one last bolt of plasma into my pod's engine before his joints fully froze up.

  The pod was spinning out of control, it says my destination is Flechette IV... Great, I'm careening towards a planet that isn't apart of alliance space... And simultaneously predestined to crash land... What could go wrong?
