Before You Go- Dick Grayson x Reader

Grayson's POV

I fell by the wayside like everyone else

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself

Our every moment, I start to replace

'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say

1 year ago:

"We need to talk Y/N" I tell her as she looks over to me with a bright smile and I feel my heart start to race. God stop it your making this harder than it has to be, I tell her in my mind.

"Okay what do you wanna talk about Dick?" she asks before reaching over to grab the fries I haven't ate yet. 

"Umm I just wanted to t-tell y-you, I think we s-should, w-we need to stop..." I stutter out trying to find the words that won't hurt her that much.

"Dick you're scaring me just spit it out" she tells me looking straight into my eyes. That's when I see it the curiosity, sadness, and hope, it's like she knows what I'm about to say yet is hoping for something else.

"We can't be friends anymore, I can't do this" the words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them and I'm glad because the longer I stall the harder it gets. She giggles and I swear I feel butterflies in my stomach but I frown wondering why she's laughing.

"You're kidding right?" she asks looking at me but I avert my eyes because if I look at her I will tell her yes.

"No, I'm not"

"Why?" she asks sadly but like she understands and isn't surprised at all. That hurts, haven't I given her enough reason to trust me, doesn't she see that I'm lying and that I'm in love with her so much that it hurts. When I'm with her I can finally breathe and I feel alive, she's makes my entire world spin but I can lose her if it means she's safe.

"Because you annoy me and at first I thought I could get over it so I tried to but I can't be friends with you anymore, I-I hate y-you" that was the first push, "You are too insecure and I hate having to constantly reassure you that you look fine because honestly you don't. I thought this would be easy but you're too needy and clingy, which is understandable since I'm you're only friend because you pushed the others away. Just like you pushed me away." that was the second push. "Oh don't even get me started on the fact that you don't even try to make new friends or go out. You just stay home all day and do nothing. You are useless and a failure, which I'm pretty sure is why your dad left. He left just to get away from you, it was your fault and you know it." that was the final push. I used everything she told me against her and I knew she would never want to see me. I needed her to hate, to want me out of her life because that would make everything easier for me. It didn't surprise me when I felt a stinging on my cheek.

"Insult me all you want but leave that bastard out if this" she stands and starts to walk away. "Congratulations Dick you lost me, but remember I know you well enough to know when you're lying. I don't know why you're doing this but you are, so clearly you need me out of your life. When you realize that this was a mistake don't expect me to welcome you with open arms, goodbye." I watch her walk away and all I want more than anything in the world was to grab her and keep her in my arms forever. I love her and I want to keep her safe so letting her go is my only choice.

When you hurt under the surface

Like troubled water running cold

Well, time can heal, but this won't


9 months ago:

"Y/N, Y/N are you with us" I hear my english teacher ask as I snap out of my daydream and try to catch up to what we were talking about.

"Sorry yes?" I question as I feel a pair of blue eyes stare holes into me, I glance his way and give a fake smile. 

"Analyze the text for us please and focus" she tells me as I sigh and begin my little speech making sure to avoid eye contact with him.

"In the book we see that betrayal and protectiveness plays a major part. The main character in order to protect their loved one instead of being there and deciding on things together makes the decision for them and let's them go. In some twisted way they think they are protecting them when in reality they are losing and putting them in harm's way. I-"

"Are they really though, I mean in the eyes of the main character there is only one choice and that's losing them in order to protect them from themself and their enemies", I hear Dick speak out and I turn a glare at him before continuing.

"That's stupid because they would be safer with them and not alone, especially since all they have was them. The best thing they can do is be there not let them go." I try to reason with Dick and make him see that I'm right.

"Yeah in your eyes but honestly letting them go is better for both of them", he says looking smug like he just won, but he didn't.

"No its not it the stupid and cowardly way to do things", I tell him looking back at him with the same smug look.

"Yes IT IS", he screams at me walking closer and glaring at me but looking at me with sadness and pity, well news flash I don't need or want his pity.

"NO IT'S NOT", I yell back at him with all the anger and hurt I held back for months.

"THAT'S enough", I hear Mrs. Cox shout at the two of us while glare us down. "Both of you outside now", she says as we both walk towards the exit and stare down at our feet, embarrassed. "Frankly I don't care what that was about but I do know that it can't happen in my class again, understand me", she tells us. "Also you both have detention after school so thank you for the extra hours I have to be here for", she almost shouts very angry, but lets be honest she didn't have any plans so I don't get why she cares so much. I grumble a "fine" and head back into class wondering if I have to avoid Dick or if I don't even have to try since he'll avoid me.

(After School):

"Hello Mrs. Cock oops I meant Cox", I say as I walk in grinning and smiling at her while I just receive the death stare from both parties in the room. "I see is it just us here, are we that special we have our own detention", I ask slightly curious.

"Surprisingly no Mr. We-", she begins but then gets interrupted as a certain familiar redhead crashing into the doors.

"Ow that was so not crash",  hear Wally say as he gets up from the ground and flashes a smile at Mrs. Cox.

"Wow I'm sitting right here and not even a hello some friend you are", I tell him attempting to sound annoyed.

"Omg Y/N is that you. How have you been?", Wally asks as he walks towards me and hugs me. I hug him back putting my head on his shoulder and smile but then stop as I feel a pair of eyes glare at me harder then before. I try my hardest to ignore him and just smile at Wally.

"I've been okay I guess... I've missed you haven't seen you in 2 month", I tell him trying to hold back tears.

"Well whose fault is that I offered to take you with me for the summer but little Miss independent just had to go it alone", Wally states with a teasing yet concerned tone. I slightly smile, while looking into his eyes forgetting where I am till I hear a throat clearing behind me. 

"If you lovebirds want to stop looking into each others eyes and actually start detention then I would greatly appreciate that", he says in a monotone voice but I could see the anger and pain in his eyes.

"Dick is that you, what's got you in such a mood", Wally asked clearly surprised by Dick's attitude towards us, or me. 

"Nothing just angry I have to be stuck in detention because of some tantrum Y/N had", he states calmly looking at me with such disgust that I actually start to question our entire friendship. When he decided to let me go I thought that maybe he was doing it because of some reason I will never get, like to protect me or to save me but now I wonder if he just had enough. All I know is that I'm done acknowledging his existence and hoping one day he'll come back.

"Shut the fuck up Dick it was both of us and stop talking to me seriously. For someone who apparently hates me you just can't seem to stay away can you", I tease smirking and loving how angry he's getting.

"Enough! You start anymore fights and I will have to assign both of you the honor of cleaning the gym after every event, understood", Mrs. Cox shouts looking pissed as I just nod. She looks pleased with the response and walks out, not before telling us she will be back in 20 and to not cause any disruption. 

(Part 2?)


Sorry this sucks so bad my family life isn't the best and I'm thinking of moving out but need to save up money so I've been working extra shifts. I will try to update as soon as I can but honestly none of my writing feels good enough but this is what I love and I'm working on it. I also have a new book coming out that is honestly a cliche but if you could check it out when it comes out that would be amazing. 

Comment. Vote. And. Enjoy.

Word Count: 1,743
