Normal Day In The Batfamily

Okay listen, I am about to lose my shit, first off, I was literally just searching for some normal books to read about Damian.  I fucking see a Slade x Damian, I thought it was a joke.  It was not, it was also smut, I'm dying.  My eyes need to be bleached, my brain needs to be washed, and arson will be committed.  Anyways, you can be added into this lil universe, no, you will not be getting with nobody.  It is chill, or not chill, like you're a friend of the Batfamily, or a foe.  On with the story.
(Third Person POV)

"DAMN IT DRAKE!" Damian's yell echoes through the manor, Dick sighs, he knows they're gonna start to fight, and he'll have to break it up.  "I JUST TOOK YOUR PEN DEMON SPAWN, YOU CAN'T LEARN TO SHARE?!" Tim yells back "Oh boy, here we go" Dick sighs, Damian storms down the stairs to Tim.  "Drake, give me my pen, or I swear on Satan, that I will make your life miserable"

"You already are, is that supposed to be a threat?" Damian's hand twitches "No Drake, that is a warning, give me my pen." Damian holds his hand out "I need it a little longer, no"
"No? NO?! HELL NO!" Damian lunges at Tim, Tim wasn't suspecting it and gets tackled off the chair.  Dick quickly gets up to stop the fight but Damian pushes him away "Stay out of this Grayson!"

Dick groans in annoyance "They fight 24/7" he says in his head.  He goes in the middle of them and prevents the two from attacking.  "Let me at him Grayson!" Damian yells.  "No, if you two continue fighting, mostly over dumb stuff, I will get Alfred." Almost immediately they turn other ways and walk away, nobody wants an  angry Alfred.

(I'm sorry, I'm still dealing with the trauma, like it even made Damian HAVE A CHILD, SLADE'S CHILD, GET A GUN AND SHOOT ME DEAD!)

(In Damian's room)
"I'm gonna kill Tim, I swear" he says as he sits on his bed, he is accompanied by Titus and Alfred (the cat).  He pets the two animals and lies down, his anger seemingly vanished.  He loves animals, he gets up and goes down to the Batcave, to visit Batcow.

He goes down the many stairs and goes over to Batcow.  "Hey girl" Batcow moo's, greeting him "Should I go ahead and eliminate Drake, or should I wait?" Batcow just stares at him.  "what? He's annoying" he looks at Batcow and groans "Fine, I won't murder him yet".

He leaves the Batcave, he goes up to the roof to clear his mind.  He takes a deep breath, inhaling Gotham's air.  It was awful, sometimes he missed being in Nanda, sometimes.  But he was at his true home, sometimes he would get crazy nightmares like him becoming head of the League of Assassins.  But that didn't matter, he is meditating.

(With Tim and Dick)
"How many times do I have to tell you Timmy? Don't taunt Damian." Dick is tired of the fighting.  "It's not my fault he can't let people borrow things, specifically pens!"
This whole situation was aggravating for Tim.

A knock at the door deters Dick's scolding, Tim opens the door and sees Jason, odd, Jason doesn't knock, he always invites himself in.  Tim gives Dick a confused glance, Dick gives him the same glance back.  Jason walks in and sits on the couch nonchalantly "Replacement, you can stop staring." Tim closed the door "Yup, still the same Jason" Tim says as he rolls his eyes and goes up to his room.


Word Count: 634
