If Slade Survived and Took DAMIAN

Hey dude, author speaking, I'm literally half asleep.  I'm homeschooled but I'm not good at this kind of stuff, I just like to write.  But there will be a few wonky ass moments, also references.  I'm gonna end up doing weird stuff, anyways, I like to make things happen, and that's what I'm gonna do.

(Third Person POV)
It was a normal night for Damian, he was just going on patrol even though Bruce told him not to.  The usual, he had just finished tying up the last criminal when he was knocked unconscious.  Hours later, he wakes up in a dark room, he tries to move but he can't, he's tied to a chair and the knots are expertly tied.  He looks around to see if there's anyone there, low and behold, he's met with a familiar mask.

"I thought I killed you Slade" Damian says, without warning a bright light is turned on.  "You sure tried" Slade answers, he sits in front of Damian.  Damian looks around the now lit room, he realizes he's in an experiment room.  "What are you going to do?" He asks, he knows that being in this room trapped with Slade is definitely not good.  "Well, I plan on making you become just like me, but obviously I won't let it not be painful" Damian knows that Slade's already sent a message to Bruce.

"First I'll torture you, I stab your right eye, like you did to me, and then I'll inject you with a little concoction I made. After that I'll force you into a suit like mine, even give you a little mask. And then I'll force you into a room with two people and make you kill them" Damian realizes how bad his situations is.  "Now, before your measley little family get here, we should start.  Don't worry, I'll make it exceptionally painful"

(Don't worry guys, I'm not typing any of that stabby stabby stuff, anyways, this is after he's been altered, he's released into Gotham to literally murder people)
(With the Batfamily)

Dick: Slade kidnapped little D?!
Jason: Demon spawn is in for hell of a ride

Dick hits Jason

Dick: Be serious Jay!
Tim: He sent a video Bruce

Bruce clicks the video and it shows what he's done to Damian.  Dick was petrified, to say the least, Jason was shocked and so was Tim.  Bruce's eyes narrow, he knows it's gonna be hell to get him and fix him.

Bruce: Boys suit up, we have to catch Damian to prevent him from killing anymore people.

They do as their told, Jason didn't really have to do much but put on his domino mask and then his red helmet. (I'm gonna call them by their field names now) When they finish, Batman splits them up, Nightwing is gonna be with Red Hood, and Red Robin is gonna be with Batman.  Nightwing gets on the back of Red Hood's motorcycle and they drive  towards Gotham, the other two not far behind.

After what felt like hours, they find Damian, he is just about to kill an innocent person when Red Hood shoots Damian in the arm with his rubber bullets.  (yes they swapped his bullets with rubber ones) Damian was caught off guard, he looks at where the bullet came from and sees Red Hood.  Not wasting a second, Nightwing quickly grabs the civilian and puts him on a roof, he makes sure the civilian is safe.

Damian: Why did you stop me?
Red Hood: Is that even a question Demon Spawn?

(okay I'm getting INSANELY lazy rn, so just imagine a fight, Damian against Red Hood, Batman, and Red Robin, so Damian has the upper hand at first but then loses)

They knock him unconscious and take him to the Batcave, they tie him to a chair and Bruce immediately goes to the Batcomputer.  He searches for a cure to whatever Slade had injected Damian with.  Somehow there is a cure and they get started on it, they make Jason watch Damian.  After four hours the cure is ready and they inject it in Damian.

Damian returns to normal and obviously gets smothered with hugs by Dick, he gets scolded by Bruce and blah blah blah, the end.
This the end, I got lazy and am not gonna go and redo this shit.  so anyways, I've been listening to this damn song for 40 minutes.  Hope you enjoyed this one shot, please do give me requests, I will respond to them if I can.

Word Count:759
