Say No- Damian x Reader

This story is set when the reader and Damian are 16 and Tim is 17.

Damian's POV

"I can't believe she didn't tell me" I hear Stephanie mutter angrily as she pass by me and Titus. Me being the person that I am, am slightly intrigued. "I am so going to kill her" Steph voices a little loudly as irritation takes over her body.

"Kill who and why? Because I'm in" I smirk as Steph pauses and turns around.

"Y/N" she states looking somewhat mad and amused.

"Why?" I ask because Steph and Y/N are best friends, also because I can't think of anything bad Y/N could do.

"Because she didn't tell me that she's dating Tim" she states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I open my mouth to say something but I can't. How could Y/N be dating Tim, Tim knows about my crush on Y/N.

"Are you sure?" I ask hoping she couldn't hear my voice break as I try to hope it isn't true.

She turn back around and starts to walk away but not before she says "Yeah pretty sure" with a hint of emotion that I couldn't understand. I was so lost in thought that I failed to see her turn around and slightly lift her mouth up and almost curve it. All I could think about is how I could lose Y/N to Tim, but it does make sense they are always together, laughing and whispering to each other. Without thinking I rush to Y/N room, which I've become familiar with since she moved in. I run as fast as I can almost tripping till I reached her room. I knock gently almost like any harder and the doors going to break.

"Come in" I hear her angelic voice call out as I step into her room and forget to close the door. Without thinking I basically jump on her bed as she quietly shrieks, surprised and slightly scared.

"OMG Dami never do that again" she almost screams and then starts to blush as she realizes how close we are. I look into her e/c eyes and almost forgot why I'm hear until I hear, "Dami did you need something?" Y/N asks curiously.

"You can't date Drake" I whisper quietly looking straight into her eyes. I could see the emotions that swirled in her eyes confusion, shock, and love, but for who.

"What?" she asks confused.

"You can't date Drake, I know you guys are getting closer but he's Drake" I state failing to tear my eyes from hers.

"I can't date Drake?" she questions as if she trying to understand what I was talking about.

"Yes, you can't because your dating me" I say confidently as a smirk takes my face once I see her blush.

"No" she states as fear and sadness overcome me.

"Y/N I promise you that if you break up with Drake I will be there for you and I will treat you the way you deserve, just please break up with him" I state tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"I'm not dating Timmy" she says looking in my eyes as she cups my cheek. I could feel the heat rushing up to my cheek but ignore it.

"Right because your dating me" I say hopefully.

"No because I'm not dating Timmy" she states as if though it's the most ridiculous thing she's heard.

"But I heard Steph say that you're dating Drake" I say confusion laced in my voice. I suddenly hear giggling outside of Y/N's door and suddenly I realize what just happened. "Stephanie I'm going kill you but since I am the kind person I am I'll give you 10 seconds to run!" I shout. I hear footsteps retreating and stand up to chase her when I feel I hand grip me wrist.

"Why couldn't I date Drake?" Y/N ask as I feel the heat rushing back up my cheeks.

"BecauseIreallylikeyouandwanttobetheoneyourdating" I say as she looks at me confused to what the hell I just said.

"Okay one more time but slower" she instructs.

I take a deep breath and look away and say "Because I really like you and want to be the one your dating". After moments of waiting I look up and see her smiling face.

"Really?!" Y/N says her smile widening as her eyes start to shine.

"Yes" I say hoping that she feels the same way.

"I like you too Dami" Y/N looks at me with her eyes full of love, something that I was taught was a weakness.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Of course Dami" she says as she glances at my lips and then I start to lean in slowly but before we could kiss I hear.

"Hey Y/N wanna come with me to the book store I hear they have ne- Nevermind" Drake states as he pops his head in then quickly runs away.

"God I'm going to kill him" I state while glaring at the door.

"No you won't Dami cause then I would have to kill you for killing Timmy" she says trying her best to glare at me.

"Only for you beloved" I smirk as her cheeks become redder and her hands go over her face. My only thought is how lucky I am and how much love I hold for Y/N.


Okay first sorry for the update taking forever, second that was so cringe and I apologize.  Also if you have any request please comment. Anyways thank you for reading, I love all of you guys!

Comment. Vote. And Enjoy.

Word Count: 956
